Tuesday, May 7, 2019

#M4 - WRVC MB 2019 The opening of Pandora's Suitcase

2019 Agenda for Disclosur

The opening of Pandora's Suitcase

High-status disclosures of previously suppressed information and covert forward planning may initiate the following changes in 2019:

Universal debt forgiveness will be rolled out across the planet. Debt doesn't work, except as a self-enriching money-laundering mechanism for the bankster élites and their owners. It doesn't even work any more for capitalist nation states or for rapacious multinational corporations. The Global Jubilee will permanently forgive (erase) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide. More background here.

Gold and asset-backed cryptocurrency funds will be set up to provide a Universal Basic Income for every human being on Earth. This will be an unremovable human right for all. It will no longer be necessary to work or to be a slave in order to survive. This development has been made urgent by the rapid growth of artificial intelligence and robot work systems. The world leader, now, in the production and application of industrial robotics is China. The Chinese systems will be installed and marketed inexpensively across the whole world.

In the ongoing USA v US Deep State Civil War in America, the Rockefeller, Kissinger, Bush, Clinton and Obama political syndicates will be peacefully and lawfully removed from American public life permanently. President Barack Obama, like President George Bush Jnr before him, was illegally and unconstitutionally elected; he was a controlled agent of old and diminishing European monetary interests. More background can be found here, here, here and here. The US Federal Reserve system will be abolished. A new gold-backed USA currency will be issued by the USA Treasury.

The identities of the hidden Khazar Zionistpolitical bosses embedded in corporate America will be disclosed. The use these bosses have made of human clones

in American political management will become common knowledge. The use made of human clones in managing European Royal families, international banking, spiritual fascism in religion, industrial militarism and political assassinations will be made clear for all to see. The fact that mind-controlled human clones have been democratically elected into national leaderships, have signed state and religious papers of moment, and have been terminated at will and substituted with others, will be revealed.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio ('Francis'), the present Pope, will be obliged to retire. Like Tenzin Gyatso (the Dalai Lama) and Billy Graham (US Protestant evangelist), he is a Western deep-state-controlled PsyOp, who functions within the mechanism of establishment religious control and disinformationMore about the Dalai Lama can be found here (24.06.16). And more about Bergoglio's covert background can be found here (02.02.14). Further critical comment is here (02.10.15) and, for those with an eye for detail and a strong legal stomach,here (pdf 23pp).Alternative views about the current significance of recent words by the Pope and the Dalai Lama are beginning to be offered, however, including from this independent high-status site here and here (Sept 2016),here (July 2016), here (May 2016), here(14.01.16) and here (Dec 2015 / Jan 2016). And with regard to the Pope, a photograph has turned up of him in Caacupé, Paraguay, in July 2015. It purports to show him receiving a benevolent light blessing from the Higher Evolution; in this case from the Maitreya Buddha (aka Melchizedek or Christ). The picture is here.

Queen Elizabeth II of England will abdicate or, at the very least, will begin to withdraw from active personal involvement in Constitutional, Church of England, and international banking affairs. The occult connection between the Vatican in Rome and The Crown Temple in London will be 

More here, here,here and here. The London Crown Temple is reported to be the old and diminishing European monetary entity which owns the assets and income of the US Federal Reserve System, and controls its disbursements (see, for example, p15 of this pdf here).

The legitimacy of 'royal' status will attract increasing forensic scrutiny in the public domain. Why should élite, unelected, unappointed, unqualified bloodlines have privileged access to vast invisible wealth and influence? The rôle of the European royal families in the Nazi continuum's
shadow banking nexus will be exposed. An incremental admixture of document leaks, legal interventions and inside disclosures will galvanise public outrage. Examples: here,here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here,here, here and here.

All around the world, national leaders and régimes which have political, corporate or legal connections with the anti-Constitutional US Rogue Faction (the Washington DC private corporation aka UNITED STATES, INC.) will be removed from power. Particularly likely to benefit in this regard are Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Brazil, Burundi,Canada, Colombia, Congo, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Moldova, Myanmar, Netherlands, North Korea, North Macedonia, South Korea, Paraguay, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, the Sudans, Taiwan, Thailand, UAE, UK, Ukraine and Yemen. Peaceful, democratic and benevolent régime changes in these nations will soon be possible.

The low-vibration AntiChrist energies of lies, deceit and personal greed, as channelled by the American political establishment (Republican and Democrat), will cease to be sustainable. Undetectable manipulation of the Kissinger-Bush-Clinton-Obama kind will become increasingly impossible on Earth as the energetic environment of planetary cleansing and ascension raises the dominant vibrations of light throughout the planet.

Major geopolitical financial changes, previously thought impossible, will become increasingly manifest. The internationally-traded US Dollar will continue under the ownership and control of Asia, will become a gold-backed currency, will gain in value, and will be systemically separated from the fiat form of US Dollar used domestically within the US. By 2020, all internationally-traded US dollar bills (notes) will carry a visible Chinese signatory on the obverse (not US Treasurer or US Treasury signatures).

The Swiss Franc has already (in 2015) broken its peg with the Euro (a fiat currency) and become gold-backed. The US will lose control of the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation to the G188BRICS alliance. A new UN HQ will be (or has already been) built in China
, but a more likely symbolic location for the main HQ is now thought to be Vientiane in Laos. The G7 Bretton Woods money management system of 1944 will be consigned to the dustbin of history.

In 2019, many of the major changes in global economic governance will force themselves into visibility in the mainstream financial media in the West. These will manifest when the Asian CIPS system completely supplants the Western SWIFT system. This change is now under way. Very soon, it will be possible to translocate all major asset-backed capital flows between global financial centres without the risk of élite theft, diversion or mirroring. The benevolent conduits for the global prosperity funds will be in place and secure.

Various long-held funds, some of exoteric origin and some of esoteric origin, will begin to be released into these new, secure, financial conduits during 2019. One of the exoteric sources is referred to as The Global Collateral Accounts. These are said to amount to $93 quadrillion of ready-to-go, audited assets (precious metals, gems, bonds etc) mostly owned by Asian depositors and held in more than a
 thousand different locations across the eastern hemisphere.

In November 2015, the Asian Elders who own and control most of these reserves appointedNeil Keenan to be the monetary controller of the The Global Collateral Accounts. He is now N1 M1; the only rightful steward of this disbursement authority since President Sukarno of Indonesia was invested with that power in the 1940s. Then, three years later, in August 2018, after a series of ancient esoteric initiations, Keenan was appointed Amanah of Indonesia by the tribal elders of that nation. Again, he followed Sukarno (and only Sukarno) in this rôle.

The Amanah document gives Neil Keenan full authority, as the principal Trustee, over the dispersion of the Amanah assets and over any and all other accounts and estates relating to the Amanah in Indonesia. This includes quadrillions in deliverable gold. Keenan is thus, now, the principle Trustee of much of the world’s foundational currency-backing wealth. An August 2018 photograph of Neil Keenan with the Amanah document, signed by thirty of the Indonesian Elders, can be seenhere. Also shown in this photograph is the transfer of power sceptre. More here andhere.

The history of The Global Collateral Accounts is convoluted and much obfuscated by Western rogue faction financial terrorism over the last eight decades. It takes in the 1944 and 1995 Bretton Woods Agreements, the assassination of US President J.F.Kennedy (1963), and the 9/11 false flag attacks in America (2001). An introductory timeline of that history is compiled here (HTML) and here(pdf - 120pp).

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