Monday, February 27, 2012

The Resurgence of Islam from The East


  1. The Grand Design of Allah
  2. Rome and Persia will fall into the hands of Islam
  3. Constantinople fell into the hands of Islam
  4. Events of the Resurgence of Islam at the end of time


  1. Introduction
  2. The West on the Brink of Destruction
  3. The Splendour of Islam will be revived
  4. South East Asia, the Base for the Resurgence of Islam
  5. The Youth of Bani Tamim, the Leader for the resurgence of Islam in South East Asia


(The chain of the Hadith of Rasulullah)

  1. The Grand Design of Allah

Rasulullah SAW said:

“The era of prophethood has come to you, as such the era of prophethood has taken place as Allah wills. Then the era of Khulafaur Rashidin moves in as in the era of prophethood. Then this era took place as Allah wills. Then Allah removed the era, and the era of the reign that pinches took place (the era of Slander). The era took place as Allah wills. Then Allah removed it again. Then the era of Oppression and Tyranny took place (the era of the reign of the Dictator) and the era took place as Allah wills it. Then the era of Caliphate (Imam Mahdi and Isa a.s) takes place that moves as the way of life of the era of prophethood.”

  1. Rome and Persia will fall into the hands of Islam

When they were digging the trenches for security in preparation for the Khandaq War, the Companions failed to break the huge rocks. Rasulullah went to the place and asked for a spade. Rasulullah recited “Bismillah” and with all his might, pierced the spade into the rock. The rock broke into three whilst discharging massive flames of fire. Rasulullah SAW spoke, “Almighty Allah! I have been presented with the keys of the nation of Rome, and from those flames, I could see clearly the red palaces and my Ummah will conquer them all.”

At the third strike, the rock broke more as it discharged massive flames of fire. Rasulullah Saw spoke that he saw palaces and mansions in Syria and Yaman, also other districts that at one point in time will be under the patronage of the banner of Islam.

Rome and Paris, at that moment, were two world superpowers such as America and Russia in the eighties. And it became evident that this Hadith was realized with the fall of East Rome and Persia to the hands of the Islamic army during the era of Caliph Umar ibn Khattab.

  1. Constantinople fell into the hands of Islam

Rasulullah SAW spoke:

“Constantinople will fall into the hands of a leader who is the best of leaders, the citizens who are the best of citizens, and the army which is the best of armies.”

  1. Events of the Resurgence of Islam at the end of time

4.1 The Splendour of Islam will be revived at the end of time.

It had been narrated by Abu Daud and Tabrani from Abdullah bin Masud from the Prophet SAW who said, “if there is only one more day left on this earth, certainly Allah will lengthen the day until a male is delegated from my family, who has the same name as mine and his father’s name is the same as my father’s and he will fill the world with justice as the world was once filled with tyranny.”

(Al Hawi lil Fatawa by Imam Sayuti)

4.2 The Resurgence of Islam at the end of time will begin from the East.

And it has been narrated by Ibnu Abi Shaibah and Nu’aim bin Hammad in Al Fitan and Ibnu Majah and Abu Nu’aim from Ibnu Masud who said, “when we were side by side with Rasulullah SAW, a group of youths from the family of Bani Hashim suddenly arrived. When he saw them, tears appeared in both the eyes of Rasulullah SAW and his countenance changed. “Why do we see in your face something that we do not like?” he answered, “We, Ahlul Bait have been chosen by Allah more for the Hereafter than his world, disaster will befall my kin, and in my absence they will be ousted, until the advent of a race from the east who will bring with them the banner coloured black. They asked for good but is not given. So, they fought and attained victory. And they are given what they asked for but they do not accept it until they submit to a male from my kinship, who will fill this earth with justice as the earth was filled with treachery. Whoever amongst you is able to meet him, approach him even though you have to crawl on snow. Verily, he is Al Mahdi.”

4.3 For every century (100 years) Allah will cause a Mujaddid (reformer) to appear.

Rasulullah SAW said:

“Verily, Allah will cause to appear for the Muslim Ummah, a Mujaddid who will reform all religious affairs (Islam) at the beginning of each century.”

4.4 Imam Mahdi, Mujaddid at the end of time.

  1. Rasulullah SAW said:

From Abu Daud and Tabrani from Abdullah bin Mas’ud from the Prophet SAW, he said, “If there is only one more day left on this earth, certainly Allah will lengthen the day until a male is delegated (Al Mahdi) from my family, who has the same name as mine, and his father’s name is the same as my father’s and he will fill the world with justice as the world was once filled with tyranny.”

  1. and Abu Nu’aim narrated from Abi Said, and Prophet SAW said:

“Al Mahdi is from us, Ahlul Bait, a male from my Ummah, with a prominent nose. He fills the earth with justice as the earth was filled with tyranny.”

  1. and narrated by Abu Nu’aim and Al Khatib in Talkhis Al Mutashabih from Ibnu Umar, Rasulullah SAW said:

“Al Mahdi will appear, and on his head the Angel will declare, ‘This is Al Mahdi, follow him.’ “

4.5 The Bani Tamim Youth from the East, the bearer of the banner for Imam Mahdi.

Narrated by Tabrani in Al Ausat, from Ibnu Umar, that the Prophet SAW had taken Ali’s hand and said: “There will be issued from these ribs, a youth who will fill the world with justice (Imam Mahdi). When you see this situation, it is compulsory (wajib) for you to seek for the Youth from Bani Tamim, he comes from the East and he is the bearer of the banner for Al Mahdi.”

(Kitab Al Hawi lil Fatawa by Imam Sayuti)

4.6 The jamaah bearing the Truth under the leadership of the Bani Tamim Youth attains victory in the East and paves the way for Imam Mahdi.

  1. Rasulullah SAW said:

Constantly, there will be a thoifah (small group) that is willing to uphold the truth and it will not be destroyed even though there are those who oppose till the decree of Allah (the Day of Qiyamah).

  1. Narrated from Al Hasan bin Sofyan from Abu Nu’aim from Tsauban, Rasulullah SAW said:

“There will appear a black banner from the East, their hearts will be like platelets of iron. Whoever has heard of them, should approach them and receive the baiah (pledge) from them even though you have to crawl over snow.”

(From Kitab Al Hawi lil Fatawa by imam Sayuti)

  1. Rasulullah SAW said:

“We, Ahlul Bait have been chosen by Allah more for the Hereafter than this world, disaster will befall my kin and in my absence, they will be ousted until the advent of a race from the East who will bring with them the banner coloured black. They asked for good but is not given. So they fought and attained victory. And they are given what they asked for but they do not accept it until they submit to a male from my kinship who will fill this earth with justice as the earth was filled with treachery. Whoever amongst you is able to meet him, approach him, even though you have to crawl on snow. Verily he is Al Mahdi.”

4.7 Declaration in Mecca of Imam Mahdi’s leadership of the Ummah

Rasulullah SAW said:

“Verily, when Al Mahdi appears, the angels proclaim from above his head, “This is Al Mahdi as the Vicegerent of Allah, thus you follow him.” All mankind will bow and obey him and gain love and care from him. Verily Al Mahdi controls the East and West. And those who receive the baiah from him numbers the length of Al Aswad and the Tomb of Ibrahim, the first group totalling the number of members of Badr, then Abdal from Sham approaches him, followed by Nujaba’ from Egypt and Asoib from the East. Following that, Allah decrees on him the army from Khurasan with the black banners and they head for Sham. And Allah sends 3000 angels and Ashabul Kahfi amongst those who will be helping him.”

(Hadith from Kitab As’afur Raghibin)

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