Saturday, March 29, 2014

Connecting The Dots - Zionists & 911 : Zionists & 38


Firman Allah maksudnya;

Dan demi sesungguhnya, Kami telah tulis di dalam Kitab-kitab yang Kami turunkan sesudah ada tulisannya pada Lauh Mahfuz: “Bahawasanya bumi itu akan diwarisi oleh hamba-hambaKu yang soleh”.

(Surah 21 : 105)

Sepuluh hujah mengapa yahudi tak mungkin berjaya gagalkan jadual Allah. Janji Tuhan itu pasti. Janji kebangkitan islam di akhir zaman itu telah disabdakan oleh Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, Nabi akhir zaman, khatimun nabiyyin, tiada nabi selepas baginda. Seorang Nabi tidak datang melainkan untuk menang.

Yahudi amat tahu perihal Kebangkitan Islam Kali ke 2 ini dalam era kasih sayang. Maka mereka jadikan 911 sebagai satu peristiwa tipu daya untuk gambarkan umat Islam jadikan KEGANASAN untuk di perjuangkan untuk mencapai matlamat.

Maka sejarah telah kita saksikan bagaimana mereka telah perdayakan negara-negara Islam di atas usaha memerangi keganasan menyerang negara2 Islam sendiri.

Firman Allah maksudnya :

Oleh itu hendaklah kamu (hai kaum musyrik) bergerak di muka bumi (dengan bebasnya) selama empat bulan, dan ketahuilah bahawa kamu tidak terlepas dari (azab seksa) Allah. Dan (ingatlah) sesungguhnya Allah akan menghina orang-orang yang kafir (dengan bala bencana di dunia dan azab seksa di akhirat).
(Surah 9 : 2 )

President George Bush’s War on Terror began thirteen years ago, September 11, 2001. Murderous crime scenes in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, became spiritual staging grounds for an international war against what Time’s Tony Karon describes as “a tiny network of transnational extremists, founded on the remnants of the Arab volunteers who’d fought in the U.S.-backed Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union.”

It did not need to come to this.
The attacks on the US could have been a time to reinvent ourselves as a united people, bound together in our common grief.  But politicians, supported by a national media that was far more concerned with drama of what happened than why it happened, began to shape a different future, a worldwide attack on Islam.
Our crime scenes of death became shrines of memory designed not to mourn the dead, but to serve as spiritual support bases for the Bush War on Terror. The deaths of more than 3000 victims were exploited to create an evolving  narrative of  permanent international warfare.

9-11 And The Pentagon

From Dick Eastman 9-11-10 9 Years are gone and the following evidence has never been shown on any mainstream media news program or 9-11 documentary. Popular Mechanics and the New American knew of it but avoided presenting it our mentioning it -- although this body of evidence was assembled back in March of 2002.
But this information was not assembled for them. It was assembled for you.

Menjelang 13 tahun peristiwa 911 berlaku, maka pada 8 March 2014 dunia telah di kejutkan dengan kehilangan kapalterbang MH 370 yang di milliki oleh MAS dari Malaysia.

Jika dulunya popular dengan 911 iaitu bulan September dan 11 haribulan,  tetapi berbeza pada kali ini, MH 370 yang menjadi sebutan.

Satu kejadian yang mengejutkan umat Islam di Malaysia iaitu :
Besut  3 March 2014 – Penemuan berpuluh kitab suci al-Quran yang berselerak di tangga dan tandas oleh jemaah Masjid Kampung Limbongan, dekat sini, awal pagi tadi mengejutkan umat Islam daerah ini.... Selanjutnya.
Akhirnya dilaporkan kejadian tersebut telah di lakukan oleh seorang insan yang tidak siuman.
Tersirat di sebalik peristiwa tersebut, umat Islam kini tiba masanya untuk kembali ke pada Al-Quran.

Pada 8.3.2014  telah berlaku kejadian kehilangan MH 370 dan telah menjadi tajuk berita utama seluruh dunia.  

"8.3.2014 bersamaan dengan 7.5.1435 bulan Islam.  Merujuk pada POWER OF 9 dalam 12 bulan Islam maka 9 x 5 = 45 .  Surah 45 ialah   Surah Al-Jaathiyah  dimana ayat pertama ialah ;

Haa Min .   Maka secara kebetulannya kapalterbang Boeing 777 ialah MH 370. Surah Al-Jaathiyah mempunyai 37 ayat.

Maklumat lanjut ....  



MH 370   -   

Islam akan menang dan tak akan kalah lagi!

Segala perancangan musuh2 dalam pengetahuanNya. Senjata yang di cipta oleh musuh untuk hancurkan Islam tapi akhirnya bakal menjadi "Senjata makan Tuan".

Firman Allah maksudnya:

Ia menurunkan air (hujan) dari langit, lalu membanjiri tanah-tanah lembah (dengan airnya) menurut kadarnya yang ditetapkan Tuhan untuk faedah makhlukNya, kemudian banjir itu membawa buih yang terapung-apung. Dan dari benda-benda yang dibakar di dalam api untuk dijadikan barang perhiasan atau perkakas yang diperlukan, juga timbul buih seperti itu. Demikianlah Allah memberi misal perbandingan tentang perkara yang benar dan yang salah. Adapun buih itu maka akan hilang lenyaplah ia hanyut terbuang, manakala benda-benda yang berfaedah kepada manusia maka ia tetap tinggal di bumi. Demikianlah Allah menerangkan misal-misal perbandingan.

(Surah 13:17)

Role of Israel and Soros Exposed
by MH370 Twin Jet in Tel Aviv

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive to

BANGKOK - It is by no mere coincidence, when telltale evidence of a Mossad role in the MH370 hijack was starting to snowball, that Israel's embassies and consulates were suddenly shut down due to a "strike by diplomatic staff". This fork-tongued alibi was obviously meant to prevent law enforcement agencies across Asia and the Western world from questioning Israeli intelligence agents and military attaches about the whereabouts and fate of the hundreds of passengers. 
The Jewish state's diplomatic corps has retreated further into a tortoise shell, perhaps because of the hammer blow from investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn, who previously exposed Israel's hand behind the 911 attacks. Based on eyewitness reports from a network of plane watchers in Europe and in Israel, Bollyn reports that an identical production model of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 is being kept out of regular service inside a hangar at Tel Aviv Airport.   More....

 Firman Allah maksudnya;
Dan kepada Allah jualah sekalian makhluk yang ada di langit dan di bumi tunduk menurut, sama ada dengan sukarela atau dengan terpaksa; dan (demikian juga) bayang-bayang mereka; pada waktu pagi dan petang.

Bertanyalah (wahai Muhammad): “Siapakah Tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan langit dan bumi?” Jawablah: “Allah”. Bertanyalah lagi: “Kalau demikian, patutkah kamu menjadikan benda-benda yang lain dari Allah sebagai Pelindung dan Penolong, yang tidak dapat mendatangkan sebarang manfaat bagi dirinya sendiri, dan tidak dapat menolak sesuatu bahaya?” Bertanyalah lagi: “Adakah sama, orang yang buta dengan orang yang celik? Atau adakah sama, gelap-gelita dengan terang? Atau adakah makhluk-makhluk yang mereka jadikan sekutu bagi Allah itu telah mencipta sesuatu seperti ciptaanNya, sehingga ciptaan-ciptaan itu menjadi kesamaran kepada mereka?” Katakanlah: “Allah jualah yang menciptakan tiap-tiap sesuatu, dan Dia lah Yang Maha Esa, lagi Maha Kuasa”.

(Surah 13:15-16)

Sepuluh hujah mengapa yahudi tak mungkin berjaya gagalkan jadual Allah. Janji Tuhan itu pasti. Janji kebangkitan islam di akhir zaman itu telah disabdakan oleh Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, Nabi akhir zaman, khatimun nabiyyin, tiada nabi selepas baginda. Seorang Nabi tidak datang melainkan untuk menang.

Firman Allah maksudnya :

Dan demi sesungguhnya, Kami telah tulis di dalam Kitab-kitab yang Kami turunkan sesudah ada tulisannya pada Lauh Mahfuz: “Bahawasanya bumi itu akan diwarisi oleh hamba-hambaKu yang soleh”.
(Surah Al-Anbiyaa’(21)  : ayat 105)

The Zionist Jew World Order

Zionism is a Jewish political ideology that zealously promotes the existence of Israel as their religious homeland. Since the Balfour declaration in 1917 signed Israel over to Baron de Rothschild, Jewish Zionists have been committing perpetual genocide against the non-Jewish (mostly Muslim) native Palestinians and have all but wiped them out. Nowadays Israel has accumulated incredible financial/political clout, and many have rightly pointed out that modern America and Great Britain act as mere satellites of Israel and Israeli policy.

The Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. 
They have now gained control of the most powerful countries … 
this tiny community heave become a world power.”  

-Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed

“There is only one power which really counts: The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it” 

-Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935

The biggest banks including the Federal Reserve enslaving the world to debt-based currencies are all run by Zionist Jews: Rothschild’s of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Israel Moses Seaf of Italy, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York, Warburg & Co. of Germany, Lehman Brothers of New York, Goldman Sachs of New York, Rockefeller Brothers of New York, and many more. The biggest and most influential lobby in America is none other than AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and the majority of Congress has long been bought out by Israeli interests.

Former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney exposed and blamed the American pro-Israeli lobby including AIPAC, ADL, AJC, and ZOA for ruining her political career. In 2009 she told an interviewer that “more than 99% of Congress works for Pro Zionist Israeli interests.” Because of her pro-Palestinian stance McKinney was ousted from Congress by the influence of Jewish lobbies funding and supporting her political opponents.

Another former US congressman, Jim Trafficant was also targeted and imprisoned on trumped-up corruption charges when he openly opposed the Israelis. After serving 7 years in prison he came out in a television interview saying, “Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government. They control both members of the House and the Senate. They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars. And if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the poll, they’ll put you in prison …

They’re controlling much of our foreign policy. They’re influencing much of our domestic policy. Wolfowitz as undersecretary of defense manipulated President Bush number two back into Iraq. They’ve pushed definitely to try to get Bush before he left to move into Iran. We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress.”

“I’ve never seen a President – I don’t care who he is – stand up to them (the Israelis). It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn’t writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on.” -Former Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer

Since Jewish immigrants Sam Goldwyn, Louis Mayer, Cecil DeMille, Jack and Harry Warner created Hollywood, American and worldwide media has been completely dominated by this tiny zealot minority. Jews William Paley, David Sarnoff and Leonard Goldenson respectively created America's top 3 TV networks CBS, NBC, and ABC. Nowadays nothing has changed with Jews like Murray Rothstein (a.k.a. Sumner Redstone) owning Viacom, CBS, MTV, LOGO, Blockbuster, Paramount and Dreamworks Studios. Edgar Bronfman Sr. and Jr. together own Universal Studios, Seagram Co., NBC, CNN, Turner Broadcasting, AOL, Time Magazine and Warner/Chappell Music. Jews like Donald Graham own the Washington Post and Newsweek, Mortimer Zuckerman owns the New York Daily and US News & World Report, and Michel Eisner owns Disney and ABC. Jewish born Rupert Murdoch owns FOX, TV Guide, 20th Century Fox Studio, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and the London Times. Dennis Dammerman owns General Electric, Peter Chernin is CEO of Murdoch's NewsCorp., Jeff Zucker is CEO of NBC and on and on Jewish control of mass media is rampant and blatant.

L.A. Times Jewish reporter Joel Stein even wrote an article called “How Jewish is Hollywood?” where he bragged that Jews control Hollywood, the news media, politics and finance: “Jews totally run Hollywood. As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes we control Hollywood … I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

“A Jewish cabal have taken over the government in the United States and formed an unholy alliance with fundamentalist Christians” -British MP Tom Dalyell

Judaism not only predates but is the basis for both Christianity and Islam. Jesus Christ the savior of the Christians, second to last prophet of the Muslims, was born and died a Jew. The Koran equates the Jewish God Jehova as being Allah and accepts the entire Christ story. Only 0.2% of the world’s population is Jewish, but Judaism is the foundation for Christianity, the biggest, most believed religion in the world with 33% of the world’s population following it, and the basis for Islam, the second biggest, most believed religion with 23% of the world following it. The followers of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim mythos therefore are fundamentally all under a form of Jewish mind control. The papacy, world royalty, and Zionist Jewry all claim their “divine right to rule” from their Old Testament Jewish God. Big name Christian televangelists and authors are constantly defending Israel and zealously encouraging Christians to support the Jewish holyland. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits was Jewish, Adam Weishaupt the founder of the Illuminati was Jewish, and Karl Marx the founder of communism, the greatest vehicle of democide in modern history was Jewish. Even the Pope and all his Vatican cardinals wear their little Jew hats (yarmulkes).

In the world there are about
 2 billion Christians, 1.5 billion Muslims, 1.5 billion Buddhists, 1 billion Hindus and a mere 15 million Jews. Considering these statistics it is absolutely conspiracy and not coincidence that such a concerted group of people would enjoy such a majority hold on world media, finance, politics and banking.

Judaism is a religion which likes to masquerade as a race. They do this by stating that the children of Jewish mothers are lifelong Jews regardless of belief, and giving them dual-Israeli citizenship. But Judaism is a set of beliefs that can be followed by people of any nationality, any ethnicity can be a Jew, and therefore it cannot be called a race. Calling Judaism a race is like calling Asians the Buddhist race. Isms are beliefs, not ethnicities. The belief in Judaism or any other religion has nothing to do with race, appearance or genetics. You cannot look at an Indian person and say "they look Hindu,” nor can you look at a Chinese person and say "they look Buddhist." The majority of people who believe in Hinduism or Buddhism do look similar because of their background and geography, but their appearance does not in any way determine their belief system. The caricature dark-haired big-nosed Jew is no different.

"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition.

The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." -Baruch Levy, 1879

“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia, is going to become Reality for the whole world.” -The American Hebrew Magazine, 1920
The "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” was first exposed and published after the Jewish Bolshevik revolution/genocide in Russia. Quickly labeled a hoax by the Jewish press and subsequently denounced and suppressed, the Protocols prove there exists a strategic Zionist plot to take over the world, composed of several authenticated documents long kept secret. Read for yourself how prophetic this century old document details the game-plan since implemented by the global Zionist Jew World Order:

“We Shall:

1) Seduce and demoralize the youth with false doctrines.
2) Destroy the family life.
3) Dominate humanity by Preying upon their lower instincts and vices.
4) Debase and vulgarize Art, and introduce filth in Literature.
5) Destroy respect for religions; undermine the reputation of the clergy through scandalous stories and back up the so called "Higher Criticism" so that the old fundamental faith is shattered and quarrels and controversies become permanent in the churches.
6) Introduce the habit for luxuries, crazy fashions and spend thrift ideas so that the ality for enjoying clean and plain pleasures is lost.
7) Divert the attention of the people by public amusements, sports, games, prize contests, etc., so that there is no time for thinking.
8) Confuse and bewilder the minds of the people by false theories and shatter the nerves and health by continuously introducing new poisons.
9) Instigate class hatred and class war among the different classes of people.
10) Dispossess the old Aristocracy, which still keeps up high traditions by excessive taxes and replace it with the "Knights of the Golden Calf."
11) Poison the relations between the employees and employers through strikes and lockouts so as to ruin the possibility of productive co-operation.
12) Demoralize by all means the higher classes of society and by adverse publicity raise the hate of the people toward them.
13) Use industry to ruin agriculture and then in its turn destroy industry by wild speculation.
14) Spread all possible utopian theories so as to bring the people into a labyrinth of impractical ideas.
15) Raise the rate of wages, which however will not bring any advantage to the workers for at the same time we shall produce a rise in the price of the first necessities of life.
16) Cause diplomatic friction and misunderstanding between States which will increase international suspicions and hate thereby greatly augmenting armaments.
17) Introduce in all states, general suffrage so that the destiny of nations depend upon ignorant people.
18) Overthrow all monarchies and substitute republics for them; in so far as possible fill important state offices with persons who are involved in some unlawful affair and who will, from fear of being exposed, remain our obedient servants.
19) Gradually amend all constitutions so as to prepare the soil for absolute despotism and Bolshevism.
20) Establish huge monopolies upon which even the great fortunes of the Gentiles will depend to such an extent that they will be swallowed up at the "hour" when the industrial crisis will start.
21) Destroy all financial stability; increase economic depressions to the extent of bringing a general world bankruptcy; stop the wheels of industry; make bonds, stocks and paper money worthless; accumulate all the gold of the world in the hands of a certain few people thus withdrawing tremendous capital from circulation; at a given hour close all the exchanges, withdraw all credits and cause general panic. 22) Prepare the death struggle of the nations; wear out humanity through suffering, fear and shortage of food - hunger creates slaves!” (“The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion”)

“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit it now.” -Henry Ford, 1921

“Personally I am more than ever inclined to believe that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are genuine. Without them I do not see how one could explain things that are happening today. More than ever, I think the Jews are at the bottom of all our troubles.” -Nesta Webster, 1934

“If you have never read the Protocols, you know nothing about the Jewish question.” -Henry Hamilton Beamish, 1937

Over the past two millennia the Jews as an entire population have been kicked out of over 100 countries for criminal behavior! This is a staggering statistic. No other group of people in world history has ever come close to matching the number of Jewish expulsions. Here’s an abridged version just to give you an idea how long-term and world-wide the Jewish problem really is: “Carthage 250, Alexandria 415, France 554, Visigoth Spain 612, Visigoth Empire 642, Italy 855, Sens 876, Mainz 1012, France 1182, Germany 1182, Upper Bavaria 1276, England 1290, France 1306, France 1322, Switzerland 1348, Hielbronn Germany 1349, Saxony 1349, Hungary 1349, Hungary 1360, Belgium 1370, Slovakia 1380, Strasbourg 1388, Germany 1394, France 1394, Lyons 1420, Austria 1421, Fribourg 1424, Zurich 1424, Cologne 1424, Savoy 1432, Mainz 1438, Augsburg 1439, Netherlands 1442, Netherlands 1444, Bavaria 1446, France 1453, Breslau 1453, Wurzburg 1454, Mainz 1462, Mainz 1483, Warsaw 1484, Vincenza 1485, Spain 1492, Italy 1492, Lithuania 1495, Naples 1496, Portugal 1496, Nuremberg 1498, Navarre 1498, Brandenberg 1510, Prussia 1510, Strasbourg 1514, Genoa 1515, Regensburg 1519, Naples 1533, Naples 1541, Prague 1542, Genoa 1550, Bavaria 1551, Pesaro 1555, Prague 1557, Austria 1559, Prague 1561, Wurzburg 1567, Papal States 1569, Brandenburg 1571, Netherlands 1582, Hungary 1582, Austria 1593, Cremona, Pavia and Lodi 1597, Frankfort 1614, Worms 1615, Kiev 1619, Ukraine 1648, Poland 1648, Hamburg 1649, Little Russia 1654, Lithuania 1656, Oran 1669, Vienna 1670, Sandomir 1712, Russia 1727, Wurtemburg 1738, Little Russia 1740, Prague 1744, Slovakia 1744, Livonia 1744, Moravia 1745, Kovad 1753, Bordeaux 1761, Warsaw 1775, Alsace 1789, Russia 1804/08, Lbeck and Bremen 1815, Franconia, Swabia, and Bavaria 1815, Bremen 1820, Russian border 1843, Areas in US under General Grant 1862, Romania 1866, Russia 1880s, Moscow 1891, Bavaria 1919, Nazi controlled areas 1938-45, Arab countries 1948.

If you’re kicked out of a couple places perhaps you can chalk it up to coincidence or anti-Semitism, but being repeatedly expelled from all over the planet all throughout history is not something to be ignored or taken lightly. In modern colloquial English the word “Jew” can be used as a verb meaning to swindle or cheat someone.
The words “jewel” and “jewelry” referring to precious stones/metals references them, and historically Jews have been into banking and precious metals with common surnames like Goldstein, Silverstein, and Goldberg. As such, their reputation precedes them.

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." -Menachem Begin (Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Seriously!)

Jews claim to be “God’s chosen people,” which is a shame because such a superiority complex instantly creates a two-party division amongst humanity. If they are God’s chosen people, then everyone else is not. They even have derogatory words in everyday usage to describe non-Jews such as Goy, Goyim, Gentiles, and Shiksas. Their most “Holy” book, the Talmud, is cover to cover full of such racial hatred, egoistic superiority and general immorality.

All Jews are born with dual-Israeli citizenship, so no matter what legal or criminal problems may arise in their countries of birth, Jews can always escape back to their genocidal homeland. They are even instructed by the Talmud, their most “Holy” book, to do so. The Moed Kattan 17a states: “If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.” The Talmud is full of such immorality, debauchery and racism which it openly encourages. Here are a few choice quotes from Judaism’s Holy Talmud:

“The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts. (Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b) The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the the dog more than the non-Jew. (Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30) Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form. (Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255) A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal. (Coschen hamischpat 405) The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs. (Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b) Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human. (Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b) If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog. (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b) Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals. (Talmud Sanhedrin 74b) It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile. (Sepher ikkarim III c 25) It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah. (Coschen hamischpat 425) A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands. (Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b) Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God. (Talmud: Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772) If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed. (Sanhedrin 58b) A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work. (Sanhedrin 57a) If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Baba Mezia 24a) When a Jew murders a gentile, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep. (Sanhedrin 57a) Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile. (Baba Kamma 113a) All gentile children are animals. (Yebamoth 98a) Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. (Abodah Zarah 36b) Gentiles prefer sex with cows. (Abodah Zarah 22a-b) A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave. (Menahoth 43b-44a) A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old). (Sanhedrin 55b) A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. (Sanhedrin 54b) When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing. (Kethuboth 11b)”

Rabbi Meir Kahane in a TV interview told CBS 60 Minutes that his “teaching that Arabs are dogs is derived from the Talmud.” Rabbi Yaacov Perrin told the New York Daily News that “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” And Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg declared to the New York Times that, "We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing." With this kind of rampant institutionalized racism it is no wonder that the Jewish people have been historically met with much hostility and “anti-Semitism.”

North Korea is openly anti-Zionist and hostile towards Israel. They have no known Jews within their borders and even forbid Jewish tourists. Since the end of the Korean War, North Korea has only sent its forces abroad to fight one time and that was against Israel. This is undoubtedly why the Zio-controlled mainstream media is constantly portraying everything about the North Korean people and government in a negative light.

They say "the winner's write history," and it is absolutely true; the most egregious example in modern times has to be the mainstream (mis)understanding of Adolf Hitler and pre-WWII Germany. Adolf Hitler was actually a vegetarian, animal-lover, an author, an artist, a political activist, economic reformer and nominated for a Nobel Peace prize. He enacted the world's first anti-animal cruelty, anti-pollution and anti-smoking laws. Unlike the demonic portrait that history has painted of him, Hitler was beloved by his people and wanted nothing but peace.

After WWI in 1919 the Internationalist League of Nations Treaty of Versailles enforced draconian reparation taxes on Germany so ridiculous that US President Woodrow Wilson said, "If I was a German I should think I would never sign it." British Prime Minister David Lloyd George said, "We have written a document that guarantees war in 20 years … When you place conditions on a people [Germany] that it cannot possibly keep, you force it to either breech the agreement or to war."

The next year, in 1920 Jewish international bankers (many of them the same involved in creating the League of Nations and the Federal Reserve) began giving big interest-bearing loans to Germany. By 1923 Germany was already going bankrupt to the Jewish financiers and couldn't continue paying the 270 billion Reichmark war reparations. Unable to even buy back their own coal from the "allies," factories began closing and thousands of Germans became unemployed. In 1924 as revenge for Germany stopping payment to the Jewish international banksters, they devalued the Papiermark so sharply that within months millions of German families couldn't afford food or rent. It took a wheelbarrow full of Papiermarks to buy a loaf of bread; thousands of Germans died of starvation.

Stalin and the Jewish Bolsheviks were building concentration camps during this time, using Poland and other neighboring countries as a satellite to attack and takeover German soil. This was the pretext for Hitler's rise to power. From 1933-1940 Hitler tried repeatedly to make peace with the Jews and "allied" forces even calling for complete disarmament on everyone's part. He was nominated for the Nobel peace prize in 1939, the very year he was attacked on his own soil after repeatedly pleading for peaceful solutions. In 1936, 99% of German registered voters went out to vote and 98.8% voted for Hitler.

The Jewish media has ever since painted an evil picture of Hitler and the Jew World Order has even enacted laws in 18 European countries prohibiting free-speech on the issues of Judaism and the Holocaust. Now most of the Western world has been systematically propagandized and inculcated into a sheepish silence regarding what has become one of the greatest taboos, and the elephant in the conspiracy room, the Jewish question. With the ADL, SPLC, AIPAC, B'nai B'rith, and other powerful Jewish organizations crying "anti-Semite" at the first sign of anything even remotely critical, it has become nearly impossible for us goyim to organize any formal resistance. Simply questioning the official version of the holocaust will land you in jail in 18 European countries!

The truth is Hitler never enacted any policy of Jewish extermination and most of the people who died in the camps died of starvation after the allied bombings of Germany cut off their food supply. But perpetually promoting the myth of Hitler murdering 6 million Jews has generated enormous reparation wealth for world Jewry and provided the “poor me” victim story so the goyim won’t dare criticize their sovereign genocidal state of Israel, not to mention the myth of Hitler killing 6 million Jews nicely covers up the Jewish Marx/Trotsky/Lenin/Stalin murder of 60 million non-Jews just two decades prior. Nowadays in public school curriculums and textbooks Hitler and the Holocaust are covered and re-covered each year ad nauseum, but atrocities like the Bolshevik revolution and Holodomor are completely skipped over.

The "official" establishment version of the Holocaust suggests that during World War II six million Jews were taken captive and exterminated in Nazi concentration camps. This may very well be the case, but as we know the winners write history, and in order to maintain control the Zionist globalist establishment must firmly defend their version of events even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. If six million really did die, then questioning this figure, researching the facts and scrutinizing the evidence surrounding the Holocaust should and would prove their story. But thanks to organizations like the Anti-Defamtion League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, AIPAC, and other Zionist apologist groups, simply questioning the official version of the Holocaust has become dangerous.

All over Europe "Holocaust Denial" (their Orwellian pigeon-hole term for questioning "official" history) is ILLEGAL and has resulted in many lengthy imprisonments! Authors, professors, and researchers like Sylvia Stolz, David Irving, Germar Rudolf, Dr. Frederick Toben and many others have all spent years behind bars for simply speaking out about this taboo subject. One man, Ernst Zundel, has spent over 7 years behind bars simply for re-publishing a small, fascinating book called "Did Six Million Really Die?"

So what are some of the arguments made by these "criminal" Holocaust "deniers?" To begin with multiple Jew and Gentile sources alike confirm that there were no more than 3 million Jews in Germany during the Holocaust anyway. At the time, the entire Jewish population of Europe was only 6.5 million, and over half of them can be accounted for as living outside of Nazi Germany. The "official" story says that millions of Jews were put to death in gas chambers, but the chambers at Aushwitz, Dachau, and Mauthausen supposedly responsible for millions of deaths do not have the necessary sealed doors, frames, or tall chimneys required and forensic examinations of the sites have revealed no residue of anything toxic ever being used there. Establishment historians claim that Treblinka and Belzec are the sites of mass graves where hundreds of thousands of Jews were buried, yet scientists have shown using ground penetrating radar and core samples with 100% certainty that there are no mass graves and the ground has never even been disturbed.

Of course, atrocity propaganda is nothing new. It has accompanied every conflict of the 20th century and doubtless will continue to do so. During the First World War, the Germans were actually accused of eating Belgian babies, as well as delighting to throw them in the air and transfix them on bayonets. The British also alleged that the German forces were operating a “Corpse Factory”, in which they boiled down the bodies of their own dead in order to obtain glycerin … After the war, however, came the retractions; indeed, a public statement was made by the Foreign Secretary in the House of Commons apologizing for the insults to German honour, which were admitted to be war-time propaganda. No such statements have been made after the Second World War. In fact, rather than diminish with the passage of years, the atrocity propaganda concerning the German occupation, and in particular their treatment of the Jews, has done nothing but increase its virulence, and elaborate its catalogue of horrors. Gruesome paperback books with lurid covers continue to roll from the presses, adding continuously to a growing mythology of the concentration camps and especially to the story that no less than Six Million Jews were exterminated in them. The ensuing pages will reveal this claim to be the most colossal piece of fiction and the most successful of deceptions …

So far as the Jewish people themselves are concerned, the deception has been an incalculable benefit. Every conceivable race and nationality had its share of suffering in the Second World War, but none has so successfully elaborated it and turned it to such great advantage. The alleged extent of their persecution quickly aroused sympathy for the Jewish national homeland they had sought for so long; after the War the British Government did little to prevent Jewish emigration to Palestine which they had declared illegal, and it was not long afterwards that the Zionists wrested from the Government the land of Palestine and created their haven from persecution, the State of Israel … To date, the staggering figure of six thousand million pounds has been paid out in compensation by the Federal Government of West Germany, mostly to the State of Israel (which did not even exist during the Second World War), as well as to individual Jewish claimants. In terms of political blackmail, however, the allegation that Six Million Jews died during the Second World War has much more far-reaching implications for the people of Britain and Europe than simply the advantages it has gained for the Jewish nation. And here one comes to the crux of the question: Why the Big Lie? What is its purpose? In the first place, it has been used quite unscrupulously to discourage any form of nationalism. Should the people of Britain or any other European country attempt to assert their patriotism and preserve their national integrity in an age when the very existence of nation-states is threatened, they are immediately branded as “neo-Nazis”. Because, of course, Nazism was nationalism, and we all know what happened then—Six Million Jews were exterminated! So long as the myth is perpetuated, peoples everywhere will remain in bondage to it; the need for international tolerance and understanding will be hammered home by the United Nations until nationhood itself, the very guarantee of freedom, is abolished.” -Excerpt from Did Six Million Really Die?

When exploring this issue there is a very fine line between exposing Jewish supremacism and sounding like a supremacist yourself, between correctly identifying the tribal Talmudic culprits and falsely pigeon-holing the spiritual Torah innocents, between exposing the lies of the Holocaust and remaining sympathetic to the actual victims. The New World Order is largely a Jewish Zionist conspiracy, but it is not all Jews and it’s not only Jews. There are plenty of anti-Zionist and anti-NWO Jews, but at the highest levels, their religion has absolutely been hijacked by a cabal of wealthy evil supremacist megalomaniacs bent on world domination.

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