Monday, February 6, 2012

The Coverup of Zionist Organized Crime!

This documentary defends Italians from a vicious and hypocritical Zionist-dominated media constantly associates Italians and Italian culture with organized crime when actually Italians have been a tiny fraction of the worldwide underworld of White slavery, drugs, loan-sharking, protection rackets, murder for hire, money-laundering and other kinds of criminal activity. The World Champions of organized crime for hundreds of years have been not Italians but Jews and they have constituted the leading criminal element in many nations all over the world. But Jewish extremism and tribalism in the mass media has covered up their own role in organized crime while at the same time exaggerating the Italian role in it. It is typical of the Zionists to point the finger at other people for their own evils. This is true even in the United States. The Jewish-dominated media has covered up the paramount Jewish role in organized crime while it has worked overtime to slander Italians and now "Russians" with the ethnic association of organized crime. This documentary lays out the undeniable facts. The biggest gangster of the 20th century was not the Italian Al Capone, it was the very Jewish, and very Zionist Meyer Lansky. The most horrific crime organization of the 2oth Century was Murder, Inc. an overwhelming Jewish organization. And the quote, "Russian" Mafia is neither Russian nor Mafia, it is run by Jewish mobsters from Russia and Eastern Europe. This video will show how the Zionist media manipulates us and reveals their ultimate hypocrisy and the great threat of a worldwide network of Jewish organized crime aided by their incredible influence in media and government.

Jewish Extremists: Integration for Everyone Else, but Not for Us!

Jewish Extremists: Integration for Everyone Else, but Not for Us!

Extremist Jews continually demand that all other peoples of the world integrate, deny their national identities and pretend that there are no differences at all—but they keep themselves so “racially pure” and race-conscious that they won’t even allow dead people of different races or religions buried in any of their cemeteries! (more…)

Oil industry sees China winning, West losing from Iran sanctions

Oil industry sees China winning, West losing from Iran sanctions

The announced by the European Union that it will ban all Iranian oil imports and the US government’s plan to clamp down on nations using dollars to buy oil from that nation will not only cause hardship for consumers in the west, but artificially boost China and the Chinese economy, the oil industry has predicted. (more…)

More Rumors of War with Iran

More Rumors of War with Iran

By Ian Mosley. The U.K. Financial Times reports: “How close is the west getting to all-out conflict with Iran? As 2012 gets under way, the question is right at the top of the international security agenda. Hardly a day goes by without some striking news from the region – be it Iran’s decision to enrich uranium at a new underground site; or the unexplained killing of another Iranian nuclear scientist; or Iran’s threat to close the Strait of Hormuz.” (more…)

Independent Experts Dismiss the “Iranian Nuclear Threat” Report

Independent Experts Dismiss the “Iranian Nuclear Threat” Report

At least two important and independent experts have dismissed the “Iranian nuclear threat” report as “amateurish” and a mish-mash of old news from an already discredited source. According to Robert Kelley, an American nuclear engineer and former International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the latest report is “very thin.”

Mr Kelly pointed out that almost all the source data was taken from the so-called “laptop of death,” a mysterious, anonymous set of documents handed in by an anonymous source to a US intelligence facility in 2005. “I thought there would be a lot more there,” Mr Kelly told the CS Monitor news source. (more…)

Dr. David Duke — A New Paradigm — For Human Diversity and Freedom!

A New Paradigm — For Human Diversity and Freedom!

By David Duke

Dr. David Duke offers a New Paradigm for Humanity. Read and listen to this amazing statement that will create a revolution in the concept of Human Rights. A recognition of the absolute right of every people to preserve its Human diversity, independence and freedom. The right of every people to preserve its culture, traditions, art forms and characteristics of society. A path to peace and harmonious nations and societies. Why we must resist Globalist destruction of freedom, Globalist forms of economic and financial slavery, and Globalist, Zionist wars. In the power of its reason, love and understanding, this declaration of Human Diversity and Freedom can be the moral engine to saving our European people and the rights of all people on Earth! ( Text Below ) Listen to some of the most powerful words you will every hear!

The Foundation of Human Freedom

I believe that each of us must be committed to the preservation of Human diversity. I cherish not only the value of every form of life in what we call biodiversity, but also in the diversity of Mankind. I believe that every people has the right to preserve their expression of Humanity, its heritage and culture. That every people on earth has the right rule themselves and the right to be free and independent. (more…)

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