Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 - Occult Trauma-Based Mind Control


Art by Matthew Scotland (note clever embedded SS on top tower and Mason symbol, 33 and anubis shadowed on below bldg.)

by Zen Gardner

The spiritual supporting pillars of the world's societal structure were essentially demolished on 9/11...symbolically, alegorically, ritualistically and literally.

Imploded and destroyed. The rest followed.

It was quite a sinister "stroke of genius" and so exemplifies how these dark controllers operate. This is why the wake up to 9/11 Truth is so shocking to people's systems and they just can't handle it. It's overwhelming, which it was designed to be. And so the vast populace rolls over and buries its head back in the sand.

Nicely done, except....

Tell A Big Enough Lie

...and you'll eventually get exposed. So full of lies are these controllers it's beyond the grasp of normal sentient beings. And they revel in the power of that. It's amazing they can be so brash yet hidden in plain sight.

And these entities apparently rarely even know each other or their own ilk's identities. It's a hidden, and not so hidden, cult of non-feeling self-appointed elitist power mad psychopaths out to subdue humanity like it's some kind of a game.

How does that make you feel, that we're considered "useless eaters", "goyim", "parasites", "human resources"?

Wait till this all sorts out in the end. Our indignation will trump their arrogance any day. But we can't just go on business as usual either hoping for the cavalry to rescue us, as the religionists would have everyone believe. We cannot allow ourselves and if possible others to stay sedated in a state of acceptance to over the top offenses to humanity that should make our blood boil.

It's time a lot more people woke the hell up and stopped participating and got communicating. Information is power...which is why they flood us with dis-information, drugged foods, medicated air and water and electromagnetic smog!

But who's looking?

Towers falling in pillar of New York's St. John the Divine Cathedral - sculpted in 1997

The Twin Pillars Archetype

The effect of occult (hidden) symbolism on the human psyche is a nicely kept secret. Even though psychologists such as Carl Jung have written extensively on this and it's clearly pointed out by the esoteric community. People just do not realize they are daily the subject of the sophisticated manipulation of these terribly powerful symbols.

Like scientific breakthroughs are garnered by the military, these elite psychopaths have to weaponize everything, instead of using it for the betterment of humanity and our world.

And they're complaining about the behavior of the masses? Nice cover for their perfidy.

Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws [Confucius]

Why Symbols Are So Powerful

While the Freemasons seem to have "stolen" this symbolism of the two towers, like they pretend to own every other symbol and astro and numerological inference, it's seen throughout history and is firmly embedded in the collective subconscious, whether we remember them or not.

That is what makes it so powerful. We're born with these images having certain meanings buried in our DNA and subconscious. These are then affirmed and re-affirmed within our manipulated culture, to make us submit, to consume, to trust corporations, to trust the political system, believe the media, etc.

The twin towers image is one of the most powerful.

In mythology, Hercules reached the limits of the Mediterranean and raised two great columns upon which he inscribed Non Plus Ultra - as this was the supposed border of the known world. The Pillars of Hercules now refers to the twin mountains of Gibraltar and Mt. Acho. Below is an illustration of the old Spanish "Pillar Dollar" bearing the Twin Columns of Hercules & Twin Globes of the Old & New World. [back to the 7-11 Gibraltar Connection]

This symbolism reminded me of the Freemasonic Twin Columns shown here, where the "two worlds" are Heaven and Earth. Clearly Twin Columns is an evocative symbol, understood by Architects, Merchants, Bankers & Freemasons.

The two spheres on the Pillar Dollar were abbreviated on some coins, showing up as half-circles instead of whole. The symbol for Gemini seems to me an image of Twin Pillars standing atop the semi-circle of the Earth, capped by the semi-circle of the vault of Heaven.

"Brothers of the House" seeking to communicate with their fellow brethren would seize the opportunity to imbue their architectural undertaking with such a rich symbolic motif, and it is no surprise that the Rockefeller duo are members of the Illuminati, immersed completely in the pursuit of the power that money brings. In the guise of The Great Work, the Rockefeller World Trade Center sought to embody the ideals of the modern age, the Age of Information, and the concept of World Peace through World Trade. (Source)

Freemasonry And Twin Towers

Look at the three Notre Dame cathedrals below:

The Western facade of all three are almost identical, sharing these unique qualities:

1) pair of twin towers on top
2) giant rose window in the center
3) three-door entrance

This repeating pattern has gone unrecognized by any professor or scholar, and thus far no one has pointed it out, named it, or explained its symbolism. This repeating Western facade, however, is nothing less than a “Cathedral Code”: a message from the Masons themselves, encoded in stone and concealed in plain sight.

The Masonic Tracing Board is a mystery to today’s uninformed Masons.

This Tracing Board is an enigma to modern Masons, esoteric authors, and even occult research: they are unsure of its purpose and unaware of its symbolism. The Tracing Board, however, actually holds the key to the Gothic Western facade and the lost secret of the Freemasons encoded within.

Tracing Board Is The Gothic Cathedral Blueprint

The true meaning of the Tracing Board is, in fact, that it is a blueprint of that same Western facade above. It is the blueprint behind that facade, and in fact shares every resemblance:

The Twin Pillars on the Masonic Tracing Board (left) and
the Twin Towers of the Gothic Cathedral (right).

A century ago author and Freemason Walter L. Wilmshurst (1867 – 1939), one of very few modern-day Masons who understood Masonry profoundly, explained:

“The [Twin] Pillars…have been incorporated into Christian architecture. If you recall the construction of York Minster or Westminster Abbey, you will recognize the pillars in the two great towers flanking the main entrance…”

—W.L. Wilhmshurst, The Meaning of Masonry, 1922

Left: Westminster Abbey, London, England. Right: York Minster, York, England

What do the Twin Pillars on the Tracing Board signify? Why is there a sun over the Jachin pillar and a moon over the Boaz pillar? Is this what each one stands for?

Mainstream Masonry’s explanation for the Twin Pillars are that they are called “Jachin” and “Boaz”, and that they once decorated King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. While this story may be true, it neglects to explain the sun and the moon (which, in fact, are never mentioned in any Masonic explanation) and also makes no reference to the fact that the pillars predate Solomon and even Judaism by thousands of years.

This duality of the Sun/Moon is critically important: The world’s first cultures all perceived the Sun and Moon as “perfect opposites” or perfect “pairs of opposites.” Source

The Twin Pillars and Opposites

Thus the 2 pillars, like the sun and moon, male and female, black and white, good and evil etc., are the fundamental representation of the Freemasonic principle of opposites. This is essential to Freemasonry, as these "pairs of opposites" represent the material world, while the soul or spiritual is found by supposedly putting these things in balance.

That's nice. Until you move up the ladder into their hidden teachings, and how they utilize the occult to control humanity in their favor, at whatever cost.

Speaking of the Freemasonic Rockefellers...

Here's something about the occult Rockefeller center in NYC that further proves their Masonic foundation and illustrates more use of the "pairs of opposites".

A massive Triptych graces the facade of Rockefeller Center. Above the door on the right is
a male, above the door on the left is a female, and a ‘god’ sits above the center door.

The male and female figures atop the doors of opposites are, of course, pairs of opposites themselves:

The Triptych design that graces the entrance of Rockefeller Center matches the
Masonic symbolism of Sun (right), Moon (left), and the Spiritual Eye (center).


"OK. They're Freemasonic. So Why Did They Blow Them Up?"

Trauma Based Mind Control

Blowing out the pillars symbolizes, rightfully so, bringing down the house as in the Samson in the temple of Dagon illustration at the top. In the case of the WTC Twin Towers, they represented the international financial world system, as was proudly emblazoned on the world's psyche since they were opened in 1970-72. Dedicated to the Rockefeller brothers, high ranking Illuminati freemasons, the iconic picture of these towers adorned more paraphernalia and received more multi-media exposure than virtually any modern architectural image.

When these literal icons/idols of society disintegrated before everyone's eyes, the psychological fabric of America and much of the world was rent in two. Not only at a conscious level, but as explained above, this is also at the vast collective subconscious level, which is even more powerful, shredding a timeless symbol laden with esoteric meanings and associations held deep in the soul.

The resulting trauma created a completely suggestible populace.

Hyper State control as a political tool uses psychologically coercive techniques in order to indoctrinate subjects. The end justifies the means to form an elitist, totalitarian society. If you make a person behave the way you want, you can make that person believe what you want. Hyper-State control techniques are based on the same principles as mind control techniques studied in social control systems of cult groups and social bodies in general.

Creating anxiety and fear, inducing states of high suggestibility and controlling relationships to assure loyalty and obedience are standard management techniques of the social body.

Desensitization through language abuse, propaganda and junk-information, as well as the elimination of individual ideas through repetition of chants and phrases or the inducement of dependence by introducing sports, games or TV shows with obscure rules, are part of a large set of social styling methods. Pumping up disorientation, susceptibility to emotional arousal is increased by depriving the nervous system through special diets of junk-food, prolonging mental and physical activity and withholding rest and sleep.


Enter The Phony 9/11 Narrative - And Quickly.

On this blank, highly suggestible traumatized mind was immediately imprinted the narrative by a thoroughly complicit media:

1. "We have been attacked! Never before has the American mainland been attacked!"

2. "It was outside terrorists!--the ones we've been telling you about! Muslim terrorists did this despicable deed."

3. "We must attack back to defend freedom! Our bastion of freedom must now root out terrorism everywhere!"

4. "There will be sacrifices. To protect you we're going to have to limit your freedoms...all in your best interest of course." nauseum.

Was the ruptured "Great Spherical Caryatid" sculpture at the twin towers foreshadowing the 9/11 "event"?


There's much more to this subject. And it wasn't just Freemasons involved in all this, but they're a major arm that encapsulates a belief system much of the Illuminati share. Members of this dark cabal are almost always associated with some sort of secret society or practice like Freemasonry or witchcraft, often under a religious cover like the Vatican, Mormonism or Evangelical groups. Rothschild Zionists use both the religious cover and the financial "institution" to disguise and justify their perfidy.


But Freemasonry seems to be one of the larger, more common threads, and their language is easy to spot. However, not just Freemasons use these powerful symbols to exercise power. But it illustrates the point of 9/11 occult symbolsm as a tool

The Ritual

At the occult level the 9/11 event was a ritual, empowered, as is often the case, by performing human sacrifice. War is another such ritual, usually instigated and financed by this same dark cabal loosely labelled the Illuminati.

I can't begin to cover the extent of the symbology and esoteric meaning injected into the 9/11 charade, but I hope this opens up a few things for you to look into further. These same tactics are used constantly on an unwary public at many levels.

But it's effective only on the unwary, the unaware and the uninformed. Once you see the man behind the curtain or that the magician is a fraud, the jig is up.

The lie is exposed, the spell is broken and the illusion loses its power over you.

But the secret weapon of 9/11 was this: it was riding high on the amplified occult, symbolic preparation of not just decades, seeing the "twin towers" as a symbol of world commerce and the "triumph of the human spirit", but seeing "twin pillars of society" throughout architecture and logos and literature for millenia, both conscious and subconscious, being destroyed before their eyes, over and over and over.

That these twin towers could be pre-placed and pre-determined to "blow up in our faces" with this desired effect may seem ludicrous to some.

But when your eyes get opened, it makes all the sense in the world.

Stay awake, aware and unafraid in these dark times.

Love, Zen

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