Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Reality and Honest Journalism [ 24 hour] NEWS


Fukushima Now A Melt-Through - Into Last Containment

Strontium Found 62 km From Fukushima In April & May

Fukushima II 3000 Tons Of Water Has Cobalt 60, Cesium

Gunderson - Americans Breathing, Eating Deadly Particles - CNN Vid

NASA Shocked By Vast Solar Eruption

Peru Approves 10 Year Ban On GM Crops

Roundup Birth Defects - The Regulators Knew...

Six Real Examples Of Food Terrorism

Joplin, MO - Before And After The Tornadoes - Photos

China To US - Default Is 'Playing With Fire'

The Fed Built Communism On America's Dime

The Moral Hazard Of Modern Banking

US Debt Default - Worries Grow

US Debt $61 TRILLLION - Over $500K Per Household

Yale Cancels Anti-Semitism Study Program

Bosnian Pyramid Built Over 10,000 Yrs Ago

Dutch Medium Nails Virginia Crop Circle Hoaxer

Eyewitness Of Crop Circle Being Formed In Netherlands - Vid

Investing Scandals To Affect Pension Funds

Example of How Gold Can Be A Protection

TEPCO Loses Power At Fukushima Reactors 1 And 2

Highest Radiation Levels Yet Found In Tokyo Sewage

Japan Admits Fukushima Situation Worse Than A Meltdown

America Dead - Swat Team Raid Over Student Loan - Vid

Memory Card In Mouth Preserves Police Execution Video

Br Nathanael - Growing Up Jewish - Vid

Delta Airlines Outrageous Treatment Of US Troops - Vid

Is Your Governor For Sale To The EPA?

Obama Approval Rating On Economy At New Low

Dimon Confronts Bernanke Over Banking Rules

Bernanke Recovery Fears Send Stocks Tumbling

Internet Censorship Bill Introduced

Facebook Used By Courts To Find Those Only Online

Your DNA Reprogrammed Via Words, Thoughts, Frequencies

Food Inflation Hits Two Year High

Rising Food, Oil Prices Biggest Threat To Recovery

US Taxpayers Raked Over The Fake War Coals Again And Again

Republican Party Reptile Who Feeds On Liberals

Israeli Settlers Blamed For West Bank Mosque Arson

IDF Brutality At Kalandia Checkpoint, Al Naksa Day - Vid

Atzmon - Palestine Vs Solidarity Movement

The Dumping Ground For Despots Welcomes Another

The People Vs The President

Syria Sends Tanks To Town Where 120 Troops Slaughtered

Torturing Bahraini Doctors

Taxpayers Raked Over Fake War Coals Again & Again

Oz Defense Dept 'Loses' 4,000 Pages Of UFO Files

BBC Runs Interference For Bilderbergers

China Confirms First Aircraft Carrier

China Overtakes US As Top Energy Consumer

China - New Skyscraper Every Five Days For 3 Years

India Corruptions Protests Spread

Pakistan's Commitment To The 'GWOT'

Turin Shroud 'The Creation Of A Renaissance Artist'

Commissioner Forces Govt Response To Hollie Inquiries

UK Hacking Scandal Widens To Include Middleton, Blair

Smile, You're On BinCam! Trashed Items Recorded & Stored

FB Quietly Switches On Facial Recog Tech By Default

Root Cause Of Society's Problems - The Special People

I Missed My Chance To Become A Jew

Parking Zones - Traps, Arrogant Abuse

Produce Growers, Pesticide Makers Deepen Their Love

Alfvén (Plasma Universe) Triumphs Again

Waking Sun Threatens Earth Communications, Power

Ash From Chile Volcano Grounds Argentine Flights

Incredible Chile Volcano Photos

Drought Spurs Early Wheat Cutting In Kansas

Unusual Number Of Lightning Storms Hit Hawaii - Vid

14 Dead In China Floods

Surfing Photographer Swims With Sharks

Our Daily Poison - New Documentary On Deadly Aspartame

Radio Waves A Cure For Some Asthma

Mountains Of Debt Improves Self-Esteem - Study

Charter Schools Tied To Gulen Movement Spread

Some Muslim Men Need Sex Slaves To Stop Adultery

Radioactive Signs Tokyo May Be In Grave Trouble

Daini Plant To Dump 3,000 Tons Deadly Water Into Sea

Heartbreaking Evacuations As Fukushima Radiation Spreads

Charlie McGrath - Your Life Is About To Change - Vid

Is Your Governor For Sale To The EPA?

Oz Government UFO files Mysteriously Vanish

Trump's Back - Casting Doubt On Birth Certificate

Gunderson - Terror Attacks Are Organized By CIA

Autism Ideas - Part 5: Spinning

UN Agreement Should Enrage All Gun Owners

Filer's Files #23 -2011 Ancient Astronauts

Filer's Files # 22 -2011 - Shuttle Attracts UFOs

Filer's Files #21 - 2011 - The World Will Not End

5.77 Microsieverts/hr On Street Pavement Near Tokyo - Vid

Japan Admits Possible Melt Through At 1, 2 And 3

How Low Doses Of Radiation Can Cause Heart Disease, Stroke

The Fukushima Radiation Death, Sickness Coverup Begins

Kirwan - Let's Be Clear

Sweet (USS) Liberty

E.coli Summit As Outbreak Source Remains Mystery

VA Child Dies - Possible E Coli Outbreak In NE, TN

New Airport Scanner 'Tunnel' - Radiated In Just Seconds

America's Imperial War On Libya

Carville - 2012 'Very Rough' For Obama, Civil Unrest

Real Reason For Zionist-Inspired Arab Spring?

Iran Could Make Nuke In '2 Months' Claims 'Expert'

Iranian Navy Sends Subs To Red Se

Syria Claims 120 Police Murdered In Ambush

Britain Says Military Assets Deployed Near Yemen

Atzmon - Palestine vs Solidarity Movement

New Video - Miami Cops Execute Man - Vid

Ft Lauderdale Cops Rewrite Laws To Harass Photogs

Cops Don't Know Their Own Open-Carry Gun Laws

10 Biggest Corps That Don't Pay Any Taxes - Vid

Obama's Top Economic Adviser Goolsbee Resigns

American Youth - Obama Is Not Cool Anymore

10 Tipping Points To An Economic Nightmare

Can You Pass the Silver Quiz?

One In Four US Hackers 'Is An FBI Informer'

'Anonymous' Hackers Against Iran = Controlled Op

Gates, Obama Split On Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal?

Cruise Passengers Tell US Security 'Revenge' Nightmare

Anwar al-Awlaki - The 'bin Laden Of The Internet'

Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

Cut Taxes To Boost Economy IMF Tells UK

UK Student Debt To Triple To £70 Billion In 4 Years

The Oil Beneath California

Energy Shareholders Want Fracking Changes

Consumers Reject Labeled Irradiated Food

Biotech Shills Says Neanderthal Made 'GM' Rice!

Kyoto Expiration Threatens UN

Is Hollywood Promoting Chemtrails? - Vid

Oz Climate Change Scientists Receive Death Threats

High Winds Propel Devastating AZ Wildfires

Huge Corruption In Denver Re Illegal Immigrant Costs

Groups Mobilize to Pass Legis in NC to Control Illegal Immigration

Broke Britain Will Love Being An 'Aid Superpower'

Doctors Asked To ID 'Terrorists' Under UK Plans

Water-Fighting Whilst Being Black Is Now Illegal

Mexican Drug Gangs Hang Rives From City Center Bridges

Yoga Guru's Arrest Questioned By Court

Humala Wins Peru's Presidential Runoff

Russian Television Host Closes Down Jefferson Memorial

Pakistan - Narrative, Strands And Strings

Indian Hunger Strike Anti- Corruption Campaign

Abortion Billboard - Privacy vs Freedom Of Speech

Chinese Loss Of Morals - Hit And Run Murder

Educated Citizens Upset Agenda 21 Meeting - Vid

FL Activists Arrested For Feeding Homeless

Man Who Gave Cop The Finger Won't Face Charges

Last Dying Embers Gutter Out In The Gloaming Darkness

Weiner...Weiner (You Couldn't Make This Stuff Up) - Vid

Chef Dips Hands Into Boiling Fat Without Burning

Missouri River Flood Threatens Nebraska Nuclear Plant

Tellurium 132 Found At 4 Locations From Plant March 12

Vastly Underestimated Radiation Emissions Raise Questions

Fukishima - Japanese Feels Betrayed By West

Gunderson On NRC And WH 'Safety Standards' - Vid

Japan Finally Admits 3 Full Meltdowns At Fukushima

Japan May Expand Fukushima Evacuation Zone

Fukushima 'Twice As Bad As Thought' (no...far WORSE)

Br. Nathtanael - Growing Up Jewish - Vid

Mars Structure Found - 750' x 150' Cylinder-Shaped - Vid

950 Millisieverts An Hr In Rubble Outside Reactor 3

Fukishima - Japan's Faustian Bargain With The West

Criminal Complaint Details Obama Birth Certificate Forgery

Why The Sea Turtle Is Becoming Extinct - Humans Again

Palin Staff Tries To Change Wiki Paul Revere Entry! - Vid

The Day Sarah Palin Got Pranked

Supreme Court Grants Illegals Huge UC Tuition Breaks

Best Movie Theater Ad Ever - Vid (harsh lingo)

11¢ Per Mile Toll For To Drive On A PA Public Road

Another US Cop Taser Execution - Victim In Custody

Patriotism Vs Globalism

About Israel & 9/11 - Caller Is Correct, Politician Is Wrong

Israelis March for Palestinian State

National Debt Relief For Dummies

What We Must Do To Save Our Civilization

Caution...Black Hole Ahead

WikiLeaks - Indian Army And Siachen

Young Deer And Fishermen - Fast Friends

Plutonium Found Outside Plant On April 22

AREVA's Water Decontamination Process Revealed - Photos

German Hospitals Struggling With 2200 E coli Cases

Tokyo Employees Start Work Earlier To Save Power

Indian Scientists Find GMO Gene Damages The Plants

A Scary Side Effect of Eating GMO

Officials - US Missiles Kill 16 More In Pakistan

Russian Envoy Heads To Libya - Vid

Yemen President's Brother Behind Palace Massacre

Yemen Pres Has Surgery In Saudi Arabia - Vid

IDF Tallies 20 Palestinian Dead, 220 Wounded At Border

Casus Belli

Israeli Defense Minister - Syrian Regime Doomed

US Seeks Direct Talks With Taliban's Mullah Omar

US Mulls Bigger Troop Reduction In Afghanistan

The Arab Spring Is NOT Blossoming

'A Jewish Life More Valuable Than A Palestinian Life' - Vid

Remembering Decades Of Israeli State Terror

Marching In Step With AIPAC - Vid

Kirwan - Adrenaline

Man Cured Of HIV With 'Immune Gene' Transplant - Vid

Oz Family Laws - Firmly Say 'NO' To Your Child, Go To Jail

Kirwan - Anger And Fear

Tyranny Of The Majority Is Upon Us

The Entire World Financial Collapse In 3 Minutes - Vid

More Bailouts For $600 Trillion In Derivatives - Rothschild BIS

UN Call To Curb Food Speculators

'Bankrupt' Claim Heightens Spanish Debt Fears

The Great EU Debt Write-Off

Political Toadies & A Broken Down System

Ben Shapiro Ignores Jews In Hollywood

French Ban Words Facebook, Twitter From Radio, TV Unless...

Oz Beef Sales Drop After Slaughter Horrors Revealed

US Warns EU Not To Relieve Air Travel Liquids Ban

Terrorists 'Will Outsource Attacks'

Stop These Useful Idiots

'Noah's Ark' Replica May Show For London Olympics

Hacking Collective Targets FBI Affiliate

Utah Man Charged After Paying Bill With 2,500 Pennies

Just The Facts Ma'am

Activists Use Qik To Save Videos After Cam Seizures

Nuclear Age - Millions Fewer Girls Being Born

UN Climate Chief Spews More Doom And Gloom

Scientists 'Trap' Study Elusive Anti-Matter

Why Eating Dirt, Clay Can Be Good

Orang-Utan Bathing In Crock-Infested River

Gunderson - Seattle Residents Breathed Ten 'Hot' Particles A Day

Cams Show New 5.6 Quake, Radiation Pours From 3 And 4 - Vid

Four Sieverts An Hour Gushing Out Of Building 1 - Vid

TEPCO Plan To Hold Off Deadly Water Leak...For 3 Days - Vid

Highest Radiation Ever Recorded At Fukushima

Weekly South African Report

Veggie Sprouts Likely Behind E. Coli Outbreak

Rense & Pastor Manning - What Went Wrong - Vid

Rand Paul - Jail Those Who Go To Radical Political Speeches

Eugenics - A Racist Spin Justifing Genocide - Vid

California To Outlaw Gold Prospecting

Obama May Lose His Job Over Unemployment - Vid

US Postal Service Heading Over A Cliff

Tom Woods: Nullify Now! - Vid

Swiss Banker Unmasks Bilderberg Criminals

$9 Trillion (At Least) 'Missing' From Federal Reserve - Vid

Goldman Sachs Criminals - Too Big To Jail - Vid

Ron Paul On The Debt Ceiling - Vid

Party In Yemen As President Flees

Jewish Voice For Peace? Really??

International Law...And Enforcement

Israelis Rush For Second Passports

USDA To Drop Fines Again Rabbit Seller

10 Commandments Make A Comeback In TN

13 Yr Old Invents Doorbell That Tricks Burglars

The Joys Of Motherhood

15,000 Facebook 'Friends' Come to Sweet 16 Party

370 Water Tanks To Fukushima For Radioactive Water

Israelis Shoot Dead At Least 14 At Syrian Border

Madsen - NATO War Crimes In Libya Exposed

Madsen - No Sign Of 'Rebels' In Western Libya

McKinney Visits Victims Of US/NATO War On Libya - Vid

Europe E. coli Death Toll Mounts

Ron Paul - Fed Loans Mostly Went To Foreign Banks

The Fed Flies Gay Flag

Scotland Smeared As Anti-Semitic For Israeli Boycott

Yemen President Arrives In Saudi Arabia

Gunmen Attack Presidential Palace In Yemen

Bono Facing Huge Glastonbury Protest ­ For Avoiding Tax

Will Germany & France Stave Off A Greek Default?

The Big Fat Greek Selloff

Hunger Manmade By Banksters

Ted Gunderson - Chemtrails Must Stop...Now - Vid

Makow - Canada Set To Be Globalist Bully

Canada Will Ban Posting A Link To 'Hate'

UK Scaremongering 'New Generation' Of Islamic Militants

Food Chain Terrorist Poison Risk - Be Afraid, Sheeple

How Can US 'War Of Drugs' Succeed If Prohibition Failed?

Amateur Finds Mars 'Space Station' With Google Earth

Is There Life On Mars? We May Soon Find Out

Rabid Beaver Alert For Philadelphia River

Chile Volcano Erupts, Prompting Mass Evacuation

Californians To Outlaw Gold Prospecting

Forests Fight Back All Over The World

Drought Leaves Crops Dying In South Of England

Food Pyramid Revamped With Plate Shape

Program Proves Healthy Diet Key To Exam Grades

Anti-Smoking PIlls Scarier Than Dodging Bullets

States Move To Ban e-Cigarettes From Public Places

Mormon 'Freedom Festival' Honors Former Nazi's Compliance

Autism Ideas - Part 3 - Kissinger's Brice's Mind Files

Autism Ideas - Part 4 - The Vaccine Court As Such

Netflix Sharing Will Be A Crime In TN

Gay Softball League Limit On Straight Players OK'd

Continuing Bahraini State Terror

Empire Or Republic? From Joplin To Kabul

Geniuses Adapting Darwin - Panksepp And Damasio

Tokyo Was Covered By A Radioactive Plume On March 15

Pressure In #1 Drops To Near Normal Outside Air

4,000 Millisieverts An Hour Inside #1 Reactor Building

Staggering Reading - #1 Drywell Now At 250 SIEVERTS An Hr

'Another Level 7' Just In The 100,000 Tons Of Fukushima Water

Shizouka Governor Caves - Order Radiation Tests For Tea

Gunderson - Fukushima Worse Than We Think - Tokyo In Danger

Busby - #3 Explosion Appeared To Be A Nuclear Blast - Vid

Superb Analysis Showing #3 Fuel Pool (?) Exploding - Vid

Euro e-Coli Outbreak Likely Caused By GMO Run Amok

CA Secret Nuclear Meltdown - Worse Than Chenobyl - Vid

Obama's 'American Dream' Is A Horror Nightmare

WalMart Plan To Further Decimate, Wipe Out Small Retailers

Free Market Currency 'Bitcoin' Is Booming! - Vid

Homeowner Forecloses On The BANK! - Vid

Silver Price Manipulation And The Coming Silver Shortage

No Rain? No Problem - Dew Pond Construction Plans

Carnicom - Morgellons: In The Laboratory

Turkish Ruins 7,000 Yrs Older Than Stonehenge

White September - Double Strike On Israel

Pak-US Relations At A Critical Point

60 Yrs Of Pak-China Defence Collaboration

Atzmon - I Have Zero Respect For The Mainstream Media

NeoCon/Zionist Policy Introducing Fascism Into The World - Vid

Atzmon - The War Against Terror Within

Learn About The Israeli Wall - Vid

A Palestinian Exile Returns - Vid

A New Male Birth Control Method?

A Nation Obsessed With Weiner

Weinergate: Will Twitter Photo Ruin Career? - Vid

Palin Revere History Flub - Vid

Web Users Worried About Big Business Snooping

Labor's Share of Income Lowest in History

Chemical Testing Allowed on 'Civilian Population'

911 Hate Crime Victim's Extreme Forgiveness

Texas May Bring TSA Ban Bill Back for Vote

Obama Budget Plan - Vid

PA Reactor Scrams For Second Time In 36 Hours

E coli Spreads Around World - 200 New Cases In Germany

Scientist - Clear Shops Of German Food To Cut E.Coli Risk

E.coli Outbreak Taced To German Restaurant

World's Biggest DNA Sequencing Center Studies e. Coli

America's Deadly Addiction - Waging Illegal Wars

Gates Sees Wider US Military Presence In Asia (war)

Israel's Heinous Forty-Four Year Occupation Of Palestine

Bibi 'Reckless, Iirresponsible' Says Former Mossad Chief

Congress Challenges US Involvement In Libya

British Apache Helicopters Slaughter Libyan Forces

Yemen Slides To War - President Survives Rocket Attack

Anonymous Strikes Again - Iran, UAE Hacked

Syrian Forces Kill At Least 34 Protestors

150 Migrants Drown Off Tunisian Coast

New Drug Dims Bad Memories

Dismal Employment Figures Top Off Grim Month For US

US Jobs Figures Cast Doubt On Global Recovery

US Economy In Need Of 3rd Round Of QE?

Moody's May Chop BofA, Citi, Wells Ratings

US Speculators Playing With Our Daily Bread

Superpower US Heading Toward Economic Abyss

UK Economic Recovery On Verge Of Collapse

Fury As IMF, EU Force Cuts, Tax Hikes On Greece

Saggy Trousers Banned On Texas Buses

Council Spending £250,000 To Silence Twitter Whistleblower

BBC Is An Instrument Of Imperialist Propaganda

EU Child Propaganda - Silly Or Sinister?

The Smurfs Are 'Anti-Semitic And Racist'

Wiki - No Bloodshed In Tiananmen Square, Cables Claim

Britain And France To Share An Aircraft Carrier

Bilderberg 2011 - All Aboard The Bilderbus

Bilderberg 2010 - What We Have Learned

Charlie Skelton's Bilderblog

Bilderberg 2011 - More Economic Chaos And Tax Hikes

The Bilderberg Meeting 2011 Set For St. Moritz Switzerland

The Shortcoming, Long Time Going

Bigfoot And Wood Knocking

Japan Govt In Slight Radiation 'Calculation Error' (like DOUBLE)

100,000 TONS Deadly Radioactive Water May Leak By June 15

EU Official Slams Secrecy Over Fukushima Radiation

Zhirinovsky Threatens To Destroy Planet - Vid

Earthworm Plague Sweeps Cincinnati

Thousands Of Worms Turn Up Dead - Vid

Disgusting - Congress Gives $25M In Bonuses To Staff

Local Govts In NZ Call For GMO Ban

China Blames US in 'Internet War'

It's YOUR Responsibility To Stand Up To Tyranny

Obama & Banks Turning Mexico into Military Dictatorship

Woman Screams After TSA Pat-Down Molestation - Vid

UK - Insane Mass TB Vaccinations For Babies

John Edwards Indicted Over Campaign Contributions

OathKeepers Memorialize Marine Killed by SWAT -Vid

Lament Of A Spurned Housewife

Outlaw Josey Wales - Pt 4 - The Burning Platform

Radioactive Water Overflow Would Be Worse Than Airborne

China Dumps 97% Of Its Short Term US T-Bill Holdings

Japan To Expand Already Loose Acceptable Radiation Levels

IAEA - Japan Govt Response To Disaster Is 'Exemplary' (NOT)

Tokyo Radiation Levels Revealed In Japan Communist Party Report

Vit D Protects Against Non-Lethal Radiation, Cancers

Vit D Can Greatly Reduce Fukushima Radiation Damage

New Pentagon Virus To End Religious Fundamentalism! - Vid

Plan To Reduce US Violent Behavior By Putting Lithium In Water!

'Hell Minus One' - Glenn Pace & The Utah Illuminati Whitewash

Senators Want Jail For Embedding YouTube Videos

US Lawmakers Cut DHS Funding

Charges Of Corruption Taint Organic Trade Assn - Vid

America Will Be Dismembered By Its Creditors

The IMF Itself Should Be On Trial

New Strain Of MRSA From Cattle To Humans

Killer e. Coli Strain Deadliest Yet

Free Energy Freedom - Our Power For The Future

Weather Modification - A Covert Weapon

Kirwan - Evil Is Unrelenting

9-11 And The Black Eagle Trust Fund

Dear President Obama

What Bibi Didn't Say In Congress Speech

Palestinian Boys Burned By Mystery Israeli Canister

Jew Settlers Flood, Ruin Pal Land With Wastewater

IDF Bulldozes Pal Agricultural Lands Near Bethlehem

Palestine Under Forty-Four Years Of Occupation

Clinton - World Must Unite Against Assad's Government

UN Pressed To Lift Afghan Sanctions

Apple Causes 'Religious' Brain Reaction In Faithful

Could Cyber War Turn Into 'Hot' War With US?

Google Hacking Allegations 'Very Serious' - Clinton

Chinese Spies Had Months Of Gmail Access

Google Attack - Blaming China 'Unacceptable'

Miami Cops Ordered Man At Gunpoint To Give Up Video

Hispanic Population Surges Across US

BP Not Meeting Gulf Of Mexico Spill Obligations

Kansas City Cops Shoot Dangerous Concrete Alligator

JFK Ominous Legacy Prediction Year Before Murder

British Shoppers Suffering 'Stockholm Syndrome'

EU Spends £20m Yr Pushing Left Wing Causes In US

Cameron Big Slave Society Replaces Jobs With Volunteers

Polish PM Alludes To Unbuttoning Journalist's Dress

Spy Cam Catches Burglar With Stolen Laptop

The Blood Drinking, Zombie Cannibals Are Imploding

Assisted Suicide Advocate Jack Kevorkian Dies

The Antibiotic Era Has Put Millions At Risk

El Paso Pneumonia And Flu Deaths Increase To 106

Drug Report That Dares To Tell The Truth

Calls To Legalize Cannabis And Ecstasy

Failed War On Drugs Devastated Societies Worldwide

Japan - Some Green Tea Banned Over Radiation

6.3 Quake Hits Near Fukushima

Cesium 137 In DE Drinking Water Over Max Levels

Obama To Raise A Billion For Re-Election Bid (installation)

Bankster Holding of PIIGS Debt Chart

14 States vs The EPA

Sen Judiciary Committee OKs Plan To Filter The Net

US Law Allows Testing BioChem Agents On Civilians

Pakistanis Had Osama Where They Wanted Him

History Of Political Correctness - Vid

Chinese, German Researchers Identify Sequence Of Deadly e.Coli

New MRSA Strain Eludes Tests Found In Cow's Milk

NutriSmart System Would Put RFIDs Into Your Food

Goldman Lost 98% Of Libya's $1.3B Sovereign Fund

Osama Is Dead Again...A Few Of The Reports

Illuminati Guide Europe's Invasion By Migration

More British Mind Programming

17 Year-Old Chinese Boy Sells Kidney For iPad 2

War On Drugs A Failure (shocking)

MSM Awakening To The Financial Meltdown

Usurpation Of States Rights At Heart Of Gulf Fiasco

Neo-Cons Support Obama's Illegal War On Libya

Home Prices Keep Falling in 19 Cities

Shame ON Texas And The TSA

A 'Real' Grad School Ad - Vid

Japan PM Kan Survives No Confidence, Stays On

IAEA Admits - 'There Is NO Safe Level Of Radiation'

Internal Radiation Exposure In 40% Of Fukushima Refugees

Radioactive Waters Rise In 2, 3 And 4 - Overflow Possible

WHO - The E. Coli Europe Outbreak Caused By NEW Strain

Russia Bans EU Vegetables Over e. Coli

The Cold, Deadly Facts On Cell Phones And Cancer

20 Cell Phones With The Highest Radiation Levels

Ancient Electrical Devices In The Great Pyramid?

TSA Sexually Assaults My Mother - Vid

TSA Pays $2k To TX Woman Whose Breasts Were Exposed

The Curious Case Of Roger K Young

Bin Laden Raid Pure US Theater Say Pakistanis

NATO Extends Libya Annihilation Another 90 Days

Israeli Billionaires Caught In Iran Trade Storm

Retired Israeli Spymaster - Don't Attack Iran

Iran's Parliament To Take Ahmadinejad To Court

Self-Confident Women Terrify Old Arab Tyrannies

'When I Want A Sex Slave, I Go And Buy One' - Vid

Scores Dead In Yemen Street Battles

Offshoring Is Destroying America's Economy

DSK Ally Accused Of 'Orgy With Little Boys' In Morocco

NYPD's/DSK's French Connection

Forget Entrepreneurs, Only Banks Can Create Wealth

Banks Buy Bulk Of Nearly £40b Of New UK Debt

Greece Deeper Into Junk Territory - Moody's Cuts Again

Banksters Destroyed Firm Caring For 31,000 Old People

Diesel To Soar 15% As British Supplies Start To Dry Up

Belarus Applies For $8bn Emergency IMF Loan

Escalating The Asian Arms Race

The Nameless Villains In The Shadows

What Is Behind China's Huge Empty Cities?

Detained For Photography In Baltimore - Pt 1 - Vid

Detained For Photography In Baltimore - Pt 2 - Vid

EUssr Elite Spend Millions On Private Jets, Parties

Couple's Mortgage Busting Downsize To Shotgun Shack

War On Drugs Not Working - Global Commission (gosh)

Decriminalise Possession Of Drugs, Celebrities Urge UK

Chinese Gmail Attack Raises Cyberwar Tensions

Nigerian 'Baby Factory' Raided - 32 Teenage Girls Freed

States Harming People Most In Need

My Daddy Is A US Marine

RT vs The Mainstream Media - Vid

No News Obama Vows Victim Scheme

Mladic And International Justice - Age Of Deception

Argentina Battles Multinational Grain Giants

China Land Deal Causes Unease In Argentina

Tornado Over Massachusetts River - Vid

Top NY Atty In Legal Action To Stop Fracking

China Rainmakers Struggle With Severe Drought

Canada Tries To Hide Alberta Tar Sands Carbon Emissions

Brazil Grants Building License for Amazon Dam

Youngsters Reveal World Of Worries

Photos Before Nanny State Too Fun Out Of Childhood

FDA Simplifies Death/Disease By Malnutrition For Masses

Simple Vitamin Supplement Can Alter Imbalance

S&P Chops TEPCO To Junk Status, Shares At Record Low

4.7 Quake Hits Nigata - No Damages Reported

Kaku - We Came Close To Losing Northern Japan - Vid

French Find 60x Annual Limit 40 km From Plant

Enraged Mother In Fukushima City Leaving - 'We've Had It'

Several Tornadoes In Massachusetts - Vid

Tornado In Northern CA

Another Psychopathic SWAT Raid - This Time Davis, CA

Charlie McGrath - Reality At Last - Vid

Biggest Drop In US Birth Rate In 30 Years

Autism Ideas - Part 1 - The Brainy Ms Grandin

Autism Ideas - Part 2 - Offit, Come Off It

Autism Ideas - Part 3 - Kissinger's Brice's Mind Files

Autism Ideas - Part 4 - The Vaccine Court As Such

Netanyahu In DC Affirms Zionist Hold On Congress

Netanyahu & Stalin - Addressing Rapturous Audiences - Vid

The Strange Case Of Dominique Strauss-Kahn - Vid

Two Drugs To Help Expel Plutonium Due In July

Business As Usual For Monsanto, Fort Detrick And Atlas Venture

Fall Of The US Empire, Breakup Of The Geopolitical Matrix

Labor Market Worries Rise

Dreaded Housing Double Dip is Here

While Japan Unwillingly Exports Radiation...


Fluoride - A Sinister Way To Dumb Us Down?

Evan Longoria Saves Reporter With Bare Hand Catch - Vid

Dutch Freeman Advocate Institutionalized

Canadian Jews Against Support For Israel

Makow - Pat Tillman - Hero Or Willing Dupe?

New Low We've Reached - First Responders Allow Man To Drown

EPA To Grab Your Water

Tom Woods On Extremism - Vid

Buckle Your Seatbelts For The Crash Of 2011

NT Atty General Sues US Govt over Fracking

Airline Add-On Fees Double to $21.5B

FL Welfare Recipients Must Take Drug Test

UK - Fracking Shut Down For Causing Earthquakes

Octomom's Fertility Doctor's License Revoked

Cabbage Leaf Art

500,000 Becquerels Per Kg Found In Some Rainwater Drains

Japanese Retirees Offer Help At Fukushima

TV News Special Report On Chemtrails - Vid

We Are On The Verge Of A Great, Great Depression

Charlie McGrath - Economic Death Spiral For Main Street - Vid

US Home Price Dive Passes Great Depression Slide

EuroRats Pushing For Tax Integration

Europe Warns US To Speed Up Bank Reform



Russian Nuclear Expert Blasts TEPCO For Lying

Japan Vastly Underestimate Fukushima Disaster C

School Kids Near Fukushima Told 'Wear Long Sleeve Shirts'

Strontium 90 Found 10 km From Fukushima Plant

China Going For 'Safe' (oh?) Thorium Reactors

Fukushima Explosion Explanation More TEPCO BS?

Three Million MILLION Potential Lethal Radiation Doses - PDF

Explosion At Fukushima Plant Likely A 'Gas Cylinder'

Oil From Fukushima Leaking Into The Sea

Japan - Land Of The Rising Silence (About Fukushima)

Criminal Complaint Charges Obama Birth Record Forged

Obama Doubts Surge Over Corsi Blockbuster Book

Kenya Probed Claim Obama Was Born There

'Birther' Book Sales Soars

Bibi And Barky - Resumes Compared

Harmful GMO Bt Toxin Found In Human Blood

Mystery Disease Kills 300 Sheep Within An Hour

Kazakhstan - Hundreds Of Rare Saiga Antelopes Found Dead

The Smart Meter Rebellion

House Defeats Bill To Raise Debt Ceiling

WHO Study - Cell Phones Increase Cancer Risk

China Intends To Absorb Mongolia

ICE Puts The Cart Before The Horse - Arrest Employers

Jewish Heir Fights 'Restitution' Of Property

Do Religious Jews Make A Loyalty Pledge?

Conditioned To Love Deception

Interactive Map of Botched Police Raids

Field Trip To The Santa Monica Mountains - Vid

Inviting Chaos - The Perils Of Toying With The Debt Ceiling

US Ripe For Nuclear False Flag Attack

E-Coli Infected Vegetables In Europe Kill 16

Blood-Sucking Rabbis Pervert Circumcision

Israeli Minister - Strike On Iran May Be Necessary

EPA & Army Corps to Seize All Water

Cyber Attacks Are Now An Act Of War

Lockheed Martin's Hack Attack

Japan Fails In Pledge To Re-House 30,000 Victims

Fukushima Plant Workers Face Further Tests

Signs Obama May Have Mental Disorder

Waging War At Home & Abroad While Pledging Peace

The Enablers And Their Psychopathic Masters

Al-Jazeera Footage Shows Western Troops In Libya

Child Castrated By Syrian Intelligence Butchers - Vid

Five Generals Defect As Pressure Mounts On Gaddafi

Britain Steps Up Mind Games Against Gaddafi

Israel Must Accept Arab Spring Changes The Game

Arab League Backs Palestinian Membership At UN

The US-Israeli Train Wreck

Yemen Demonstrators Killed

Church Downplays Homosexuality As Cause Of Abuse

West Must Push For World Cyber Security - UK Minister

UK Cyber Weapons Program To Counter Cyber War Threat

China Warns Outsiders Not To Create Mongolia Unrest

EU Works On New Greece Bailout Package

EU Plans To Strip UK Of Bank Regulation Powers

Home Prices Double-Dip Confirmed

Putin Reveals Massive Russian Road-Building Program

Can DSK Buy His Way To Freedom?

Brits Switch £60b Of Mortgages To Interest-Only

Goldman Traded $1.3 Billion In Libyan Funds

Triangle Group Of UFOs Fly Over CA - Vid

China Bans Bisphenol A In Baby Bottles

Research Links Toxins In War-Zone Dust To Ailments (gosh)

French Drought Fears Yields Govt 'Surveillance Cell'

Dramatic Water Tornado Off Australia Coast

Kevin Annett Deported By UK Pedophile Elite

World Soccer Body Fifa Growing Bribe Scandal

Astonishing 225+ SIEVERTS An Hour In Reactor 1 Drywell

Fukushima Dead Zone Likely As Radiation Soars

Obama's Secret Gun Control Plan

How America Betrays Its Own Veterans

Fake CNN Gulf War Reporting - Vid

Carbon Emissions Economic Indicator Soars To Record

Daughter Of A Feminist Speaks Out

Tom Woods On Slavery & Natural Rights - Vid

Fracking In Texas Oil Fields = Pollution & Drought

Protests In Resource Rich Mongolia China

Police War On Cameras & Citizen Ignorance - Vid

Entrepreneurial Scholarships Instead Of College

Generic Drug Shortage Due to Limited Profits

Rodent Fashion Show

Milk Cows Moved Out Of Fukushima Evacuation Zone

Scathing Review Doesn't Stop Nuclear Fuel Maker

Incredible - Fascist Cops Harass CNN Over Secret Morgue - Vid

Lauren Booth - Bias At The BBC - Vid

Heathrow Passengers Rebel After Seven-Hour Delay

'Defamation' - A Film About Anti-Semitism

The Incredibly Fragile Condition Of The US Middle Class

Remington Knew Of Fatal Rifle Flaw For Decades

Docs 9,000 Times More Likely To Kill You Than Gun Owners

Obama Is The Wrong Target

Myth And Reality Of American Aid

Ex-CIA Chief - US Caused MIdeast Crisis, Obama Clueless

NWO ..The Final Solution - Vid


$5 Gas Coming This Summer

Goldman Sachs Sees (says) $5 Gas This Summer

Remember The USS Liberty On Memorial Day

Memorial And Veterans Day Hypocrisy

When Faith In US Dollars Is Dead The Game Is Over

Celente - Gold Standard Won't Save US Economy

Celente - Spain's Protests To Go Worldwide

Arrested Jefferson Memorial Dancers Going Back

Obama Plans Gutting Regulations For Corporate Favorites

Hitler Approved Hess Flight To Gain Peace With Churchill

French Minister Quits - Accused Of Sex As

DSK - Longtime Zionist Operative

Chairman Mao May Not Have Written 'Little Red Book'

World Tired Of West Dictatorial Stance

Netanyahu Asked Cdn PM To Stop G8 1967 Border Support

Good Week For Bibi, A Bad One For Barky

Israel Police Gear Up To Possible September Riots

Israel Can't Trust Obama

Mideast - Who Cares What Obama Says?

US Dropped Cluster Bombs On Misratah

NATO Kills 14 Afghan Women And Children

Russia-US Copter Deal For Afghan War

McCain - US Should Have Used More Force In Libya

Strange Images Found In Egypt Giza Pyramid

Germany Pledges Nuclear Shutdown By 2022

China Goes Organic After Glowing Pork, Exploding Watermelons

Oz Turns Against Green Tax Propagandist Cate Blanchett

Table Of Deadly Components Commonly In Crude Oil

How The 'Ecosystem' Myth Has Been A Sinister Tool

Why Idolize Sports Stars?

Amazon Activist And Wife, Shot Dead In Brazil

Spy Cams Used To Target Student Protestors

Twitter Unmasks Anonymous British User In Legal Battle

Parts Of Moon Interior As Wet As Earth's Upper Mantle

UN Agenda 21 - In Your Face - Vid

GMO Toxins In Vast Majority Of Pregnant Women, Fetuses

New Study - 83 Autism Cases Caused By Vaccinations

Egypt Opens 7 New Ancient Tombs To Tourists

Work Stopped At Fukushima Over Very Heavy Rains - Vid

Extremely High Radioactivity In Reactor Building 2 - Vid

High Levels Of Radioactive Cesium In Fukushima Snow

TEPCO Admits Stabilizing Reactors By Year End Impossible

Fears Big Storm Could Spread Fukushima Radiation

Pump Failure Nearly Brings Reactor 5 To A Boil

Rense & Tim Flanagin - Radiation In Your Home And Your Body

US-Japan Push Mongolia To Host Spent Fuel Storage Dump

Britain's PM Resigns From Jewish National Fund

Weekly South African Report

They Warned Us - Vid

China Adamant US Must Keep Hands Off Pakistan

FKN News - G8 Love Death Money And Bombs - Vid

Br Nathanael - Zionist Thugs Behind US Police State - Vid

The Buffer Zone And Pop-Up Walls

Arrests At The Jefferson Memorial For Dancing! - Vid

Gaddafi Attacked For New Gold Currency - Vid

UNICEF Discloses Prices of Deadly Vaccines

Biker Sarah Palin Misses George W Bush

Google Steals PayPal's E-Payment Secrets?

AZ Land Selling For 8% If Former Price

G8 & Sarkozy Push For Internet Control

Why The Smallpox Virus Exists

Obama, Financial War And The Elimination Of DSK

Pakistan - Untold Stories

True Story - Mumbai Carnage

Typhoon Songda Weakens, To Pass South Of Fukushima

Radioactive Trench Water Rising At Reactors 2 & 3

Rothschild BoE To Take Full Control Of UK

Bank Of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer Eyes IMF Job

Axis Of Evil Plans To Finish Off Gaddafi

Taliban's New Tactic - High-Profile Inside Jobs

NATO General Injured By Afghan Suicide Bomber

100s Of Palestinians Cross Reopened Gaza-Egypt Border

Fears Over UK Fluoride Plans

Have The Metropolitan Police Gone Mad?

Calls For EU To Probe Big Oil Price Gouging

EU Ruling Unleashes Internet Cookie Monster

The Unstoppable March Of The Tobacco Giants

12 Sq Mile Mongolian Metropolis...With No People

Obama Totally Out Of Control - Where Is American Outrage?

Encircling Russia With US Bases

Call To Mass Drug Americans By Putting Lithium In Water!

The Door Is About To Shut For Americans

Exclusive - Mormon Sex Slave Revelations - Part 3

US Marine Executed By SWAT Team - Are You Next? - Vid

Stand Up Against SWAT Team Murders & Abuse - Vid

Woman Arrested - Asked Cop For Biz Card - Awarded $82k

VT Enacts Conditional Universal Healthcare Coverage

Pharmacidal Pfizer Hid Anti-Smoking Drug Chantix Dangers

BP Disaster Paid Out Only 20% Of $20 Billion Total

Sesame Street Pinko Puppets Brainwash Kids

US Sitcom About Indian Outtsourcing Called 'Racist'

Lockheed Martin Hit By Cyber Attack

Lockheed Martin Takes Over UK Nuke Bomb Base

DEA Licensing Marijuana Farms

Bigfoot Caught On Video? - Vid

Vampires Are Real

20 Most Well-Read Cities in America

Vatican Shuts Down 'Playboy' Mansion-Style Monastery

TEPCO Claims Cooling Restarted At 1 Through 4 Fuel Pools - Vid

TEPCO Restarts Cooling Of Fukushima Reactor 5

Typhoon Songda Hits Amami Islands - 199 km Hr Winds

Move Out Of The City! - Vid

More Rain For Flooded Montana Residents

India's Stingy Poverty Definition Irks Critics

Russia Endorses UN Offense Against Gaddafi

Obama's Dangerous Precedent In Libya

Holland To Begin War On Drugs

Obama Incurs 'Congestion Tax' On UK Visit

Why I'm Not Overwhelmed By Federal Government Treachery

Landmark Case Could Stymie Legal System

The Gold Stock - Bullion Disconnect

Makow - 'British' Betrayed 56 Dutch Resistance Agents

US...Friend Or Foe Of Pakistan?

Pakistan's Security

Ideology Of 'Safety' Over Individual Rights - Vid

Schuller's Crystal Cathedral Mega-Church For Sale

TEPCO - Fukushima Not Ready For Typhoon High Wind, Rains

Extremely High Radiation Off Miyagi and Ibaraki Seafloors

Fukushima Equal To At Least 50 Chernobyls Now

Iodine 131 In Hong Kong Fish - 2,000 Miles From Fukushima

Gunderson Gives Testimony To NRC Despite Sabotage - Vid

Letter From A Fukushima Mother

Typhoon Rains Expected To Cause More Fukushima Leaks

Fukushima Plant Not Prepared For Typhoon, Bad Weather

Fukushima Wildlife Suffering From Radiation

Another Great Flood? - The Missouri River

Kirwan - The Enemies Within!

Kirwan - Fortress America

AIPAC 101 - What Every American Should Know - Vid

SS Admin To Change Docs To Fit Obama SS# Fraud!

Soros' Influence On The Media

10 Signs Of US Dictatorship

Strauss-Kahn Faces Rape Charges - Another Woman Steps Up

Diplomatic Immunity For Strauss-Kahn? -Vid

IMF Chief A 'Rutting Chimpanzee'

Who Will Take Over the IMF?

EU Ministers Approve $111b Bailout For Portugal

Charlie McGrath - Unstoppable Freight Train To Collapse - Vid

How Do You Like Your Weather? Natural Or ManMade? -Vid

US Soldiers Against Phony 'Terrorism' -Vid

UN International Criminal Court to Arrest Gadhafi?

It Is Illegal To Wish The Taliban Success - Vid

US Military Drones On A Carrier Near China

Geithner To Use 'Bookkeeping Maneuvers' To Extend Debt

Russian House Speaker Threatens Scalar Weapons -Vid

Ron Paul on Civil Rights & Property Ownership -Vid

Law Deans Bring Home The Bacon

New $700 DNA Life Span Predictor

Brazilians Forced To Embrace Homosexuality

TIME Finally Takes A Serious Look At The Fukushima Crisis

TEPCO Admits 3 Reactors May Have Melted Down

Radioactivity At Reactor 3 Surges At Water Intake

Saltwater In Reactor 5 Slowed Hamaoka Shutdown

#3 Temp Soaring - TEPCO Injecting 15 Tons Water/Hr In Last Ditch Try

Forensic Medical Global Analysis Of Fukushima Daiichi Crisis

UC Berkeley - NoCal Kale, Strawberries Top Soil Cesium Rises

Koussa 'Helping NATO Bomb Secret Gaddafi Sites'

UN - Iran, North Korea In Missile Technology Swap

Israel Navy Fires Warning Shots At Gaza Aid Ship

Ex-IDF Revealing Military Violations

Mossad In London Raid On Syrian Official

Israeli Violence Brings Death On Nakba Day

Egyptian Cops Fire At Rally Outside Israeli Embassy

Blackwater Founder Creating Merc Army For UAE

Saudi Diplomat Shot Dead In Pakistan

Ahmadinejad 'Under A Spell' Says Khamenei

Obama Warns Of New Crisis If US Defaults On Debt

What Huckabee's Exit Means (yawn)

Trump Not Running In 2012 (bigger yawn)

Emanuel Ends The Daley Mayoral Dynasty

Wiki Cables Show Race To Carve Up Arctic

Midget Minds And Lost Cojones

Why Gadget Makers Wield A Kill Switch

Toxin From GM Crops Found In Human Blood - Study

Chronic Wasting Disease Jumps From Canada To Korea - PDF

Rense & Dr Chris Fichtner - Time To Put Marijuana In Every Home - Vid

Air France Crash Boxes Found, Audio Extracted

Kirwan - America's Death Squads

Language, Culture And Country

US Govt Spy Balloon Crashes Into AZ Neighborhood - Vid

Satanic Psychopaths Loot US Pensions

Bible Scholar - New Testament Books, Letters Bogus

The Time Of The Clown Princes Who Would Be Kings

German Law's Holocaust

US Awards Grant For Ebola & Marburg Vaccine

Judge Denies Bail In Strauss-Kahn Arrest

Was Strauss-Kahn Set Up?

Strauss-Kahn's Arrest Rocks French Presidential Race - Vid

IMF Chief Undergoes DNA Test Over 'Sex Assault'

UK Cops Get Software To Watch Digital Movements

Irish Cops Nap Dissident Republicans Before Queen's Visit

MPs Hit Govt Covert Aids To Nuke Industry

Satanism Fear Stalks Village As Animals Tortured, Killed

Migrants Can Stay In UK If Been There 14 Years

RAF' WWII Recon Photos Go Online

UK Treasury Facing Daily, Hostile Cyber Attacks

Mazin Qumsiyeh' Arrest Yesterday - Vid

1948 Al Nakba- A Family's Collective Memory

Pakistan's Information War

Post Osama Play - Watch Out Pakistan

Fatal Fukushima Damage May Have Been Quake-Caused

Very High Levels Of Plutonium Found 30 MILES From Fukushima

Nabka Day At The Syrian Border - Vid

Beauty, Thy Name Is Diana

Cell Phones, Towers Are Killing The Bees, Study Finds

Perfidious BBC

Doomsday Fears Push Underground Bunker Building

Apocalypse Now? Exploring The End Myths

History Of Jewish Bolshevism -Vid

Why Do People Resist Conspiracy Concept?

3 Teens Charged In Craigslist Murder...Over $600

Obama Orders The Death Of Another US Citizen?

UK 7/7 Bombing Truther Found 'Not Guilty'

TEPCO - Maybe Years To Remove Fuel Rods From Reactor #1 - Vid

Who Will Take the Radioactive Rods From Fukushima?

Highly Radioactive Soil Found In Parts Of Tokyo

Tepco Finally Admits Reactors 2 & 3 Also Holed At Bottom

Japan Town Saved By Seawall Built By Mocked Mayor

Mississippi Floods Threaten New Orleans

25,000 Flee As Floodgates Open To Save New Orleans

Radiation Dump Into Mississippi Still Not Measured

Protocols Of Traitors - The AIPAC Conference

AIPAC 101 - What Every American Should Know - Vid

At Least 12 Dead In Israel Border Clashes - Vid

Palestinians, Syrians, Hezbollah Penetrate Israel

Atzmon - From 'Right Of Return' To 'Return In Practice'

Palestinian Villages Destroyed During The 1948 Nakba

I'm Sick Of 63 Years Of Israeli Occupation - Vid

Rebranding Israel

Solidarity With Palestine

Incredible Cache Of Stutz Automobiles Found In Barn, Outbuildings

Strauss-Kahn No Longer Electable To Many French

Makow - IMF Chief's Sexual Behavior Typical Of Illuminati

Six Charged In US Over Support For Pakistani Taliban

Koch Bros Under Attack By Film Maker Greenwald

Disney Trademarks 'Seal Team 6' For Toys, Games, Movies

World's Richest Dinner Party Guests Worth One Trillion

Pamela Geller - US Patriot, Extremist Or Zionist Loon?

Pakistan-US Ties

How Does The UN Relate To NATO?

Angry Pakistan Drops Intel Sharing With West

Pakistan May Cut NATO Afghan Supply Line

NATO Must Murder Gaddafi Says UK Military Chief

Israeli Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestinians Video Released - Vid

Dark Zionist Forces Out To Kill Off Egypt's Dream

Forensic 'Holocaust' Evidence That Few Jews Will Confront - Vid

Protests Increase Over World's Largest Nuke Plant In India

'Secret, Dark Debates' Fan Flames Of Eurozone Turmoil

Why Europe Is On The Brink

Greece Islands Will Not Be Loan Collateral Warns PM

Thousands Of Athenians Forced Into Rural Migration

UK 'Green Deal' Herald 2 Decades Of Drastic Cuts

Curious Links Between New BBC Chief And ex-BP Boss

Scotland Yard Fights To Hide Jack The Ripper Files

Armed British police to patrol Dublin streets for Queen's visit

Judge Attacks Journalist's Child Protection Expose

Salaries Of Top Execs Are Rocketing Out Of Control

The Great Red Cross And General 'Charity' Scam

250,000 Indian Farmers Commit Suicide In 10 Years

Palaces Of Excess And Temples Of Wisdom

Ban WiFi, Cell Phones In Schools - European Leaders

Junk Food Costs UK Health Care More Than Cigs, Booze

Taking Asthma Drugs? Avoid Grilled Meat (avoid it, period)

Bizarre Internet Craze 'Planking' Claims First Victim

Strong 6.2 Quake Jolts Japan 57 Miles From Fukushima

Two SIEVERTS PER HOUR Found Inside Reactor 1 Building (death)

TEPCO 'Trying To Find' Millions Of Tons Of Deadly Water - Vid

'Unlawful Killing' - Princess Diana Film Banned In UK

Head Of IMF Arrested For NY Sex Attack

Movement Arises To Challenge AIPAC

Pandora's Box - Massive Fraud & Tax Evasion All Linked To Illegal Arms

Pandora's Box - To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question?

Immigrants For Sale, $5 Billion In Profits -Vid

Feds Grab Huge Alaskan Oil Reserves

How You And The States Can Stop REAL ID

Papers Please! Connecticut's REAL ID Drivers License

Eye-Lock: Personal Portable Iris Scanners

Why I've Never Married

Recent Ft Worth Thunderstorm Blows Scores Of Transformers -Vid

Jackass Alert - Tax The Middle To Fund The Rich

'The Rich' Don't 'Create Jobs'...We Do

Obama To Partially Repeal Drilling Moratorium

New Pop Star President of Haiti

Reclaim Your Mind

TEPCO Hid Deadly Radiation Levels Before #3 Blast

Third Worker Dies At Fukushima Daiichi Plant

Pacific Ocean A Radioactive Garbage Dump

Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Confirmed

Radioactive Ash In Tokyo After March 11

Sauder - Way Down Beneath The Moonless Mountains

Hamaoka Nuclear Plant Successfully Closed

Cajun Country To Be Mississippi Flood Sacrifice

Flood Waters Engulf Mississippi Town

How The Illuminati Got Above the Mormons

Libya - NATO Strike Slaughters 11 Imams

Gaddafi - 'I'm In A Place Where You Can't Get Me'

Ahmadinejad Sacks 3 Ministers In Power Struggle

Egypt Holds Mubarak's Wife For Crimes Against State

Syria - Tide Turns In Favour Of Assad

Some Final Thoughts On The Death Of Osama

Unlawful Killing - New Diana Death Film To Stir Things Up

Royal Family - Gangsters In Tiaras

Hitler and Bormann Were Traitors

Mystery Helicopter Landed Scene Of Dr Kelly's Death

Google Lobbying Nevada To Legalize Self-Driving Cars

EU Warns Denmark About Starting Border Checks

Delayed UK Carrier Won't Have Jets Until 2023

Power Crisis Forces China To Stop Diesel Fuel Exports

China, Russia Impose Export Restrictions On Petrol

India's Top Courts Bans Deadly Pesticide

UK To Allow Cloned Meat And Milk

African Superstitions Spread In UK - Kids Said 'Witches'

Men Behind The Men Who Work The Lie Machine

Roy Tov Attacked Again By Israeli Servants

Insects Infuriated By Cell Phone Signals

Amazing - Cat And Owl Playing Together - Vid

Can You Find The Surfer On This Giant Wave?

Radiation Now Over 1,000 Millisieverts An Hour Reactor Bldg 1 (death)

Robot Finds High Radiation In #3 Reactor Building

Water Gauges In #2 And #3 Probably Also Reading Wrong

Reactors 1, 2 And 3 Have All Melted Down - Analysts

Gunderson - #1 A Disaster, #2 Leaking Profusely, #3 May Explode - Vid

Madsen - US - Wag The Dog

911, Erin, Weather Weapons And The War On Islam - Vid

Cameron Spinning A Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan - Vid

House OKs Bill Speeding Up Offshore Drilling Permits

Atzmon On Chicago TV Show - Vid

Court - No Right To Resist Illegal Cop Entry Into Your Home

Child Can't Hang US Flag Drawing - Might Offend Other Students

Kirwan - The West has Chosen!

Japanese Radiation & Tainted Export Products

Japan's Astronomical Debt Is Reliant On Export

If Japan Is Sinking Who's Responsible?

Charlie McGrath - Crisis After Crisis = Collapse - Vid

EPA Orders Frackers To Disclose Disposal Practice

Mysterious Boom Sound Heard Across VA

Which Is More Evil, al-Qaeda Or Israel?

Israel May Rush Deployment Of Advanced Antimissile System

US To Use Pakistan Region For Insurrection

Human & Animal DNA In Vaccines

Libya Being Tricked into Globalist Control

Israeli Soldiers Train to Shoot Down Missiles

EU & UK Licensing Of Herbs Benefits Big Pharma

What Is Wrong With The CDC?

Google Extorting Users to Get Cell Phone #

Cop Taser Executes Man For Running Stop Sign

Makow - Hitler and Bormann Were Traitors

Arabs Urged To Say NO To Aspartame - The Hidden Danger

He Served The Empire Abroad...And Was Killed In His Home

Chicago School Shooting 'Safety Drill'

Better Robot Conference in China -Vid

Meltdown Has Caused Multiple Holes In Bottom Of Reactor!

TEPCO Doesn't Know How Much Water, If Any, #1 Can Hold - Vid

TEPCO - 'Must Be A Large Leak' - Greenpeace Warns Of Flooding Blast

Reactor #1 Damage Far Worse Than Expected

TEPCO Blasted For 'No Plan' - May Take 'Years' To Stop #1 Leak

Is Tokyo Getting Blasted With Fukushima Radiation? - Vid

AIPAC 101 - What Every American Should Know - Vid

Kirwan - Grandeur And The Life It Represents

Devvy - Update Quo Warranto As It Relates To Removing Soetoro

Worst Is Still To Come From Mighty Mississippi

Montana Braces For Round Of Record Flooding

Facebook Paid PR Firm To Smear Google

FKN News - War Is Peace! - Vid

Texas Schools Cams To Track Student Lunches

George Soros Funds Liberal News Media

Illuminati Run The Royals

Korean CDC Delays Confirming "Mystery Virus" Is H1N1

Iran Running Worldwide Smuggling Network Claim 'Experts' (yawn)

Amnesty Intl Hails WikiLeaks As Arab Spring 'Catalysts'

Taliban Suicide Bombers Kill 80 In Pakistan Revenge Attack

Bahrain State Terror Continues

'What Is Coming Is Greater And Worse' Says al CIAda 'Leader'

Europe To End Passport-Free Travel In Migrant Row

Jury Acquits UK Truther John Hill

Proof Campbell And Blair DID Lie About The Iraq War

UK Plotted To Destroy Saddam For Iraq's Oil

£2.50 Tax To Take Your Kids To UK Public Park

Resurrecting The Bogus FARC-EP Files/VZ Connection

Liberals In Southern AZ To Form New State?

EMF Fields And Their Effect On The Environment

Sacked Cashier In China Bank Bomb Attack

Goldman Sachs Shares Fall On Lawsuit Talk

OZ New Gold Rush In Outback

The Secret Battle For Arctic Riches

Heart Disease Deaths 4x Higher w/Low Salt Intake

#1 Reactor IS In Meltdown - Holes In Reactor Bottom - Vid

Confirmed - Radioactive 'Lava' Eating Thru Reactor Bottom

TEPCO Admits #1 Meltdown May Be Through Bottom Of Containment

Much Bigger Damage To Reactor #1 Admitted By TEPCO

Severe Breach In Reactor #1 Will Slow TEPCO 'Optimism'

Underwater Robot Captures Huge Fukushima Damage - Vid

NATO Tries To Kill Gadaffis Again - Home Compound Hit

Democracy For A Few - Israel's Repressive New Laws

The Navy Seals That Shot bin Laden

Charlie McGrath - Financial Collapse Guaranteed! - Vid

Virginia's ObamaCare Case In Biased Court -Vid

Doctors & Hospitals - ObamaCare 'Unworkable'

War-Zone Dust Linked To Aliments

Where Have All The Real Men Gone?

The People vs Goldman Sachs

US Trade Deficit Jumps To $48 Billion

Maine Sells Food Sovereign Towns Out

More On Bed Bugs And MRSA

rBGH Hormone is Dangerous to Health

Worse Than Expected Damage Seen At Japan Reactor

Nuke Plants, Refineries Near Swollen Mississippi

Flood's Crest Delivers Fresh Misery In Mississippi

Obama Allows Senators To Look At Photographs

Republican Describes 15 Photos Of bin Laden Corpse

Troubling Questions About Osama's 'Death'

What Barry Soetoro Obama Is HIDING From US

Kirwan - The Answers Are Written on the Wind

NYC Arrests Useful Idiots Plotting Synagogue Attack

Obama Offensive Over Immigration

America's Death At The OK Corral

US To Spend $30m Fighting Internet Censorship Abroad

The Dead Gulf - Cholera Oyster Outbreak Sickens 11 In FL

Pneumonia, Flu Death Toll In El Paso Increases To 68

Chihuahua H1N1 Likely Mystery Virus In South Korea

Demjanjuk Convicted Of Being A Nazi Death Camp Guard

Human Trafficking In Israel

Israel Revokes Residency Of 140,000 West Bank Residents

'The Wanted 18' - Palestinian Documentary - Vid

Escaping Zion - Matrix, WWII And Now

Fairy Tales Do Come True?

Cameron - Start Aghanistan Troop Withdrawal Now

'Democratic' Libyan Rebels Killing Civilians In Benghazi

Cameron Invites Libyan Rebels To Open Office In London

Yemeni Forces Kill 18 And Wound Hundreds In Unrest

Tsunami Flips Japan From Big Aid Donor To Recipient

Spain Earthquake - Up To 15,000 Left Homeless

Spain Quake - Was Raffaele Bendandi Correct?

USGS Says Bendandi's Spain Quake Prediction Is 'Without Merit'

Cameron Admits Sending Letters From Fictitious Officials

Met Gun Teams Get 'Deadlier Bullets'

Weathermen Are Worthless (So Give Them £10m More)

The Moment At Man Takes His Last Breath On TeeVee

Denmark Announces Decision To Reintroduce Border Controls

Europe's Greek Tragedy

Riot Police Clash With Protestors In Athens

Patent Granted For Andrea Rossi Energy Catalyzer

End Time Madness - Beginner's Guide To 'Planking'

MRSA 'Achilles' Heel' Gene Found

US Cicadas Ready To Hatch After 13 Yrs Underground

Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half

Halfway Round The World Before Truths Has Pants On

Disabled People Must Fight For A Different Society

Water BELOW #1 Reactor Fuel Rods, Total Meltdown Thought - Vid

TEPCO - Virtually No Water In #1 Reactor Or Its Containment!

Fukushima Radioactive Smoke Blocks Live Cam! - Pic

The Great Fukushima Deadly Radioactive Smoke Out - Vid

TEPCO (Finally) Admits MOX Reactor 3 Is Leaking

NRC Waives Fire Rules At US Nuke Plants (what rules?)

Obama Says States Cannot Enforce Immigration Laws

Obama Approval Rating At 60% (huh?)

Obama Heckled As He Panders To Illegals

Seven Dead After Earthquake Hits Spain

Apple Tells Senate Tracking Is Not Stalking

Google Chromebook May Cost Microsoft Billions

All Cellphones To Have Government Alert Chip

The Hollywoodification Of Washington

Makow - The Market Is Fixed

Feds Paid Out Big Settlements For Brain Injury (Autism) - Vid

H1N1 Likely Linked To Korea Fatal Pregnant Case

Frequent Tamiflu Resistance In DE And MD

Grab For Arctic Reserves Of Oil, Gas, Fish & Trade

Bedbugs With Superbug MRSA Found

IL Senator Proposes 'Fat Tax' For Obese Children

Increased Corn Supply To Ease Food Prices

Loser AIG & Treasury To Offer 300M Shares

Live By Treachery, Then Die By Treachery

Google Lobbies NV To Allow Driverless Cars

The 'No New Diseases' Hypothesis

FEMA Wants Disaster Victims To Repay $22M

Prince In Foreclosure??

Radioactive Water Found In Reactor 3 (MOX) Pit

New Fukushima Smoke - 'Don't Worry!' Says TEPCO - Vid

New Fukushima Reactor 3 & 4 Fires? - Graphic Footage - Vid

Beginning To Look A Lot Like (A Fukushima) Christmas

TEPCO Reviews Status (sort of) Of 4 Fukushima Reactors

MIT - Fukushima Chain Reactions AFTER Quake, Tsunami

Hamaoka Shutdown Could Trigger Chain Of Power Outages

Watchdog Blasts Feds For Cutbacks On Radiation Monitoring

Japan To Move Away From Nuclear To Renewables

Japan Quake - Some Town Now Flood During Normal Tides

Devvy - Removing Obama/Soetoro From Office

Bin Laden Didn't Live There, Says Neighbor

'That's Not Osama' Says Neighbor - Vid

Gaddafi Targeted In Series Of Precision Strikes

EU To Open Benghazi Office To Back Libya Rebels

Lebanese Police Send Fleeing Syrians Back

Commemorating Palestine's Nakba

E Jerusalem Residents - Lawlessly Revoking Their Status

Protests - Chile Backs Giant Dams In Patagonia Valleys

Mormons Abandon The Rule Of Law

Kirwan - Who Is Leading Us To Where

Mississippi Flood Devastation - Vid

Geithner Eliminates Hi-Tech Transfer Restrictions To China

FEMA To Confiscate Food From Local Farms?

The Red Planet Mars - A Classic Film

MS Residents Spend 14.2% Of Their Income On Gas

EU Files On All AIr Passengers, Even What They Eat

DARPA Video Surveillance Will End Public Anonymity

Tamiflu Resisatnce Spikes In Delaware

Corporate Tax Breaks, Derivatives ­ The New Pyramid Scheme

How COMEX Crashed Silver From $50 To $35

New General Strike Over Greek Austerity

Greece's Doomed Generation

Fukushima - No Way Out

States Triumph Over Federal Govt -Vid

Utah Sticks It To The Bankers With Gold (Starts Today) -Vid

Study Says Secretive Vaccine Court Pays Out On Autism

FL Bows To Big Pharma & Keeps Mercury In Vaccines

Fukushima Reactor Bldg 4 Leaning, May Collapse - Vid

TEPCO Admits It May Have To Slow 'Repairs' Over Radiation - Vid

Radiation Very High At #3 Spent Fuel Pool (uh, WHAT pool?) - Vid

New Vid Shows NO Spent Fuel Pool Left At MOX Reactor 3 - Vid

Rense & Shimatsu - Shredding The Deadly Lies Of Fukushima - Vid

Br. Nathanael - The ADL's War On White America - Vid

Ron Paul's Immigration Policy

SNL Republican Debate -Vid

Massive Spike In Feds' Spy Program On You

Pakistan Skeptical Over OBL 'Death' -Vid

Is Pakistan Being Cast At The Next Evil Doer?

Inflation Fears - Real Or Hysteria?

Obama to Hand Space Jurisdiction over to Europeans

Obama Uses Immigration To Win Hispanic Votes

Mass Control - Engineering Human Consciousness - Vid

NAS Confirms Fracking Pollutes Ground Water

Fracking Study May Bring Regulation To Gas Industry

Jewish ABC Plans Show - 'Good Christian B*tches'

Movie 'The Believer' - Nazi Jew As Nihilist

Vancouver Parents Protest Gay Propaganda In K-7 Schools

KY Election Officials Sentenced to 156 Years

India Court Urges Death Penalty for 'Honor Killings'

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Speaks The Truth

Silver Likely To Bounce Despite Bears Sour Grapes

US Homeowners Lose $6.5 Trillion In Equity Over 57 Months

Microsoft Buys Skype for Bigger Force on Internet

US Dollar vs Euro: Who Sucks Less?

Sequel To Osama's 'Killing'

Osama Kicks The Bucket

Invisible UFO? Frightening, Deafening, Ground Shaking Noise - Vid

Kirwan - What Have We Become

Methane Pollution Of Water Rises Near Shale Gas Sites

Housing Crash Is Getting Worse, Not Better

US Home Price Drop Accelerates

UK House Prices Fall By £40,000 In 4 Years

Obama Under Pressure To Slash Pakistan Aid

US To Move F16 Jets To Poland

Orthodox Jewish Paper 'Sorry' For Hillary Deletion

TX To Allow Concealed Guns In Public Universities

The Farce Goes On - Bush As Shakespeare

If You Get A Text Message From Obama, It's No Prank

NATO Butchers Bomb Libyan Capitol Again

Libya Ship With 600 Refugees Sinks - All Lost?

Israel's Ex Spy Chief Says Strike On Iran Stupid

Iran Push For Regional Domination Gets Boost

Egyptian Christians Say Under Organized Attack

Syrian Tanks Move In City Of Homs

Tunisia Reinstates Curfew After Protests

Thousands Of Moroccans Call For Reforms

Bahrain Docs Blindfolded, Beaten, Tortured

Democracy, Haitian Style

Dutch Zionist Tells Canadians - 'Islam A Threat'

Mau Mau Torture Files Britain's 'Guilty Secret'

UK Legal Crisis Over Twitter

Kushner Snub Over 'Anti-Israel' Views Reconsidered

Circumcising Truth In The Valley Of Death

Painkillers Like Ibuprofen Increase 2nd Heart Attack Risk

Teen Lesbian Latest 'Corrective Rape' Victim In SA

'Slutwalking' Phenomenon Spreads Around World

Thousands March Against Violence In Mexico City

Russia Parades Military Might For Victory Day

Canada Joins US In Reducing Testing Of Milk For Radiatiion - Vid

Survey Shows High Radiation Outside Of Exclusion Zone

Fukushima #3 Explosion Blew Plutonium All Over The Place

Survey Shows High Radiation Outside Of Exclusion Zone

Schumer Proposes No Ride List For Amtrak Trains

Afghanistan - US Troops Stress High, Morale Low

Charlie McGrath - The Real Crisis - Vid

Government Sponsored Technologies For Weather Modification

1898 Riker Electric Car - Amazing

Hasidic Jewish Paper Removes Hillary From Famous WH Photo

Japan Closes Nuclear Plant While Seawall Is Built

Pakistan Fears US Raid to Steal Their Nukes

Boehner's Plan To Flay America

Feds Tighten Security At Underground Facilities - Vid

Oil Rises Above $101 After 15% Weekly Loss

Libya Rebels Get Oil Payments Via Qatar Fund

Kashoggi, Mormon Illuminati And 911

Bin Laden Swindle Sets Stage For More False Flags - Vid

Osama Herbal Remedies Used to Discredit Dialysis

Cheney & Rumsfeld Praise Torture

A US Widow Mourns, An Army Lies

Multiculturalism - The Agenda Of Organized Jewry

GMO & Nanotech Batteries Grown From Viruses - Vid

AZ Wants Online Donations & Prison Labor For Border Fence

Coming - Behavioral Modification Drugs Like 'Liquid Trust'

Sovereignty Expands Locally

NASA's Giant Cloud Weather Machine - Vid

Medical Marijuana Revenue Grows Like a Weed

Greeks Extend Their Stay At Club Euro

CA Police Break Car Window At DUI Checkpoint - Vid

Children Are Targets of Anthrax Vaccine Testing

Be Warned of Digital Video Deception -Vid

Fukushima #3 Explosion Blew Plutonium All Over The Place

Opening #1 Released 500m Becquerel Plume - 700 Millisieverts/Hr Inside

Radiation Leak At Japan's Tsuruga Nuclear Plant

Doubt On Safety Of Sellafield (UK) Mox Operation

Nuke Industry Must Learn And Build No More Plants

New US Flood Warnings - Vid

Memphis Braces For Worst - Army Battles The Mississippi

Homes Abandoned As Mississippi River Keeps Rising

War On Terror Is A Reichstag Fire False Flag Operation

New Bin Laden Videos Appear Fake Like Earlier Ones

CIA's bin Laden Ghost Vows No US Security In Final Tape

Obama Says CIA Osama Ghost Had Pakistan Support

Pakistan PM To Warn US It Will Defend It Air Space

Bin Laden, Wherefore Art Thou? - Pt 4

Bin Laden, Wherefore Art Thou? - Pt 5

Two Muslim Leaders Asked To Leave US Flight

US Muslim al-Zawahiri World's New Top Bogeyman

Kirwan - Freedom's Flame is Flickering

Amazing Footage Of UFOs Over Hawaii - Vid

Renewable Energy Can Power World - Disgraced IPCC

Offshore Wind Farms 'Are A Costly Mistake'

Chemtrails - Illegal Aerosol Activity In Drought Stricken Texas

Sometimes Govt Plots Are Worth Believing In

Hefty Health Care Costs For Pentagon

FL Teens Must Pull Pants Up - New Law

Apple Staff Talk About 'Corporate Dictator' Steve Jobs

Disgraced CIA Director Deutch Joins The Obama Admin

Get A Jab, Get An iPod In NC School District

EU To Spend £225m On Army Of Professional Liars

EU 'Wastes £12bn On Arab Aid'

Greece Appeals To Brussels For More Financial Aid

What Really Triggered Oil's Greatest Rout

Switzerland Threatens To Clamp Down On Tax Exiles

American Poles Boycotted Jews In 1919

Zionism, Jewishness And Israel Now Online - Vid

Did You Know - Vid

Ivory Coast - Mass Grave Found

Carla's 'Pregnancy' Fails To Bring Sarko Baby Bounce

Concerted Media Efforts To Smear UK Tax Protesters

Blair Used 'Children's Cash To Set Up Office'

UK Stormtroopers Taser Unarmed Man

Police Withheld Ian Tomlinson Evidence

UK Right To Protest Being Destroyed By Cops

In The Saucer Pod On The Way Somewhere

(Mis)Using G-O-D

Troy Anthony Davis: Unjustly Sentenced to Death

Half Of Injured Children Receiving Unnecessary Brain Scans

Obesity Doubles Breast Cancer Risk

Obama's Hollow Victory

The Killing Of Osama bin Laden

New Fukushima Reactor 3 & 4 Fires? - Graphic Footage - Vid

Temp In Fukushima 3 (MOX) Up 40c In ONE Day - Meltdown?

Japan Refuses to Abandon Nuclear Power

More Flood Evacuations For In TN & LA

EU Makes to Own Greece After Bankruptcy

The Euro vs Greek Currency

Final Words On Bin Laden Hoax

Br. Nathanael - Trump Has Been Silenced

Alien Abduction Taped On CCTV? - Vid

Cheney Diagnosed With End-Stage Heart Failure

North Dakota Tells DC To Stuff ObamaCare

Pentagon's Costly Health Care Entitlement Program

Gunderson - Fukushima Mox Explosion, Air/Water Contamination - Vid

First US Drone Murders Since Pakistan Warning

FKN News - Osama Is Dead - Long Live Obama - Vid

EPA Wants To Control ALL Water

Missouri Farmers On New Madrid Flooding - Vid

Br. Nathanael - Presidential Picks For 2012 - Vid

Dead, Missing, Jailed ­ BP Whistle Blowers

Will Humans Survive The 6th Extinction?

US Is Fracking Goldrush For Multi-Nationals

Ron Paul Says Stop Nation Building After OBL Death - Vid

Paul $1M in One Day & Best Chance To Defeat Obama

MA And OR & Feds To Track Car Miles Via GPS

Hillary Alarmed Over Food Prices

WWII Vets - Let's Not Forget - Vid

Rabbi Convicted Of Groping Israeli Army Officer

Eurocrats Caught Trying To Merge England & Britain

Islamic Demo US Embassy London May 6 - Vid

Alternative Media Rankings Surge as People Want FACTS

Brazil Scuttles Democracy for Gay Marriage

Officials Investigate NY Nuke Reactor Shutdown

Feds Refuse Extra Radiation Testing Of Milk, Water

There MAY Be A Two Year Window IF No More Big Quakes Hit

Bad Water Valve Found In Japan Nuclear Plant - Vid

Japan PM Calls For Nuke Plant To Shut Down - Quake Risk

Wilkerson Prophecy - Quakes In Japan And US

Historic Mississippi Flood Waters - Evacuations - Vid

Mississippi Flood Disaster Unfolding

Mississippi May Flood Until June - Vid

Lake Champlain Flooding In VT, NY

Spring Rains Delay Planting - Food Prices May Rise - Vid

Massive Spring Rains Slow Ontario Planting

Food Prices Driven Up By Global Warming Say Warmers

US To Give Gaddafi's Money To Rebels (less handling charge)

Pakistan Army Warns US Not To Stage More Raids

Staged Bin Laden Killing Hokum

Bin Laden, Wherefore Art Thou? -Part 3

Why Islam Rejected CIA's Bin Laden

Pakistan's Army Fights To Restore Credibility

Feared Egypt Security Chief Gets 12 Years

Ahmadinejad Allies Charged With Sorcery

Intel Says US 'Train Threat' From 'al-Qaida'

Jay Carney Floundering Under Pressure - DC Insiders

Ron Paul Wants To Cut Off Foreign Aid To Israel

Kirwan - Ending Political Lives

Americans Are Going Wild

Another Plan To Tax Us Into Oblivion - Cars By The Mile

US Whites Under Demographic Gun

Environmental Illness in Kids Costs Billions

Israel Hit By Israeli WMD

Scientist Says Word 'Evil' Isn't Strong Enough

Sears Selling Porn

Pyschopaths Create Malware For Mac OS X - Report

Monsanto In Haiti - 130 Tons Of Seed Delivered...

Haiti Cholera Deaths Now 5,000 ­ UN Peacekeepers To Blame

Hundreds March In Mexico City To Protest Violence

97 Yr Old 'Most Wanted Nazi' Protests Innocence

Britain 'Masterminded French Resistance'

George Washington's Beer Recipe

UK Banks Face £9b Bill Over 'Loan Protection' Scam

US Uses Veiled Threat To Keep Pak Under Control

US-Pakistan-China Tensions Rise

Bin Laden - Burning The Evidence

The Assassination Of bin Laden - Its Use And Abuse

MSM Labels bin Laden Hoax Skeptics 'Deathers'

EPA Whistleblower Study Exposing Warming Hoax Banned

Washing Away The Fields Of Iowa

Using Nature As A Weapon

FDA Gives Itself Power To Seize Food Without Evidence

Pak-US - Unraveling The Monolithic Narrative

US Attacks Pakistan - Pakistan Forces Must Be Alert

Agenda 21 Land Theft Scams

Obama Plans to Tax Cars By The Mile

How Radiation Affects Children And Fetuses

Meat Glue - A Dirty Little Secret - Vid

Meat Glue - Dangerous To Breathe - Vid

Silver Pullback - Banker Shortage - Buying Opportunity

Phoenix Cop Brutally Tackles 15-Year Old Girl - Vid

LA County Sheriff's Thugs Adopt Prison Gang-Like Culture

Blackwater's New Ethics Chief Is John Ashcroft

'Trusted Travelers' To Bypass X-Rays & Pat-Downs

Another One Bites The Dust - Corrupt Judges Slammed - Vid

Deception - Obama Fraud

6.1 Quake Off Fukushima Area - No Damage Reports

5.3 Quake Hits Fukushima Area

Belgium Finds Radioactive Cesium On Japan Containers

Leaking Radiation Being Blown Right Back Over Japan

Smoke Rising From Fukushima Reactors 2, 3 & 4 - Vid

Emissions Still Pouring From Wrecked Fukshima Nuclear Plant - Pics

Workers Enter Reactor Bldg #1 To Install Air Ducts - Vid

Kirwan - America Is Dying Of Paranoia

Edgar Steele Guilty On All Counts

David Duke's Must-See Video

Holocaust - The Latest

Giant Asteroid Heading Close To Earth

Kirwan - To Know Or Not To Know

Incredible! 'Illegal Aliens Called 'Steroids' For US Economy!

US Bloggers Rage At Europeans' Lack Of Bloodlust

Video Blackout During Raid On 'bin Laden' Compound

Obama Now Is Now A Cold-Blooded Killer ­ An American Turn-On

10 Ways Obama Blew The Osama 'Death' Disclosure

Obit: Osama bin Laden (1957­2011)

US Continues War Against Humanity

Osama Bin Laden - Look Who's Talking!

Gaddafi Must Go - Clinton (better: clinton must go - Gaddafi)

Libya Faces Fuel Crisis As Oil Supplies Dwindle

Palestinian Unity - Done Deal Or Wobbly?

Israel Stops Hairdressers Going To West Bank

Atzmon - Winners & Losers In The UK Anti-Zionist Network

Pakistan Turns On Military Which Brought It World Shame

Italy's Alarm Ends Dream Of Borderless Europe

Gullible Minds

Bad Ass Bozos On The Downtown, Hellfire Express Train

Manning Jail Conditions Improve Dramatically

Troy Davis 2011 - No Man Is An Island - Vid

Florida Mosque Bombing - Suspect Killed By FBI

UK Activists Get Offer From MI-6

Fisk - If This Is US Victory, Can Its Army Go Home?

The Grisly US Public Will Demand Osama Death Pics

Joe - Something Very Bad Is Coming - Vid

Jewish Terror Alert 5-5-11 Through 5-11-11

Infectious Polio Virus Stolen During Car Hijacking

The Carrington Event - The Threat Of The Electric Sun

Brando, Jackson, Taylor Fled 9-11 In Rental Car

9/11 - No Thermite, 7/7 - No Rucksack Bombs - Vid

Silver Loses Shine In 20% Tumble

World Economic Crisis To Worsen In Fall

Prosecutors Want Arrest Of Ex Bank Of Moscow President

UK Home Prices To Fall For At Least 5 More Yrs

Food Prices Rise To Near-Record As Inflation Accelerates

BBC News - Scientists Cross Pigs With Spinach

Suicide Drugs Could Become OTC If UK Laws Change

Prince Charles Tell Americans To Eat Less Steaks

Homeless Man Arrested For Moving Out Of Dumpster

Workers Enter Reactor Bldg #1 To Install Air Ducts

No Protection For Fukushima's 'Expendable' Citizens Or Us

Obama Overruled In 'Kill Osama' Operation?

Charlie McGrath - Debt Path To Oblivion - Vid

Skyrocketing Crime Rates And Imperial Wars

NYC Pics Nissan MInivan As Next Taxi

Chomsky Talks About The Condition Of The World - Vid

Canadian Comic Fined $15K For Offending Lesbian

Browns Ferry Lost Diesel BEFORE Storms Cut Power

Smoke Rising From Fukushima Reactors 2, 3 & 4 - Vid

Emissions Still Pouring From Wrecked Fukshima Nuclear Plant - Pics

CIA Messy Bin Laden Op Prelude To False Flag Campaign

Homeless Man Arrested For Moving Out Of Dumpster

Workers Enter Reactor Bldg #1 To Install Air Ducts

No Protection For Fukushima's 'Expendable' Citizens Or Us

Obama Overruled In 'Kill Osama' Operation?

Charlie McGrath - Debt Path To Oblivion - Vid

Skyrocketing Crime Rates And Imperial Wars

NYC Pics Nissan MInivan As Next Taxi

Chomsky Talks About The Condition Of The World - Vid

Canadian Comic Fined $15K For Offending Lesbian

Browns Ferry Lost Diesel BEFORE Storms Cut Power

Smoke Rising From Fukushima Reactors 2, 3 & 4 - Vid

Emissions Still Pouring From Wrecked Fukshima Nuclear Plant - Pics

CIA Messy Bin Laden Op Prelude To False Flag Campaign

Obama Won't Release Osama Death Photos

Uh...Where's The Dialysis Machine? - Vid

Bin Laden Killing A May Day Occult Ritual?

Bin Laden 'Death' Used To Justify Waterboarding

Bin Laden, Wherefore Art Thou? - Part 1

To Obama, From Geronimo

Bigger Than Bin Laden - America's New Public Enemy #1

It's Not About Usamah, It's About Us

The 'Death' Of Tim Osman & CIA Ghosts

Huckabee Makes Mis-Step with His Zionist Masters

Fatah & Hamas - A Small Part Of The War On Islam - Vid

More Chihuahua H1N1 In US

Planet For Sale - The New World Agricultural Order

China & Soros Sucking Up NV Water for Mining

Volcano Heats Mt Lake To 108 Degrees

World Population Heading Toward Ten Billion

India Gender Abortions & Starving Girls

Depleted Uranium - The Future Of Hard Drives

Interactive Food Stamp Map

UK Activists Approached By MI6

FBI Surveillance Software

iPads, Etc To Get To Internet Instead Of Gov System - Vid

Marijuana Cuts Tumor Growth By 50%

Michelle Obama Gets Her Groove On for Anti-Obesity - Vid

Bug's Eye View

NY Nuke Plant Goes Into Mystery Auto Shutdown

MSM Notes EPA Stopping Of Japan Radiation Monitoring

Too Much Ado About Osama Bin Laden

Bin Laden Family Remains Silent

Clueless Teens Hit Search Engines 'Who Is Osama Bin Laden?'

Obama, WH, CIA Caught Lying About Obama Murder

Media Lies And Misinformation On Bin Laden

Kirwan - Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave

Cheerleader Ordered To Cheer Her Own Rapist - Must Pay

How The Fed Triggered The Arab Spring Uprisings

Barclays, RBS, Goldman Sued Over US Mortgages


Thank You, JP Morgan-Chase!

Silver Manipulation & Silver Shortages Explained - Vid

The Silver Perspective - Vid

Psycho Fascist Police In US Heartland - Vid

Why Did Ted Kennedy Flood US With 100 Million Poor?

CDC Test, Isolaltion Bias Raises H1N1 Pandemic Worry

New Israeli Discriminatory Laws

Abbas Aide - Hamas Doesn't Have To Recognize Israel

Netanyahu To Pressure Cameron On Palestinian Recognition

Adam Curtis - Who Will Be The Next 'Bad Guy'?

Libya's Rebels To Go Broke In 3 Weeks

Libyan Leaders May Face UN War Crimes Warrants

Switzerland Freezes $1bn Worth Of 'Dictators' Assets

Russia Demands Defense Safeguards From US

EU Wins 'Super-Observer' Status At UN

Ian Tomlinson Verdict - The People Defer No More

SAS Angers As Top Secret Missions Details Exposed

Number Of Households With TV Drops First Time In 20 Yrs

Exploitation Of African Workers At Glencore?

Nicolas Sarkozy Calls For Border Controls

Obama Snatches Defeat From Jaws Of Victory

The Amazing, Rotating, Glow In The Dark, Bin Laden

Thai Veggie Market ON The Tracks! - Vid

Giant Waterspout Seen Off Hawaii

Explorers Descend 650 Feet Into Volcano

Children 'Staggeringly' Inactive

Scientists Learn How Memories Change Brain Structure

Computer Games Make People More Aggressive

Father Cured Son's Brain Cancer With Medical Marijuana

Charlie McGrath - Time Is Short - Vid

EPA Will No Longer Monitor Radioactivity From Fukushima!

Assange Says FaceBook, Etc, Are US Intel Tools - Vid

Duke - The Zionist War On Free Speech - Vid

Bin Laden Hoax To Expand War

State Dept Tries To Hide Its Funding Syrian Opposition

Weather Hedge Funds - Vid

Citizens Made Wild Gains From Financial Crisis

SWAT Team & Sound Cannons Used on College Party - Vid

Freemasonry - How The World Really Works

FDA (Food & Death Administration) Corrupt Business Model

Fracking Hell - Toxic & Radioactive Waste - Vid

Secret Bailout of Luxury Commercial Real Estate

Feds Demand NJ Repay $271m For Rejected Rail

Circus Clowns & Sideshow Freaks

Expert - Time To Buy BoA Stock & Dump Silver (huh?)

Who Was Osama bin Laden?

Questions About the Obama Osama Drama

Israel Won't Comment Of Iran Attack Rumors

Frequent H1N1 Flu Low Reactors In Japan

FL Senate Sneaks RFID Drivers License, Internet ID Through

Of 10,000 Bats In PA Mine Only 200 Remain

Jury Finds G-8 Bystander 'Unlawfully Killed'

Growing US Leprosy Tied Directly To Immigrants

Filer's Files #18 - 2011

Filer's Files #17 - 2011

Filer's Files #16 - 2011

WH Correction - Bin Laden Gun Battle Never Happened

Tarpley - Death Of Osama Unproven By Obama Regime

Pseudo-Bin Laden 'Death' Sets Pak Up For US Attack

CBS News Report On bin Laden Sick, Near Death In 2002 - Vid

Japan Govt Knew Fukushima Was 'Wost Case' In Hours

Expected Radiation Spread Over Japan Released

Radioactive Substance In The Mississippi River

Army Blasts Levee To Save Cairo, Illinois

Levee Blown By US Army To Save Entire Town

Lies, Damn Lies And Bin Laden's Death

There is Nothing 'Normal' About Celebrating Death

BBC - Al Qaeda Does Not Exist - Vid

Limbaugh & Beck - 'Thank God For President Obama'

Obama-Osama - Your Daily Psy Op

Osama bin Laden Wasn't Sheltered By Us - Pakistan

Did Wiki Force US To Take Out Bin Laden?

Assange - Facebook, Google, Yahoo Are Spy Tools For US

Kirwan - If Only!

'1st Great War of the 21st Century'

America Is #1...

Leave Libya Or You're Toast, 'Allies' Tell Berlusconi

US Urged To Recognise Palestinian State

Sirens Bring Israel To Standstill On Holocaust Day

EU Drops Easter And Christmas From School Diaries

'Prince Charles Is An Eco-Hypocrite' - Vid

Can The US Feed A Starving World?

The Slowing Global Economy

dSprott Hedge Sells $34m In Physical Silver

Geithner Extends Debt-Ceiling Deadline To August

Brits Buying Power In Biggest Squeeze Since 1870

'We All Said Disaster Would Hit Here, Not Fukushima'

Tornado Hits New Zealand's Biggest City

Day Of Tornadoes Anters Record Book

Carla Bruni 'Pregnant' With Sarko Twins

Google's Seoul Office Raided Over Data Collection

Heathland Fires Rage Across The UK

US Supreme Court To Hear Jerusalem Appeal

Netanyahu In America - Girly Makeup

25 New MEPs To Cost £250 Million

Five 'Terror' Suspects Arrested Near UK Nuclear Plant

Protester To Sue Police Over Secret Surveillance

Are Colorado Dogs Suffering From A New (Swine?) Flu?

Obesity In Middle Age Increases Risk of Dementia

'Autism Epidemic' Dismissed By New Claims

Arrests, Gas, Sound Weapons Used On College Party - Vid

The God Game In Rama Lhama Ding Dongville

US Agency Abandons Public In Monitoring Japan Radiation

David Duke - The Insanity Of Christian Zionism - Vid

Close Witnesses Say Lara Logan Was NOT Raped

Roberts - Osama bin Laden's Useful Death

Roberts - The Second Death Of Osama Bin Laden

Brainwashed With Untruths Like The Origins Of Life - Vid

Fukushima - What They Aren't Saying

Where Is Fukushima Radiation Going, Why Does It Matter - Vid

Chile Finds Radioactivity In Korean Cars

World Media Tricked By Fake Bin Laden Photo

Charlie McGrath - Chaos Unleashed - Vid

Salbuchi - The Nine Lives Of Osama bin Ladin - Vid

On The Second Death Of Osama bin Laden

Whole-Body Scanners - How Dangerous?

Obama Killed Osama

TIME - Bin Laden Dying...Again? - June 2008

Wash Times - Obama Birth Certificate Forged

Terry Lakin Is Obama's Willie Horton

Supreme Court - Bombs Away!! New Madrid Set For Blasting

Personal Story - Hitting Bottom

Sticker Shock - Americans See It, Fed's Don't

New Material Scrubs Fracking Pollution, Claims DOE

Toxic Water - Vid

Fed Excludes Food & Oil Prices When Calculating Inflation

Five Shocking Examples Of Government Corruption

BLM To Steal 10 Million Acres & Profit On Mining

Silver Drops 12% - Big Default At COMEX?

Google Faces $50 Million Lawsuit over Tracking

Quantum 'Spooky Action' Seen By Human Eye

Bloomberg On Immigrants - 'Send 'Em To Detroit'

'What's The Big Secret?' School Sex Book

Cut BPA In Bloodstream By 60% In 3 Days

$20 Million From Charity Scam Used To Buy Politicians

American Empire Created bin Laden And Is Killing Itself

Mummified Body Of Former Playmate Found In Her Home

Japan Admits Hiding Radiation Levels - Vid

Work Begins To 'Clean' Radiation From Air In Reactor Bldg #1

TEPCO To Install Air Filters In Ruins Of Reactor 1 Building

US Software Makes Army Of Fake People For Internet Disinfo

Sorry, But I Don't Believe This

Osama Bin Laden, The Carlyle Group & Mormon Illuminati

Anthony Lawson On 9/11 And The Holocaust

Furious Japanese Parents Rage Over New Radiation Limits

Japan Parents Fight New, Higher 'Safe' Radiation Limits

Devvy - Timing Is Everything

Kirwan - Prove It!

Absolute Proof Of Hoaxed Bin Laden 'Death Photo' - Pics

Targeted Assassinations Are A Strategic Mistake

Iran Says Israeli Jets Preparing To Strike

Russia, Venezuela Accuse NATO Of Trying To Murder Gaddafi

Libyans Torch British Embassy After NATO Murder Try

Britain Expels Libya Ambassador

Israel Stops Tax Payment Over Fatah-Hamas Deal

Oppressing West Bank Palestinian Children

Al Jazeera's War On Syria

Brazil President Hospitalized With Pneumonia, Flu Symptoms

The Strange World Of NSA Mind Control

33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

The Kenyan Trumps Birthers - For Now

New York Aims To Become Great Harbor City Again

Schoolchildren Being 'Turned Into Statistical Fodder'

How ADL Starts Hate Laws In New Countries

GM Soy - The Invisible Ingredient Poisoning Children

Chinese iPad Factory Workers To Sign No Suicide Pledges

Wrong Amount Of Sleep Can Age Your Brain 7 Years

Man Survives Being Hit By Lightning TWICE ­ Vid

The One In The Middle Is Definitely Bin Laden.

In 2009, US Openly Accepted bin Laden Was Already Dead

Bin Laden Died In December 2001

Body 'Buried At Sea' - No Autopsy, No DNA Tests, No Forensics

Bin Laden 'Death Photo' Gross Fraud Worse Than Obama CBL

Bhutto Confirmed Osama Bin Laden Is Dead - Vid

Leak At Tsuruga Plant Denied - Reactor May Be Shut Down Anyhow...

Top JNTI Nuclear Advisor - Total Meltdowns In Reactors 1, 2, 3 - Vid

Weekly South African Report

Rense & Celente - Fascism Arrived While We Watched TV

ADL To Officially Monitor YouTube

How ADL Starts Hate Laws In New Countries

Makow - Six Issues Canadian Election Won't Touch

MO Asks Supreme Court to Stop Army from Blowing Up Levee

Army Corps of Engineers to Use 250 Tons of Explosives on Fault-line

Nixon Takes Jackie Gleason To View Dead ETs

Secrets In The Sky - Chemtrails

The Gulf Was Alive With Microbes Digesting The Oil

Gulf Blue Plague Realities - Deadly Radioactive Microbes

Seattle Cops To Pay $1.5m For Killing Native Wood Carver

'I Would Shoot The Bugger, If I Could'

Whining About The Death Of Zionist Terrorists

Egypt Does Not Want To Occupy The West

Where Were You On Super Bowl Weekend?

How A Study Can Say True When Its False

Osama bin Laden Is Dead (of kidney failure?)

Seawater Intake Radiation At #2 Reactor 3300 Times Over Limit

JNTI Founder On Complete Meltdown In Reactor 1 - Vid

Cesium Found In Japan City Wastewater Sludge

Dodging Nukes - 1 Yr And Longer US Nuke Reactor Outages

Dangerous Radioactivity From Gulf Disaster In Seafood

Magnetosphere Period Oscillations Caused By Sun

More Mass Rain From OH To AR Due

Alabama Boy Sucked Into Tornado...And Lives

Corsi Brings New Doubts Of Obama Hawaii Heritage

SNL Writer Calls Obama A Liar

US (Fed's) Reckless Money Printing - New World Crisis

US UFO Video Extremely Clear - Vid

Americans Are Dumb Asses

Br Nathanael - Why Obama's 'Birth Certificate' Is A Fraud - Vid

I May Be Old...But Don't Mess With Me

Who Are You? - Vid

Kirwan - When The Smoke Clears Celebrate!

Gerald Celente - Cold Fusion Is A Reality - Vid

Cops Execute Man With Taser In Back Of CT Police Car

Panic From The Houses Of Congress & Aipac?

Islam Phobia Of The West - Historic Perspective

Truck-Sized Boulders Spew From Ecuador Volcano

America's New Middle East Agenda

Atzmon - What Are They Afraid Of?

Could WWIII Start In Two Weeks? - Vid

NATO Vile Lies - Denies Targeting Gaddafi & Family

NATO Warships Clear Misurata Of Sea Mines

Cameron Applauds NATO Action

Stealing The Libyan Peoples Sovereign Wealth Fund

Syria Shockwaves Sweep Middle East

Egypt Warns Israel Against Meddling

Mubarak 'Could Face Death Penalty'

Plans To Put French Jets On Royal Navy Carriers

EU Merges England. France With Its Own FLAG

Fuel Protests Will Bring Chaos To UK

Wind Farms Paid To Switch Off Turbines

Green Schemes Wide Open To Major Corruption

Feds Bust Amish Farmer For Selling Raw Milk

Why Did 2 Korean Airliners Put Out 'Hijack' Signals On 9-11?

VA Negotiates Drug Kingpin Wanted By US

Smoking Ban In Public Places Hits 300m Chinese

Islam Phobia Of The West - Historic Perspective

Cesium Found In Japan Breast Milk

Radiation 'Safe' Limit 20 TIMES Too High - Ex-Nuclear Advisor

Japan May Exile Two For Joining Anti-Nuclear Protest

Mystery Of New-Found Gulf Oil Revealed - Part 1 - PDF

All Fracked Up, Down And Sideways

BP Buys Off Coastal Cities With Unrelated Gear

Communist Leahy Food, Supplement Bill Passes Senate

NATO Bombs Home - Gaddafi Lives - Son, 3 Grandkids Slaughtered - Vid

NATO Bombs Murder Gaddafi Son And Grandchildren - Vid

Catastrophe Still Quite Possible At Fukushima - Vid

Br Nathanael - Why Obama's 'Birth Certificate' Is A Fraud - Vid

Strange Sun Emissions Are Suddenly Mutating Matter

Is The Sun Emitting A Mystery Particle?

The Sun Influences Decay Of Radioactive Elements

Hillary Clinton 'Trumps' Obama - Part 1

AgroTerrorism - The Next False Flag

World Intel Agencies Laugh At Obama Certificate

Kirwan - Demystifying Collapse Of American Society

MacDonald - Royal Wedding A Comeback For Whites

FKN News - Royal Wedding Pre Crime

Springmeier - HG Wells...Prophet Of The NWO

Pak-US Relations - CIA Vs ISI

6 Reasons To Avoid Dairy At All Costs - Vid

Japan Up Efforts To Prove Products Radiation-Free

Criticism Of Japan PM Handling Of Nuke Crisis

BoJ Warns Japan Economic Outlook 'Very Severe'


'What's The Big Secret?' School Sex Book

Cut BPA In Bloodstream By 60% In 3 Days

$20 Million From Charity Scam Used To Buy Politicians

American Empire Created bin Laden And Is Killing Itself

Mummified Body Of Former Playmate Found In Her Home

Japan Admits Hiding Radiation Levels - Vid

Work Begins To 'Clean' Radiation From Air In Reactor Bldg #1

TEPCO To Install Air Filters In Ruins Of Reactor 1 Building

US Software Makes Army Of Fake People For Internet Disinfo

Sorry, But I Don't Believe This

Osama Bin Laden, The Carlyle Group & Mormon Illuminati

Anthony Lawson On 9/11 And The Holocaust

Furious Japanese Parents Rage Over New Radiation Limits

Japan Parents Fight New, Higher 'Safe' Radiation Limits

Devvy - Timing Is Everything

Kirwan - Prove It!

Absolute Proof Of Hoaxed Bin Laden 'Death Photo' - Pics

Targeted Assassinations Are A Strategic Mistake

Iran Says Israeli Jets Preparing To Strike

Russia, Venezuela Accuse NATO Of Trying To Murder Gaddafi

Libyans Torch British Embassy After NATO Murder Try

Britain Expels Libya Ambassador

Israel Stops Tax Payment Over Fatah-Hamas Deal

Oppressing West Bank Palestinian Children

Al Jazeera's War On Syria

Brazil President Hospitalized With Pneumonia, Flu Symptoms

The Strange World Of NSA Mind Control

33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

The Kenyan Trumps Birthers - For Now

New York Aims To Become Great Harbor City Again

Schoolchildren Being 'Turned Into Statistical Fodder'

How ADL Starts Hate Laws In New Countries

GM Soy - The Invisible Ingredient Poisoning Children

Chinese iPad Factory Workers To Sign No Suicide Pledges

Wrong Amount Of Sleep Can Age Your Brain 7 Years

Man Survives Being Hit By Lightning TWICE ­ Vid

The One In The Middle Is Definitely Bin Laden.

In 2009, US Openly Accepted bin Laden Was Already Dead

Bin Laden Died In December 2001

Body 'Buried At Sea' - No Autopsy, No DNA Tests, No Forensics

Bin Laden 'Death Photo' Gross Fraud Worse Than Obama CBL

Bhutto Confirmed Osama Bin Laden Is Dead - Vid

Leak At Tsuruga Plant Denied - Reactor May Be Shut Down Anyhow...


Gaddafi Must Go - Clinton (better: clinton must go - Gaddafi)

Libya Faces Fuel Crisis As Oil Supplies Dwindle

Palestinian Unity - Done Deal Or Wobbly?

Israel Stops Hairdressers Going To West Bank

Atzmon - Winners & Losers In The UK Anti-Zionist Network

Pakistan Turns On Military Which Brought It World Shame

Italy's Alarm Ends Dream Of Borderless Europe

Gullible Minds

Bad Ass Bozos On The Downtown, Hellfire Express Train

Manning Jail Conditions Improve Dramatically

Troy Davis 2011 - No Man Is An Island - Vid

Florida Mosque Bombing - Suspect Killed By FBI

UK Activists Get Offer From MI-6

Fisk - If This Is US Victory, Can Its Army Go Home?

The Grisly US Public Will Demand Osama Death Pics

Joe - Something Very Bad Is Coming - Vid

Jewish Terror Alert 5-5-11 Through 5-11-11

Infectious Polio Virus Stolen During Car Hijacking

The Carrington Event - The Threat Of The Electric Sun

Brando, Jackson, Taylor Fled 9-11 In Rental Car

9/11 - No Thermite, 7/7 - No Rucksack Bombs - Vid

Silver Loses Shine In 20% Tumble

World Economic Crisis To Worsen In Fall

Prosecutors Want Arrest Of Ex Bank Of Moscow President

UK Home Prices To Fall For At Least 5 More Yrs

Food Prices Rise To Near-Record As Inflation Accelerates

BBC News - Scientists Cross Pigs With Spinach

Suicide Drugs Could Become OTC If UK Laws Change

Prince Charles Tell Americans To Eat Less Steaks

Homeless Man Arrested For Moving Out Of Dumpster


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