Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Rods from God": A "Top Secret" Space Operation Exposed Before Your Very Eyes

"Rods from God" The X-37 B: They're tracking the New Madrid Fault Zone!

William Scott, coauthor of the techno-novel Counterspace: The Next Hours of World War III and former Rocky Mountain Bureau Chief for Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine believes that with X-37B, the Air Force might test weapon delivery from a space plane in low Earth orbit.

See the video below of where the X-37 B is going to be the next 5 days! Are they maybe monitoring the New Madrid earthquake drills or is there a more sinister purpose? Whenever I see DARPA and Boeing working together on a "classified" project, it's time for me to dig a little bit deeper.

From Wikipedia in describing "classified" space spy vehicle X-37 B @ and

Most of the mission parameters for the first OTV-2 flight have not been disclosed.[8] The vehicle is capable of being on-orbit for up to 270 days. The Air Force stated the mission time would depend on progress of the craft's experiments during orbit.

The X-37 was transferred from NASA to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) on 13 September 2004.[3] The program has become a classified project, although it is not known whether DARPA will maintain this status for the project.

As part of its Space Support mission goals, X-37 was designed to rendezvous with friendly satellites to refuel them, or to replace failed solar arrays using a robotic arm. Its payload could also support Space Control (Defensive Counter-Space, Offensive Counter-Space), Force Enhancement and Force Application.[6

As the mission of the X-37B program is classified, public commentary on the program is speculation. William Scott, coauthor of the techno-novel Counterspace: The Next Hours of World War III and former Rocky Mountain Bureau Chief for Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine believes that with X-37B, the Air Force might test weapon delivery from a space plane in low Earth orbit. He mentions "Rods from God" - space-launched kinetic missiles - as a possible scenario.[11]

What is "Kinetic Bombardment", also from Wikepdia: A kinetic bombardment is the act of attacking a planetary surface with an inert projectile, where the destructive force comes from the kinetic energy of the projectile impacting at very high velocities. The concept is encountered in science fiction and is thought to have originated during the Cold War.

Science fiction, huh? Also from Wikipedia, lets deal with Boeing again! You won't believe this!

Project Thor

Project Thor is an idea for a weapons system that launches kinetic projectiles from Earth orbit to damage targets on the ground. Jerry Pournelle originated the concept while working in operations research at Boeing in the 1950s before becoming a science-fiction writer.[1][2] From:

Where will the X-37 B be during the next 5 days?

Uploaded by on May 3, 2011

A classified mission: X-37 B Passes over New Madrid Fault (See Mega Fault Trailer)

See live tracking of the X-37 B here, from:

The launch marks the start of the X-37 B programme's second space mission. The air force's other X-37B plane, known as OTV-1 , returned to Earth in December 2010 after a similarly mysterious seven-month maiden mission. This is a classified mission. More

OTV 2 (USA 226) can be found in the following categories: Military

NORAD ID: 37375
Int'l Code: 2011-010A
Perigee: 328.5 km
Apogee: 343.8 km
Inclination: 42.8°
Period: 91.1 min
Semi major axis: 6,707.2 km
Launch date: March 5, 2011
Source: United States (US)
Comments: The launch marks the start of the X-37 B programme's second space mission. The air force's other X-37B plane, known as OTV-1 , returned to Earth in December 2010 after a similarly mysterious seven-month maiden mission. This is a classified mission.

Two Line Element Set (TLE):

1 37375U 11010A   11101.01488562  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    09 2 37375  42.8040  69.8766 0011374 212.7141 147.3024 15.80501612    01 

More details about OTV 2 (USA 226)

X-37B being prepared for launch
Role Spaceplane
National origin United States
Manufacturer Boeing
First flight 7 April 2006 (drop test);
22 April – 3 December 2010 (first spaceflight)
Status Development and testing, one spaceflight completed
Primary users NASA/DARPA (X-37A)
USAF (X-37B)
Number built 2
Developed from

Boeing X-40

The movie "Megafault" features a surprise appearance by X-37 B with a familiar theme!

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