Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The New World Order Feudal Enslavement System

    From times immemorial, the top down authority imposition has been the rule. This system of control is the reason why excrement discharge flows downhill. The feudal model works well for the lords who sit atop the pyramid. Essentially the New World Order is the supreme evolution of the subjugation of the serf class. In spite of this fact, what keeps this inequitable delineation between the dominant and the spineless? Pure power and malicious behavior achieves the perfection of perdition, in this hierarchal slave gulag. Because it can be done and no force can stop the captivity is the cause of the suffering.

    The manipulating influence behind the Anglo-American hegemony and hyper-power governance is the "Crown". The Crown as defined by NESARA INTERNATIONAL may seem bizarre to the casual spectator. However, the secrets of the international banksters, wholly exposed after the global financial meltdown, are undeniable. If this is not the ultimate extortion by the global gangsters, what could top this rush into thralldom?

    "The U.S.A. is not the free and sovereign nation that our federal government tells us it is. If this were true, we would not be dictated to by the Crown Temple through its bankers and attorneys. The U.S.A. is controlled and manipulated by this private foreign power and our unlawful Federal U.S. Government is their pawnbroker. The bankers and Bar Attorneys in the U.S.A. are a franchise in oath and allegiance to the Crown at Chancery - the Crown Temple Church and its Chancel located at Chancery Lane - a manipulative body of elite bankers and attorneys from the independent City of London who violate the law in America by imposing fraudulent "legal" - but totally unlawful - contracts on the American people. The banks Rule the Temple Church and the Attorneys carry out their Orders by controlling their victim's judiciary".

    This technical description helps to focus on the undeniable; that the entire legal, political and economic template is driven by a sinister desire to regiment the population. Substitute or interchange the term "Crown" for the Illuminati or the New Work Order and you have the same playbook used on different teams. The Khazars inspired banking system is the means by which the top echelon of the obelisk pulls the strings of all the puppets. In the Youtube, Monopoly Men Rothschild Banksters Rule, the feudal enslavement system in revealed.

    In the news is a CNBC report, not exactly a radical repository of resistance, UK Proposes All Paychecks Go to the State First. "The UK's tax collection agency is putting forth a proposal that all employers send employee paychecks to the government, after which the government would deduct what it deems as the appropriate tax and pay the employees by bank transfer".

    From the usually dependable Webster G. Tarpley, a second example illustrates the problem. In French President Sarkozy Demands Financial Transaction Tax on Banks, Mr. Tarpley identifies an even more dire financial impoverishment plot.

    "What Sarkozy has thus proposed under the name of financial transaction tax is none other than the Tobin tax, the Wall Street sales tax, the securities transfer tax, or Robin Hood tax, which this website has long advocated. As Sarkozy specified, the financial transaction tax, like a sales tax, would take a small percentage of financial turnover and use the proceeds for purposes of world economic development. Naturally, the really critical questions are how big this percentage will be, who will collect it, and how it will be used".

    Banksters are exempt from the pain of paying taxes. TARP proved that reality with the "Too Big to Fail" precept. Their customers bear the burden of satisfying the impossibility of retiring the compound interest curse. Payment in any form of taxes, fuels the debt creation fiat money central bank monopoly. The push for a global currency is in full gear. This summary from NESARA INTERNATIONAL places the entire banking system under the mastery of the monolith cabal.

    "The legal system (judiciary) of the U.S.A. is controlled by the Crown Temple from the independent and sovereign City of London. The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat U.S. Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the Crown from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements. Even Hitler respected his Crown bankers by not bombing Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland controls all the central banks of the G7 nations. He who controls the gold rules the world".

    The notion that a Robin Hood Tax punishes the banks is ridiculous. The idea that such a universal tax is in the public interest is utterly obscene. Only in the land of Prince John would the serfs rally to a crusade of an improvised world cause. Here is the "wordspeak" of this 1984 propaganda. "This tax on banks – not you or I - has the power to raise hundreds of billions every year. It could give a vital boost to the NHS, our schools, and the fight against child poverty in the UK – as well as tackling poverty and climate change around the world".

    The notion that a Robin Hood Tax punishes the banks is ridiculous. The idea that such a universal tax is in the public interest is utterly obscene. Only in the land of Prince John would the serfs rally to a crusade of an improvised world cause. Here is the "wordspeak" of this 1984 propaganda. "This tax on banks – not you or I - has the power to raise hundreds of billions every year. It could give a vital boost to the NHS, our schools, and the fight against child poverty in the UK – as well as tackling poverty and climate change around the world".

    No doubt, the funds would go to ransom King Richard from the lion den of his New World Order jailers. All for the wonderful "feel good dream" of eliminating poverty and saving the planet! Just how stupid are our Brit cousins? The RHT poll is over ten to one in favor of the tax.

    The minions of the banksters and their transnational corporatists create the problem and look to their crony knights to shape phony policy solutions; while there, Norman sheriffs enforce the collection of the tariff from the Saxon boors. Sound like the same plight of the indentured servant hoards that go begging for their food stamps in this country.

    If falling astray of the dictates from feudal lords was the reason, why bands of thieves sought refuge in the forest; what option does the unemployed and beleaguered taxpayer do in his own collapsing castle? Just maybe the real problem is the destructive feudal scheme, is the true cause of the failed kingdom.

    Taking from the rich in order to give to the poor is a caustic fable for hiding the systemic injustice. Caught in the debt created currency repression is the discipline that keeps the peasants in bondage.

    Money or the lack of it, in sufficient quantities for the little people to feed and shelter their families dominates the economic depression. The mental strain leads to despair. No modern day Robin Hood will equalize the booty, when the NWO squeezes out the natural entrepreneurial instincts of wealth creators. The elitist faction continually wage wars to maintain their rule. The golden top cap of the Great Pyramid is long gone, residing in some bankster’s vault, where only a Freemason knows the location. That real golden crown is now just an ingot in the inventory of "The Crown" system of global governance.

    From Neo-Feudalist System, Keith Gardner states,

    "The reality is that our current system is a mixed system of false paradigms. If you take a long-view of history and recognize the false paradigms, you start to see a pattern of feudalism. The New World Order is a new form of neo-feudalism. The goal is of course a world communist government. However, a world communist government is a world fascist government. A world fascist government is a world feudalistic government. The differences are in the details.

    The solution is knowing the solution. The solution is classical liberalism. The false left/right paradigm of Marx, Keynes, and Mises will never solve the problem. They all push towards the New World Order and push towards enslavement of the people. Mises is perhaps the most deceptive method of enslavement, which is why they would pursue it, unless you understand feudalism and classical liberalism and recognize Mises as feudalism".

    The Totalitarian Collectivism that we live under is a top down authoritarian order of compliance. In order to break this prototype, Mr. Gardner offers this initial step.

    "We should end the Federal Reserve, end fractional reserve lending, have the U.S. government print debt-free money to replace the fractional reserves with real reserves as private debt is paid. The U.S. government can use the debt-free money to pay off the national debt and issue significant tax refunds to every citizen. We can do this without causing inflation with a public debt-free paper if we end the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve lending".

    Would "The Crown" allow this repudiation of their banking monopoly? Ask most of the assassinated Presidents and the conquered nations that resisted the dictates of the New World Order despotic pyramid. The circlet of plutocrats grows in riches and power with every consolidation of their diabolical planetary empire. People will only be able to free themselves when the crown is ripped from the heads of this satanic Hydra. You have entered and are now living within the New World Order. Life worth living will soon become a faint memory. Your only hope is to slay the dragon.

    SARTRE – September 26, 2010

"In total, during the first eighty-eight years of this century, almost 170 million men, women, and children have been shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed, or worked to death; buried alive, drowned, hung, bombed, or killed in any other of the myriad ways governments have inflicted death on unarmed, helpless citizens and foreigners. The dead could conceivably be nearly 360 million people.

It is as though our species has been devastated by a modern Black Plague.

And indeed it has, but a plague of Power, not of germs."

Dr. R. J. Rummel, Death by Government.

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