Thursday, February 23, 2012

Facebook Group counters ‘sexist’ wives club

Tinggal kenangan. Tiger Woods punya nafsu luar biasa, dikatakan ibunya seorang pelacur kelas atasan berbangsa Thai yang akhirnya dikahwini ayahnya, seorang pegawai tentera. Benih yang jahat akan melahirkan keturunan jahat. Apa salahnya isteri yang halal melayan suami bagai bidadari syurga yang lebih hebat dari pelacur kelas atasan untuk mendapatkan anak-anak genius, cergas dan bertaqwa, sebagaimana ibunya?.

Merujuk kepada kelab FB ini, biasalah orang bukan Muslim yang kurang faham hukum akan memperkecilkan Islam, sedangkan mereka tidak faham dengan mendalam sesuatu isu itu. Mungkin apa yang mereka lihat sekadar kulit, kulit itulah yang diburuk-burukkan, sedangkan isinya yang indah dan suci mereka tidak pernah lihat atau rasa. Apalah salahnya isteri taat, bukankah kebaikannya akan kembali kepada isteri juga. Suami yang mempunyai isteri yang taat pasti akan bertambah-tambah kasih sayangnya, malah ibadahnya kepada Allah akan meningkat. Anda boleh baca hujung berita ini, komen dari seorang (ahli politik ) Melayu yang open minded tentang isu ini. Perdulikan komen orang-orang non-Muslim yang menghina, tugas kita untuk mengetengahkan isu ini dengan berhikmah demi keindahan Islam yang kita cintai.

FB group counters ‘sexist’ wives club

PETALING JAYA: Facebook users have started a group called “We Do Not Want Sexist Nonsense From Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd” after reading about the Obedient Wives Club (OWC) launched by the organisation.

Someone called Matthew Tard Ong wrote that he created the group as he believed both partners played a role in keeping a marriage healthy.

As of 9.30pm yesterday, 133 people had joined the group.

The OWC, or Kelab Taat Suami, was launched yesterday. Its members strived to delight their husbands in almost every way.

OWC vice-president Dr Rohaya Mohamad said this included keeping husbands sexually satisfied so they would not turn to prostitutes or keep mistresses.

A Muslim husband, who only wanted to be known by his first name Zul, said he did not agree with the message sent out by the club.

“Yes, sex is important, but you can’t say that it will help curb social ills in such a sweeping manner.

“There are other factors involved,” said the 36-year-old technician.

He said men tended to stray for psychological reasons that he himself did not fully understand.

Men, he said, could cheat on their wives despite having a happy marriage.

Sociologist and social activist Rohanna Ariffin suggested that OWC members read up on statistics by women’s rights groups and the police to find out the factors that caused domestic violence.

“Women shouldn’t be women’s worst enemy. Husbands have to take responsibility for their own behaviour,” said Rohanna who is also a Parti Rakyat Malaysia central committee member.

She stressed that it was wrong for women to take all the blame for men’s weaknesses.

However, Selayang Umno deputy chief Datuk Nasir Ibrahim said the club was extraordinary and unique.

He said Selayang Umno fully supported the club as most problems had their roots at home.

There may be negative voices decrying this as male chauvinism but I don’t see it that way. If the family institution is strong with good marital relations, it can help counter social ills,” he said at the launch of the club yesterday.

Related Stories:
Obedient Wives Club to offer sex lessons

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