Monday, February 27, 2012

Purim: Why War On Persia (Iran) Could Start March 7th

Alternative Knowledge Esoterica false flag events New World Order Politics of War Secret Societies

by Zen Gardner

This is nasty news. Sorry to say but this information links up pretty heavily. If you don’t believe in the occult, secret societies, numerology and cultish, satanic zealots this will probably not make sense to you. But if you have the guts, hear me out.

For the opening.

Both of the Iraq wars and the Libyan invasion were started at an extremely opportune time. Not in terms you may perceive, but according to a very small minority of an extremely aggressive, satanic, occult driven people, or groups of peoples, who’ve since actually popularized this annual ritual.

It’s call Purim. A celebration of revenge by the alleged Jewish nation against the Persians from way back in so-called Biblical times. All a metaphor but based in semi-reality.

And this year this wicked occult ritual of Purim falls on March 7 and 8.

Consider this:

  • -The Iraq war of 1991 ended prematurely exactly on Purim day, immediately following the savage slaughter of 150,000 surrendering Iraqi troops during the Purim dates. Decidedly montrous in any estimation.
  • -The next Iraq war began on Purim 2003, with a wreckless, sensationalized death-dealing bombardment of Iraqi civilians. The war went on dealing millions of needless deaths and continues to this day.
  • -To top it off, the merciless Libyan invasion began on Purim 2011…just one week after the Japan earthquake and tsunami.
  • -There were also massive earthquakes on Purim, a 7.8 in Chile in 2008 and an 8.8 in China in 2010.–HAARP and other technologies in the hands of these extremely evil forces?

Coincidences? Or deliberate occult ritual sacrifices…

Purim, literally meaning “to bring to naught, to break, or to crush”, is an annual celebration of death and vengeance. It is supposedly based on the Bible book of Esther and celebrates deception by infiltration and the ensuing bloody defeat of a purported Persian threat on the then Jewish people. At the cost of 75,000 Persians.

You can look it up, but it’s actually a celebrated holiday of slaughter of the Persians of “Bible times” but trickily all “enemies of Judaism” to keep all adherents involved in the ritual.

This is basically the blueprint for the Illuminti attack strategy, including the satanic Ashkenazi and other bloodlines, still alive today, overtly in rabid Zionism and Freemasonry. But even more so in the covert works of a secret cabal connected by secret societies with dark intelligence agencies carrying out the whims of the high council of the Illuminati, for want of a better definition.

Drunk Purim celebrators in the streets. Nice holiday.

Pure-(im) Bullshit:

Purim: What’s It All About?

The Book of Esther (Megillat Esther in Hebrew), the basis for the Purim holiday, recounts one of the most beloved [beloved of the Jews] of all biblical stories. Haman, the arch villain of the story, devises a plan to annihilate the Jews of Persia which is approved by the Persian King Ahasuerus. Through a complex turn of events, the Jewish Queen Esther and her adoptive father Mordechai manage to intercede with the king, thwart Haman’s evil plan, and destroy Haman, his family and other enemies of the Jewish people. The holiday of Purim is then proclaimed.

Purim — the Feast of Lots — seems full of contradictions. One minute, Jews are helpless and mourning in sackcloth. The next, they’re fighting their enemies — and winning! Miracles are happening – but God’s name isn’t mentioned. On Purim, the Jews reaffirm their allegiance to Judaism — and reach new spiritual heights. But then come masquerades, parodies, and serious drinking and feasting.

Purim teaches us to see through the contradictions of life and realize that they are all part of the plan! Long before Haman writes his decree of destruction, a queen is deposed to make way for Esther, who ultimately saves the Jews. The medicine comes before the illness. Purim means lots – as in a lottery. But the sequence of events suggests anything but chance. Source

More on the true history of Pure-im:

The Book of Esther, which contains the basic story (though not, of course, the lengthy Talmudic and Kabbalistic embellishments), was labeled canonical and placed in the Old Testament as a result of rabbinic manipulation of the Church. In fact, the story’s two main characters, Esther and Mordechai, are thinly veiled personifications of the Babylonian deities Ishtar and Marduk.

Huh? All is not what it seems. These things are deeper than you think and they’re playing us on every level. Dig in, there’s lots to be learned here.


It Gets Stranger

Purim is the Jewish-ordained holy day in which the Talmud commands Jews to party and get so drunk they cannot distinguish between good and evil. Purim is also the time when the Jews are encouraged to get bloody revenge against their perceived enemies. Murder, carnage, fiery slaughter and holocaust—history records that almost anything goes on Purim. Sexual orgies are common, and Purim is a regular Bacchanalia of wickedness, cruelty, and debauchery. Even little Jewish children are encouraged to join in the mayhem, being provided triangle-shaped cookies representing the ears of ancient enemy Haman and also of modern-day victims. Source

Now Does Esther’s Occult Ritual Make More Sense?

Madonna, her Kabbalist name being Esther, at the blatant occult ritual during super bowl halftime, the most watched event in all of television. Clearly a satanic celebration of assumed conquest and foreshadowing of events to come.

Will the sacrificial finale called World War 3 beginning with the upcoming attack on Iran (Persia) begin in some form on the death-worshipping holiday of Purim which lands on March 7-8 this years?

We’ll soon find out.


So, we’re the subjects of insane bloodline rituals such as this? Sad to say, yes. They’re playing out their cards but are about to run up against a wall. A big one.

It’s called Truth. Righteousness. Reality. The Universe. God. Your call…

May they repent and wake up, or rot in their cute Illuminati shorts.Their choice.

Ours is to be free now and forever, and resist by not complying.

And we already got the answers to it all…cool?

Love always,


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