Friday, May 6, 2011

In The Shadows


Image Files



- 364 photographs of the Pentagon on 9/11

Secret Societies, Occult, Freemasons, Etc

- Over 300 photographs of Bohemian Grove

Video Clips

9/11 & 1st WTC Bombing

- A Brief Segment Cut From the Film Core of Corruption: In the Shadows Discussing the Use of Planes As Weapons

- Virginia Woman Called CIA Where She Described A Suspicious Man Planning Terrorism Which Was Later Found Out to be One of the Hijackers in the Attacks, ABC

- World Trade Center Bombing, Emad Salem, FBI Informant, A Detailed Report on How FBI Knew the Bombing Was Going to Happen, Was Warned and Even Was Complicit in the Attack 10-28-1993, CBS

- Pentagon White, E4B, Doomsday Plane Anderson Cooper Investigates, CNN

- Air Force One Targeted, News Clips from September, 2001

- Using Planes As Weapons German Hijacker Fly Plane into Building, NBC

- Prior Knowledge, Intelligence Failures, FAA Warnings Before the Attacks 2-10-2005, ABC

- Porter Goss, Statements 8-10-2004, ABC

- Rumsfeld Warns Press About Classified Information Sharing, FOX

- John Ashcroft Given Specific Foreknowledge 4-9-2004, NBC

- John Ashcroft Ordered by FBI to Take Only Private Charter Jets 7-26-2001, CBS

- List of Intelligence Failures and Miised Warnings 7-20-2004, NBC

- Bush & Cheney Testimony in Secret & Not Under Oath 4-25-2003, CNN

- Condoleezza Rice Testimony on Intelligence Failures 2-7-2004, CBS

- CIA Intelligence Failures 6-4-2004, CNN

- Passports for the Hijackers Should Have Been Denied, Controversy 8-23-2004, NBC

- Investigation & Cover up Announcement 11-13-2003, CNN

- Families Express Anger Over Government Report 7-26-2003, CNN

- Commission Report Comic Book 8-22-2006, NBC

- Remembering the Fallen, Temporary Memorial 3-10-2002, ABC

- More Clips on Toxic Particles, Poison Dust, World Trade Center Debris 11-21-2001, CNN

- Firefighters Lost at WTC 12-2-2001, CBS

- Down Below WTC Rubble 11-24-2001, NBC

- 1st Death Directly Linked to Dust From 9-11, Poison Air 5-24-2007, CBS

- Toxic Particles, Poison Dust, World Trade Center Debris 11-20-2001, CBS

- Suspect Khalid Bin Mahfooz 3-18-2003, NBC

- Building Seven, Dan Rather Reports WTC 7 Collapsed 9-11-2001, CBS

- Gold at World Trade Center 10-31-2002, NBC

- Going Into World Trade Center Rubble 11-1-2001, CBS

- Election Day in New York 9-25-2001, CBS

- Building 6 & 7, Federal Offices, Government Agencies 10-3-2001, ABC

- Richard Clarke Testimony 3-28-2004, NBC

- Ptech, Indira Singh, Yasin Al Qadi 12-6-2002, CBS

- Pheonix Memo, FBI Agent Kenneth Williams 5-22-2002, CBS

- NSA Intercepted Intelligence September 10th 6-11-2002, CBS

- Intelligence Failures Nawaf Alhazmi & Khalid Almihdhar 6-2-2002, CNN

- Intelligence Failures 5-15-2002, CBS

- FBI Informant Randy Glass 8-2-2002, NBC

- Pentagon Researcher Thierry Meyssan 6-27-2002, CNN

- Jamie Gorelick Asked to Resign From 9/11 Investigation 4-14-2004, FOX

- Wallstreet Journalist Daniel Pearl Murdered Pakistani ISI Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh 2-24-2001, NBC

- Payne Stewart Plane Crash Intercepted 10-25-1999, ABC

- Insider Trading 9-20-2001, ABC

- Unanswered Question on Intelligence Failures 9-19-2002, CBS

- List of Missed Warnings 7-16-2002, NBC

- Louis Freeh Testimony 10-8-2002, CBS

- Intercepted Phone Call 6-7-2002, ABC

- CIA Director George Tenet Testimony 10-17-2002, CBS

- Prior Knowledge Investigation Concluded CIA had Agents Inside Al-Qaeda 6-4-2002, NBC

- Prior Knowledge Investigation Concluded August "PDB" Did Warn of Attack and More 5 17 2002 CBS

- FBI Informant Abdussattar Shaikh 10-10-2002, CBS

- Dan Rather on Prior Knowledge 5-15-2002, CBS

- Bin Laden At Rawalpindi Hospital September 10th 1-28-2002, CBS

- Building 7 Office of Emergency Management 23rd Floor 6-7-1999, CNN

- Niaz Khan, One of the Would Be Hijackers on 9/11, Turned Himself Into FBI and Discussed the Attacks of 9/11 6-3-2004, NBC

- Intelligence Failures More Reports on FAA Warnings 2-10-2005, CBS

- FBI Agent Coleen Rowley Whisteleblower 6 4 2004 CNN

- FBI Translator Sibel Edmonds Whistleblower 7-29-2004, CBS

- Without Precedent by Lee Hamilton & Thomas Kean 8-4-2006, NBC

- Lori Van Aukin Comments on CIA and Government Report 8-21-2007, CBS

- Sandy Berger Destroying Files 7-20-2004, NBC

- Abel Danger, Shaefer More In Depth 8-17-2005, CNN

- Abel Danger, Shaefer Goes Public 8-16-2005, FOX

- Abel Danger, Shaefer Continues Campaign 8-18-2005, FOX

- Abel Danger, Pentagon Requests Secret Hearings 9-16-2005, FOX

- Abel Danger, More Detailed Reporting 8-22-2005, FOX

- Abel Danger, Meetings Canceled with FBI by Military Lawyers 8-17-2005, FOX

- Abel Danger, Security Clearance Pulled From Shaefer 10-22-2005, FOX

- World Trade Center Fire 2-14-1975, ABC

- Building 7 Gas Tanks Explained as Cause of Collapse 3-2-2002, ABC

- Bin Laden Denies Involvement, Passport Found at WTC of Hijacker 9-16-2001, CBS

- Taliban Says They Lost Osama Bin Laden 9-23-2001, CBS

- Powell on Tracking Bin Laden and Terrorists, Mentions Pakistan 10-21-2001, CNN

- Cheney Interview on Pentagon, Emergency Operation Center, More 9-16-2001, NBC

- Poor Air Quality, Poison Dust, Christine Todd Whitman 8-27-2003, CNN

- Air Quality Issues and Poison Dust 9-3-2003, NBC

- Bush Talks After Testimony to Commission 4-29-2004, CSPAN

- Air Defense Failures Even Though Drills In Place 4-19-2004, ABC

- Poor Air Quality, Poison Dust, Interview with Christine Todd Whitman 9-8-2006, CBS

- Firefighters Upset, Arrested for Clash with Giuliani 11-2-2001, ABC

- Firefighters Upset Over Changes In Recovery 11-2-2001, NBC

- Firefighters Protest in New York 11-2-2001, CBS

- Using Planes As Weapons Gilmore, FOX

- Tom Clancy Wrote Book Where Plane Crashed Into Building as Terror, NBC

- Washington DC Emergency Services Dir was in Montanna for Drill, NBC

- FBI Out of New York for Drill in California, NBC

- Discussion on giving up Civil Liberties, NBC

- Paul Bremmer Talks About Not Giving Up Civil Liberties, NBC

- Biden asked about Intelligence on 9 11, NBC

- Brokaw Mentions Air Quality Issue, NBC

- Doctors Find Aesbestos in Air, NBC

- Bojinka Plot Uncovered, Al-Qaeda Using Planes As Weapons Observed, NBC

- Smear Campaign Against Whistle Blower Lt. Col. Anthony Shaefer Because of His Disclosure of Able Danger, the Top Secret Military Operation that Identified the Attacks of September 11th Before they Happened 10-22-2005, FOX

- Able Danger Hearing for Lt Col Anthony Shaffer in Congress, C-SPAN

- Able Danger Clips from Shaefer Report 8-17-2005, CNN

- Able Danger Clips from Shaefer and Weldon July 16th Thru 18th - 2005, FOX


- Adam Gadahn (Adam Pearlman) Al Qaeda Video Report 9-8-2006, CNN

Anthrax Attacks

- Steven Hatfield Suspect 7-20-2004, ABC

- Down Below WTC Rubble 11-24-2001, NBC

- Powell Lies About Grade of Anthrax 10-21-2001, CNN

Benazir Bhutto

- Assassination Attempt Weeks Before Succeeding 10-19-2007, CBS

- Assassination 12-27-2007, CNN

BCCI Scandal

- Pakistan's Nuclear Program Funded 8-6-1991, NBC

- Detailed Report 7-23-1991, NBC

- CIA Connections 7-8-1991, NBC

- Brief Report 3-4-1991, NBC

Big Brother, Shadow Government, Secret Government, Deep State

- Information Awareness Office 11-25-2002, ABC

- Continuity of Government (Shadow Government) Report 3-1-2002, NBC

- Another Report on Continuity of Government (Shadow Government) 3-1-2002, CBS

- Yet Another Continuity of Government (Shadow Government) Investigative Report 3-1-2002, CNN

CIA Related

- CIA Operations Secret Documents Made Public 6-24-2007, ABC

- Valerie Plame CIA Agent Identity Leaked 9-28-2003, CBS

- CIA Drug Running Related to Iran Contra, CIA Director John Deutch, LAPD Narcotics Officer Mike Ruppert, Los Angeles, San Jose Mercury News 11-15-1996, ABC

- Hearing on CIA Responsible for Introducing Crack Cocaine, Lead by Rep Maxine Waters 10-23-1996, ABC

- DEA Agent Celerino Castillo Whistleblower 9-23-1996, CBS

- Mena, Arkansas Barry Seal 3-25-1994, CBS

- Judge Bonner Confirms CIA Drug Running 11-19-1993, CBS

- Mena, Arkansas, Barry Seal Assassination Investigation 2-20-1986, NBC

- Drug Smuggling, Detailed Report 4-6-1987, CBS

- Representative Maxine Waters Wins Person of the Week, Largely For Her Part in Exposing and Investigating CIA Drug Running in Los Angeles 5-15-1992, ABC

- 2 CIA Contract Pilots Confess 1-20-1987, ABC

- Drug Smuggling Confirmation Major Investigation 4-7-1988, ABC

General Corruption Reports

- Jack Abramoff Information 12-21-2005, NBC

- Savings and Loan Scandal Michael Milken Pleads Guilty 4-24-2000, CNN

- Pardons from Bush, Lee H Hamilton Comments 12-26-1992, CBS

- Presidential Pardons Clinton 1-19-2001, ABC

- Michael Milken, Junk Bond King, Charged 3-29-1989, ABC

- Detailed Report and Focus on Drexel Burnham Lambert 11-15-1990, CBS

- Neil Bush and Silverado More Reporting 4-18,1991, CBS

- Neil Bush and Silverado 4-13-1991, ABC

- Reagan Assassination Attempt, Shooter John Hinkley Jr Connected to Neal Bush, Report Also Covers Haig and Bush Sr 3-31-1981, ABC

- Drug War Report 6-14-1990, ABC

- FBI Director Louis Freeh Leaves FBI, Report on Bush's Decision to Replace Him 7-1-2001, CBS

- Disinformation Campaign Reagan Administration 10-2-1986, CBS

- Saudi Arabia Wolf Blitzer in the War Room with Seymour Hersch, Corruption 10-31-2001, CNN

- Sandy Berger Destroying Files 7-20-2004, NBC

Gulf of Tonkin

- Robert Macnamara Visits Vietnam, Admits Tonkin Incident Might Have Been Made Up 11-9-1995, CNN

Gun Control

- James Bucknam, Kroll Associates, Interview on Gun Control 2-8-2001, ABC

Iran Contra

- CIA Drug Running Related to Iran Contra, CIA Director John Deutch, LAPD Narcotics Officer Mike Ruppert, Los Angeles, San Jose Mercury News 11-15-1996, ABC

- Hearing on CIA Responsible for Introducing Crack Cocaine, Lead by Rep Maxine Waters 10-23-1996, ABC

- Mena, Arkansas Barry Seal 3-25-1994, CBS

- Judge Bonner Confirms CIA Drug Running 11-19-1993, CBS

- Lee H Hamilton Notes Questions Not Answered 9-28-1987, CBS

- Drug Smuggling, Detailed Report 4-6-1987, CBS

- Committee Chairman Lee H Hamilton Comments 5-7-1989, NBC

- 2 CIA Contract Pilots Confess 1-20-1987, ABC

- Drug Smuggling Confirmation Major Investigation 4-7-1988, ABC

Iraq War

- Ray McGovern Confronts Donald Rumsfeld on Iraq WMD Lies 5-4-2006, CNN

Kennedy Assassination

- Jim Garrison was Denied Access to Autopsy Photos 1-17-1969, NBC

- House Committee on Assassinations Conclude JFK and MLK Were Killed As a Result of Conspiracies 12-30-1978, NBC

New World Order

- Dick Cheney Military Strategy 5-24-1992, CBS

- UN Step Down of Perez de Cuellar, Mentions NWO 1-1-1992, CBS

- UN Security Council Meeting, Butcher of Beijing, NWO Mention at End 1-31-1992, NBC

- UN Role with International Cooperation 2-1-1992, CBS

- Roundtable Discussion with Pat Buchannon Mentions NWO Part 1, 2-2-1991, CNN

- Roundtable Discussion with Pat Buchannon Mentions NWO Part 2, 2-2-1991, CNN

- Roundtable Discussion with Pat Buchannon Mentions NWO Part 3, 2-2-1991, CNN

- Roundtable Discussion with Pat Buchannon Mentions NWO Part 4, 2-2-1991, CNN

- Report on Israeli Policy, Anchor Mentions Kissenger's NWO at the End 3-24-1975, CBS

- New World Order Economic Summit, Mention on Building NWO at 4 min 30 sec 7-14-1991 CBS

- New World Order Clinton Stump Speech Mentions NWO at 2 min 10 sec 7-10-1992, CBS

- AIDS Conference in Africa, Mention of NWO at 1 min 55 sec 7-14-2000, CNN

Oklahoma City Bombing

- Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy & Controversy, Detailed Report 8-10-1997, ABC

October Surprise and Iran Hostage Crisis

- Investigation Into Bribery 7-1-1992, NBC

- Inslaw Affair, PROMIS Software and the Obvious Murder Ruled Suicide of Danny Casolaro Death 8-10-1992, CNN

- Danny Casolaro Found Dead 8-15-1991, CBS

Princess Diana

- Coroner's Request to Release Photos 10-3-2007, NBC

Secret Societies, Occult, Etc

- Skull and Bones Brief Report 4-23-2001, ABC

- Weinberger and Reagan Retreat at Bohemian Grove Mentioned 7-21-1983, NBC

- Nixon Maintains Bohemain Grove Secrecy, Nixon Speech 7-30-1971, NBC

- Detailed Report 7-23-1982, NBC

- Detailed Report 7-23-1981, ABC

- Mention at Smith Testimony 1-15-1981, ABC

Trilateral Commission

- Trilateral Commission, A Detailed Report 5-2-1995, CBS

- Detailed Report 3-29-1981, CBS

USS Liberty Incident

- New Evidence Disclosed 7-8-2003, CNN

- Coverage On Conspiracy 12-18-1980, CBS

Vince Foster

- Vince Foster Suicide Documents Linking Hillary Clinton 1-11-1996, ABC

- Michael Chertoff, Richard Ben Veniste on Vince Foster 6-4-1996, ABC


- Richard Ben Veniste Mention 11-5-1973, ABC

- Richard Ben Veniste and Howard Hunt Mention 11-4-1974, NBC

- Howerd Hunt Involvement 5-3-1973, NBC


- Bill & Hillary Clinton Fight Release of Documents 5-2-1997, CBS

- Michael Chertoff, Richard Ben Veniste on Vince Foster 6-4-1996, ABC

Audio Files

New World Order Report Radio Shows

7/23/2010 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 10 - Whole Show - Guests are Rapper Jasari-X, DJ Ball and Rapper Payday Monsanto

High Quality Larger File Click Here

Lower Quality Smaller File Click Here

7/16/2010 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 9 - Whole Show - Guests are Mason Tvert, Dahlia Wasfi and Dylan Avery. Click here for the show information and guests' bio

Click here for the 7/16/2010 Show

7/9/2010 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 8 - Whole Show - Guests are Adam Kokesh, Paul Tapote, Luke Rudkowski click here for the show information and guests' bio:

Click here for 7/9/2010 Show

7/2/2010 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 7 - Whole Show - Guests are Sander Hicks and Jason Charles. Discussion on BP Oil Spill, Truth Party, Faith and Liberty Conference and more:

High Quality Larger File Click Here

Lower Quality Smaller File Click Here

12/18/2009 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 6 - Whole Show

12/11/2009 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 5 - Whole Show

12/04/2009 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 4 - Whole Show

11/27/2009 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 3 - Whole Show

11/20/2009 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 2 - Whole Show

11/13/2009 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 1 - 1st Hour

11/13/2009 - NWO Report with Jonathan Elinoff - Episode 1 - 2nd Hour

Interviews with Jonathan Elinoff on other Radio Shows

1/27/2011 - WKRP with Host Rob McNealy with Guest Jonathan Elinoff, Editor of New World Order Report. Click here for the show information and bio Click here for the 1/27/2011 Show

8/25/2010 - Free Mind Report with James Lane - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff: Discussion about Convenient Deaths and other projects

6/13/2010 - X Squared Radio with Brooks Agnew - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff: Discussion About BP Oil Spill

3/10/2010 - Deadline Live with Jack Blood - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

3/9/2010 - No Lies Radio with Kevin Barrett - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

1/28/2010 - Truth Be Told Radio with Bob Tuskin and Steve Allen - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

1/24/2010 - X Squared Radio with Brooks Agnew - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

1/23/2010 - 33rd Parallel News Radio with Matt Kazee - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

1/19/2010 - Don't Tread on Me with Big John Lipsomb - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

1/5/2010 - Deadline Live with Jack Blood - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

3/14/2009 - Corbett Report with Steven Corbett - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

8/15/2008 - The Alex Jones Show - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

7/5/2008 - Corbett Report with Steven Corbett - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

4/24/2008 - The Alex Jones Show - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

4/16/2008 - The Alex Jones Show - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

4/4/2008 - Trevor Carey Show - 710AM Talk Radio (KNUS) Denver, Colorado - Jonathan Elinoff the director of Core of Corruption, Richard Gage the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Eric Lawyer the founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth all discussing the 9/11 conspiracy information and research

3/13/2008 - Deadline Live with Jack Blood, Jason Bermas Fills In as Host - Interview with Jonathan Elinoff

2/19/2008 - Freedom Fighter Radio - Interview with New World Order Report's Jonathan Elinoff

Entire Documentaries


Core of Corruption: In the Shadows - Click Here to View the FIlm

Summary of the Film:

Core of Corruption is a documentary film series which details a comprehensive investigation into clandestine intelligence operations and conspiracies. The project is surfacing exclusive whistle blowers, insiders and critical evidence for the very first time. Over 2,000 hours of credible network news clips have been surfaced for this ground breaking event, most of which have never been seen since they aired and have never been available on the internet.

Some of the video news segments for this project, when requested from the networks, were denied access to and corporate representatives would say that the information sought does not exist or has been misplaced. Someone doesn’t want the public to see these stories, that when put together, establish a conspiracy of the magnitude that could change the way one views the world. Countless millions of people are being manipulated and lied to by a network of individuals within government that work on behalf of private interests.

The individuals were involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11th. Many of those same figures are connected to historical events that have shaped our understanding of government crime. For instance, the Iran Contra affair involved many figures that showed up in the 9/11 attacks

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