Sunday, May 15, 2011

Movement Arises To Challenge AIPAC

Movement Arises To Challenge AIPAC

Join us in DC this May to expose AIPAC and usher in a new foreign policy!
On May 13, 2011, in Take Action, by Move Over AIPAC!

MOVE OVER AIPAC: The National Gathering You Don’t Want to Miss! Register Today!

CODEPINK: Women for Peace together with over 100 peace and justice groups, including the US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), Jews Say No!, and the Interfaith Peace Builders are organizing Move Over AIPAC, a gathering in Washington, DC from May 21-24, 2011, to expose the AIPAC lobby and build the vision for a new US foreign policy in the Middle East. Timed to coincide with the annual policy meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), activists and concerned citizens from around the country will convene in the nation’s capital to learn about the extraordinary influence AIPAC has on U.S. policy and how to strengthen an alternative that respects the rights of all people in the region. You’re invited to be a part of this important national happening! Register today!

We hope you’ll join us in DC this May!

Breaking News: Haneen Zoabi to join Move Over AIPAC

Omar Barghouti: Challenging AIPAC’s Abuse of Taxpayers Money
On May 13, 2011, in Latest News, by Move Over AIPAC!

The Arab democratic spring, striving to end authoritarian rule and establish freedoms and social justice, has not been welcome by all. Israel and its main lobby in the U.S., the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), for instance, appear to have been caught off guard and visibly disturbed by the seemingly irreversible transformations that these uprisings promise to bring about in the Arab world and, to an extent, the world at large.

Having stood on the wrong side of history during the Tunisian and then the Egyptian revolutions, supporting the despots and authoritarian regimes against the people, Israel has a lot to lose from the democratic winds of change in the region. When Hosni Mubarak was about to be overthrown by the people’s revolution in Egypt Israel launched a diplomatic campaign to convince key Western capitals to support him lest stability is lost and Israel’s other tyrannical friends in the region feel abandoned. Read more…

Twitter Fest: #ChallengeAIPAC

On May 13, 2011, in Take Action,by Move Over AIPAC!

Dear friends, In preparation for CODEPINK and allies’ Move Over AIPAC summit in Washington DC May 21 – 24, TODAY (Friday, May 13th) we will be hosting a Twitter conversation to help spread the word about the mission of our crucial gathering. Follow @MoveOverAIPAC and start excessively using the hashtag #ChallengeAIPAC to get the convo [...]

CODEPINK is moving over AIPAC!
On May 11, 2011,in Latest News,by Move Over AIPAC!

CODEPINK interns, activists and artists Dara and Sanaa tell us why they are Moving Over AIPAC in DC May 21 – 24

Ambassador Freeman to speak at Move Over Aipac
On May 6, 2011,in Latest News,by Move Over AIPAC!

We are pleased to announce that Ambassador Charles Freeman will be presenting his book America’s Misadventures at the Move Over AIPAC Conference on Saturday, May 21st at 12:30pm. Freeman has served as an American diplomat in China, Thailand and Africa, and as the United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1989 to 1992. He is a [...]

As a Holocaust survivor, AIPAC does not speak for me
On April 28, 2011,in Latest News, by Move Over AIPAC!

Hedy Epstein | MondoWeiss At the end of one of my first journeys to the Israeli-occupied West Bank in 2004, I endured a shocking experience at Ben-Gurion Airport. I never imagined that Israeli security forces would abuse a 79-year-old Holocaust survivor, but they held me for five hours, and strip-searched and cavity-searched every part of [...]

Palestinian Author & Human Rights Advocate Nadia Hijab invites You to Move Over AIPAC
On April 13, 2011, in Latest News, by Move Over AIPAC!

New video: Nadia Hijab’s special announcement on why she will be speaking at the Move Over AIPAC Summit in Washington, DC May 21:

Clown Doctor Patch Adams and Activist Medea Benjamin on why AI-PAC a Day is Too Much
On April 12, 2011, in Latest News, by Move Over AIPAC!

Famous clown-doctor Patch Adams and CODEPINK & Global Exchange cofounder Medea Benjamin invite you to join us in DC:

Why I’m Going to Move Over AIPAC – A Young Jewish Perspective
On April 11, 2011, in Blogs, by Move Over AIPAC!

One year ago this week, on April 14, 2010, I was pulling a bleary-eyed all-nighter at the heated divestment on the UC Berkeley campus about divestment from US corporations profiting from the Israeli occupation. I was there to testify in support of the bill as a young Jewish-American of Israeli descent. On March 18, UC Berkeley’s student senate had voted 16 to 4 in favor of divestment. A week later, the vote was vetoed by the student senate president. What was behind the defeat of the resolution? One primary influence: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee – AIPAC.

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Endorsers & Partners

Over 100 organizations have endorsed Move Over AIPAC

See full list of endorsers

Partial list of endorsers:

Adalah-NY: The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East

American Muslims for Palestine

Build Bridges Not Walls

Citizens for Justice in the Middle East

CODEPINK Women for Peace

Committee for Palestinian Rights

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Friends of Palestine

Friends of Sabeel--North America

Global Exchange

International Solidarity Movement
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions USA

Jewish Voice for Peace

Middle East Children's Alliance

Middle East Peace Now

Network of Spiritual Progressives

NorCal Friends of Sabeel

Progressive Democrats of America

Philly BDS

The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice

Students for Justice in Palestine on many campuses

Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East

United for Peace and Justice

United National Antiwar Committee

The US Peace Council US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)

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