Friday, April 8, 2011

The End of Exorcism and the triumph of satanism!

The Illuminati understood that it would be far more effective to infiltrate and subvert the church than to try to destroy it by frontal attack. Mereka telah melaksanakan strategi ini berjaya untuk semua institusi sosial yang penting. They have applied this strategy successfully to all important social institutions.

By Marie Henrie


The year 1962 saw the opening of the Roman Catholic Second Vatican Council. The Council drew to a close on December 8, 1965.

In 1963, I was in the seventh grade at our local parochial school where my pastor was in charge of our Catechism class. During the Council, he kept us up to date on what was being decided by the Council.

One very important detail remains imprinted in my memory to this day. Father told us the Council had decided that seminarians would no longer be taught the Rite of Exorcism which was, up to this time, a sacramental of the Church.

He said the decision arose from that the new belief that the "Church no longer believed that Satan was an evil entity, but that evil came from the heart of man."

More ....

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