Friday, June 3, 2011

What is Behind China's Empty Cities?


by Christopher Neal Wyatt

Your reader, Dan wrote, "There is long term planning behind these vacant cities which is undisclosed."

I couldn't agree more... the Chinese government is clearly not stupid. Regardless, this begs the question: what is their plan, and why? Bringing Manhattan to Mongolia? It is not really an ideal location to build a metropolis... at least not yet. There is no sea port for hundreds of miles, and even the fastest bullet trains (which aren't built yet) will take hours to arrive there from almost any other major Chinese city.

Back in 2005, the Financial Times published excerpts from an interview with Chinese General Zhu Chenghu, who stated that "We... will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all cities east of Xian." Xian is located in Central China, perhaps halfway between the Chinese coast and Mongolia. Virtually every major Chinese city currently exists East of Xian, including the capital, Beijing, and it's largest city, Shanghai. If all of these cities were to be destroyed, hundreds of millions of Chinese refugees would need a new place to live... and these new 'built from scratch cities' might be just what is needed.

Back in 2005, everybody assumed that General Zhu was discussing the possibility of nuclear war with the West wiping out the entire Chinese coast... but could there be another possibility? I recently began studying the subject of future earth changes, which some people believe are shortly to befall our planet. Edgar Cayce famously made such predictions.

Some claim these changes will be brought by the comet Elenin (which will make it's closest approach to Earth this September-November). Here is a link to a map created by Gordon Michael Scallion, which shows one possible end result of these Earth changes.

Some people will claim that such Earth changes are simply not possible- or that at any rate, such geologic processes take eons, so we have nothing to worry about. I used to be of this view, but began changing my mind when I learned of the aftermath of the recent Japanese earthquake (and/or nuclear attack) on 3-11-11, after which the entire region has begun sinking in to the Ocean (link: Could this be the beginning of the type of Earth Changes which Cayce, Scallion, and others have foreseen?

Here's what I think: the Illuminati know that Earth Changes are going to happen, sooner or later. These changes might be caused by comets, or something else entirely... with the kind of technology these perps have access to, including Remote Viewing, Scalar Electromagnetics, etc., I'm certain they have far more detailed information than we could ever imagine. I believe they are attempting to hasten these Earth Changes with the use of their HAARP (Scalar) technology, so that they can more precisely control the timing and extent of these changes to better suit their agenda. Considering the recent hype over comet Elenin's arrival, this might be their 'false flag' cover story to unleash the full fury of their Tesla-based Scalar weaponry, so that all of the unenlightened dupes will simply believe that it's all an "Act of God", or an act of nature.

If such a series of Earth changes were to take place suddenly, as may very well be planned, many billions of people all around the World- who mostly live along or near the Ocean-- would be instantly drowned, their bodies, cities and industries lost forever underneath the tectonic plates. Those who do survive this calamity will attempt to escape inland, thus greatly straining the local resources of the (mostly rural) areas which they attempt to inhabit.

For these survivors, it will likely be a time of great famine and strife, and much of humanity may devolve to something like in the "Mad Max" movies. It is clear, however, that the Illuminati plan on remaining in control, and utilizing these Earth Changes to institute their 'final solution'- a One World Government. With the mass of humanity crawling on their knees, there needs to be just one global power with it's command structure intact, in order to gain leadership over the rest of the World. For the communist Chinese government, building a network of new cities in strategic locations (such as the Mongolian highlands) to house hundreds of millions of refugees would be a very wise plan in furtherance of this objective.

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