Friday, June 17, 2011

'Something Big Is Coming',The Elite Know It. But What Exactly Is It?

DNA Proves"Horrific Folklore"To Be True

There are so many theories on what the Earth and Humanity will or could be facing between now and through the next few years to 2025. Depending on who you talk with or what website you look at may say that we are about to experience some kind of cosmic shift of density and consciousness or they may lean towards the whole Doomsday theory based on such ancient predictions from civilizations like the Mayans, Egyptians and Sumerians as well as ancient text like the I Ching. The hot topic these past few years has been mostly the discussion of the theory of a galactic body of various origins flying through space on a head on collision for our Solar System and Earth being the target. The popular names are Nibiru, Planet X and now Comet Elenin (which depending on what information you look at is either labeled as a Comet, Asteroid or Brown Dwarf Star). For the past two years I have off and on researched theories and research about Planet X and Nibiru and I have yet to see any proof that is valid enough to give me a solid platform to make a decision. I am certainly not ruling either theory but discretion with a Doomsday theory is important.

Recently I have been looking a lot at this Comet Elenin that NASA, JPL and other space agencies around the world have been monitoring and I must say this one has me watchful. Now unlike Planet X or Nibiru there is actual data of the monitoring of Comet Elenin. Oh yes I know that if Nibiru or Planet X does exist we aren’t getting the truth about it but it does seem curious what has been recently going on around the world and with governments since Elenin came into the public’s eye.

Now I am not here to tell you what to believe or not believe. I am simply as always give you my perspective on what I am witnessing currently with the planet and try to bring it together for you so that we can try and make sense of what may be coming that is being kept a secret from us. Strange things are taking place on a global scale which is leaving us all to ask why. Animal Pandemics, unusual Climate changes (Not the kind the Elite tell us), an increase and intensity of every kind of natural disaster, continental shifts and increasing activity in our solar system which is effecting every planet including the Sun which in turn has an effect on us. These increasing number of Lunar, Planetary and other cosmic alignments seem to be having quite the effect on people as well both bad and good. However cosmic alignments have happened forever. So why would these cosmic events be effecting our planet and Humans now? Why is this happening? These are the questions we all need to ask ourselves.

It is no secret that governments have been increasing the building of massive underground facilities, seed vaults and hording life sustaining essentials recently. Many of the Global Elite have either purchased huge amounts of property in the Southern Hemisphere, specifically South America, and some have already moved there. It would also seem that there is a massive increase in them stating publicly that everyone must make any preparations for disasters. Depending on what agency or government is expressing this concern also depends on the disaster. Some of the major disasters being advertised right now are Nuclear, Pandemic, Chemical-Biological, Natural (on global scale), Solar, Global Warming and even Cosmic to name a few. How interesting that none will touch the purposely Man-Made disaster issue. Recently I found a video that caused me to look deeper into this new Global Emergency Preparedness craze.

Are the Russians really building these underground shelters in the event of a nuclear disaster? The little neutral country of Switzerland already has enough underground facilities to provide shelter for every single Swiss citizen. Something the United States government would never do. Did you know that the United States government on average builds two to three deep underground facilities each year? That doesn’t even include the ones already built that are constantly being added to. I am going to share a little story with you all but first I want you to look at some other information that sparked this report. Like I said I cannot confirm the existence of Planet X or Nibiru but I can confirm Elenin.


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Delete Facebook

by Silver Shield,

You maybe surprised to learn that I had four Facebook accounts.
The main one was for my wife so that she could have a husband in the Facebook world. The other three were accounts I had set up for the Dont-Tread-On.Me and Sons of Liberty Academy. I never really used them,but they were there. The only high point to the whole experience was my first birthday with Facebook,when I received 40 happy birthdays from people all over the country. The reality of the whole Facebook experience is that it never really seemed real.

Despite how many “friends”you have on Facebook,the fact is,we are only lucky to have a handful of real friends in our lives. Having more superficial electronic contact with others,does not improve our lives. If anything it detracts from it as life becomes less human. LOL pales in comparison to a real laugh out loud of sharing an experience with a friend. The more LOL’s we share,the less it means. Soon or later everything is just an electronic dance of acronyms trying to fulfill some missing part of your soul.

When consumerism was first sold to the world,it was designed to get us to buy stuff we don’t really need in an effort to feel better than others. Soon everyone determined their worth not on the strength of our relationships,but by what we were able to consume. You gave up relationships,to work more,to have a better life. The more we worked,the more we bought,the further in debt we went. The combination of work and debt made our real relationships worse,which compelled us to work more,to buy more. This self fulfilling loop spun out of control in our society for decades as people worked harder and harder to “look or feel good”.

Consumerism was a psychological process lead by Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud’s nephew) to keep post World War II industries humming after the war. The industrialists employed Madison Avenue to transform society from sensible people with strong relationships into superficial spenders looking for the next high. Advertising links subconscious desires with products. Take the cigarette for example,subconsciously it is a form of power and rebellion. The reality is that it is a weakness. Soon we began to buy products,not for the utility of the product,but to say to the world I bought this because the ad says that I am a …The Banksters that backed all of this up also needed this spending to create more debt in order for their Keynesian Ponzi scheme not to collapse. This plan worked well for many years,but as the boomers grey,the party is over for consumerism and the check is due. What is the next thing if people are broke? How can we keep the masses from waking up to their wasted lives they have led chasing after nothing? Let them Amuse Themselves to Death.

Facebook is ultimate expression of narcissism. Where else can you expose everything about yourself like a prancing peacock. I mean you can get your 15 minutes of fame every minute. Facebook is,when you boil it all down,a one big “look at me”fest. Look at my pics. Look at my car. Look at where I am. Look at my wife. Look at my life. The ultimate irony in the social network is that nobody really cares,because it is not about them. Oh sure they will say nice things,but deep down they don’t care at all. This narcissism is so rampant in our society,that people would step over real relationship to update their status. The answer to the question “what’s on my mind?”is usually nothing at all.

Facebook is full of shameless promotion. The stuff that isn’t vapid,is probably a promotion of some sort. Corporations,promoters,stars,and small businessmen people are either promoting their services or networking to get ahead. There are whole marketing courses about social media mangers. The sad thing is that most of the comments and tweets are not even done by the people you are following. They have social media managers for that. They probably have lives and don’t waste time playing with Facebook. Do you see the irony in that? You friend or follow someone because they are doing something interesting with their lives and they don’t waste precious time doing stupid stuff like spending hours on Facebook.

The corporations and marketers tell us that,“hey it is cool to connect,”but behind the scenes they are only interested in the conversion and monetization of traffic. Do you know what is cooler than a million dollars? $100 Billion.

Watch this video of these two marketers caught discussing how to best “monetize”viewers. Listen carefully.

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” -Henry David Thoreau

Facebook is also voyeuristic. Everyone want to see if so and so got fat or what their kids look like. It allows you to look into people lives,but it never really tells the story of their lives. Behind all of the smiles lies a quite sense of desperation. It maybe money issues or relationships or disease or work issues. We all have it. We all have a deeper life that we would share with a real friends,but not with your Facebook friends. If you cannot be open with a person,why even have them in your life? Why would you let them look in? We are way too polite as we give up a part of us,to people who don’t really care about us. We must keep the sacred from the profane.

Since we put ourselves into this petri dish of social voyeurism,we force ourselves to put on a mask.We intentionally mask what we really feel for many reasons. We may not want to upset someone or we may want to impress someone. The problem comes when we wear the mask so much,that we lose who we really are. This may stifle some desire to do something or be who you really want to be. Since we wear this mask,the people who we do let into our lives,only know that mask. Then you become too afraid to be who you really are,for fear of scaring them off. This leads to unfulfilling relationships or worse.

Now before you get your panties in a bunch,Facebook does have some good qualities. Yeah,it is cool to reconnect with old friends or to share pictures. Your Facebook life is reflective of your real life. Most of those who have Facebook,have a life and it does not consume them. The Facebook is not the cause of these problems,any more than pencils misspell words. Facebook is just an easy outlet for millions trying to find meaning or connection in their lives. The problem is,this kind of connection is superficial and unfullfilling. What Facebook is to emotional social fulfillment is what porn is to emotional sexual fulfillment. Nothing beats the real thing.

If you really want to connect with people,quit texting and commenting,and pick up the phone and talk. Video chat is even better,because so much of our communication is non-verbal. We can judge a person’s emotions within seconds of seeing them. So much of our communication is lost through this electronic filter. The best way to communicate of course is face to face. The best conversations I have had in my life occurred when I got together to have a drink and just talk. These connections energize us,because it is what we are meant to be doing. We are visual,emotional and spiritual beings wanting to connect with others on a deeper level with meaning and purpose. If your life does not have purpose or meaning,look at the friends you keep. Facebook acts as a tool towards that purpose,but it is sad substitute for the real thing. Real communication,about real issues,is hundreds of times more powerful than the non emotional niceties that pass for communication.

“Hy,ys im goin crnvl. Witc dai u goin? Gt 3 drnks n gna b on flot. Wt tyme u b der?” Do you realize there is a whole generation of humans that thinks this is normal? The Elite know that if you take away the meaning of words it incapacitates our thought.

  • If you cannot speak,you cannot think.
  • If you cannot think,you cannot figure things out.
  • If you cannot figure things out,you will never see that you are a slave.
  • If you cannot see that you are a slave,you can never rebel.
  • If you cannot rebel,you will never be free.
  • If you cannot be free,you can never fulfill your purpose on earth to be your highest and best self.

Until they become conscious they will never rebel,and until after they have rebelled they cannotbecome conscious –George Orwell

How long will it take for a computer algorithm to become your friend? Don’t laugh,people think Bitcoinis money…Look at your Facebook contacts and tell me that the majority of the “connections”could not be programmed. Subject A is sad = the algorithm spits out “Cheer up it will be okay,”“Tell me about it,”“I am here for you,”or “I love you.”If the contact is that vapid and this is truly a narcissistic experience,who wouldn’t like to have a bunch of yes men as friends? Isn’t that what porn is? Mental masturbation to distract you from a hole in your life?

The more this narcissism persists,the more it turns into psychopathic behavior in the real world. The biggest promoters are the ones making the biggest bucks. All of the sudden people think psychopathic,narcissistic behavior is the key to success. Look at some of these shows like the Jersey Shore and the Real Housewives. They are nothing more than the normalization of psychopathic behavior. People figure it is going on all around them and they think this is the way it is supposed to be. Well it is not and we must keep it out of our lives.

We have seen how people mistaken the attention and kind words from friends online and throw them against people in your real world. Your wife is not doing it for you? Well you have girls online that think you are the best thing since sliced bread…Your husband is moody? Well your ex boyfriend is recently divorced and is sooo supportive…These serve as temptations that we just don’t need in our already stressful lives.

This bleed into real life is where all of this electronic experience gets dangerous. How many times have you been in the room with someone and they are checking their email while you are talking. I admit that I do that way too often. This constant rush of connection is becoming too prevalent in our lives. I fear if things do not change soon,we will become isolated bits of nothing.

First,we became disconnected with nature and never really see the amazing sights our world has to offer. We hardly look at the stars anymore and see how small we really are. Then the family got ripped apart when the father left the home for a job to provide for his family. The the wife had to enter the work force to keep up with inflation and the Joneses. Now children are even separated from their friends with this electronic void of never knowing what a true friend is. What chance will they have in life? What kind of future are we building here? Instead of seeing how small we are in the real world,we are pushed to us being the center of the narcissistic virtual world.

Then there is the burnout experienced from all of the constant back and forth. Responding to people’s comments,likes and dislikes. Then you have to think,“did I say this right”or “how will they take this?” I can imagine at some point this becomes real work to balance all of these “friends.”Everyone is always looking over your shoulder and all in your business. That would be to much for me and I have no idea why people subject themselves to this kind of scrutiny. If anything,wouldn’t it get boring? Don’t we have anything better to do?

One other thought I would like to explore is how many of your friends are because of circumstances or real friends? We are friends with school mates,co-workers,family,and neighbors by circumstances. They are in your life and they are agreeable enough to spend sometime with. For the most part you either never really get to know them or you really don’t want to know them. If you were not living with these people,how many would you pursue in real life?

One interesting thing I have found working on this project and consulting with people,is I tend to have deeper conversations with these one on one calls than most people have in their real lives. I have no time for superficiality and often ask tough questions and challenge people. It instantly breaks through the mask we all wear. It gets to the real issue and the real person asking it. I think once you get beyond the mask,you can become real friends and have deeper relationships. You should not be afriad to fry this with the people in your life. You will either have less negative people in your life or your will have deeper relationships with the ones you love.

I predict that there will come a time when people will quit all of this vapid social networking and reestablish a real life. I believe that the crash of the dollar will coincide with this. We will no longer able to get something for nothing and give up everything real,for that nothing. We will have a new day where we get back to something that really matters. A smaller,slower,more local life is in your future. That of course is after a massive social upheaval. Those who have the strongest real relationships,will be the most likely to succeed.

Do yourself a favor today and go into your Facebook account settings and deactivate your Facebook account. Don’t worry,everything is saved for a couple of months (millenia…) Blow past the creepy John and Mary will miss you pictures and post a link to this article as your reason for doing it. See how many people notice you are missing. See if someone would find you and try to contact you? If they do they are probably a real friend and someone you should share a deeper relationship with than you have ever had with them on Facebook.

10 reasons to be cheerful about the coming new Ice Age

By James Delingpole

It’s official: a new Ice Age is on its way. In what has been described as“the science story of the century”, heavyweight US solar physicists have announced that the sun is heading for a prolonged period of low activity. This makes global cooling a much more plausible prospect in the next few decades than global warming. Indeed, it might even usher in a lengthy period of climate grimness such as we saw during the Maunder Minimum (when Ice Fairs were held on the Thames) or the Dalton Minimum (which brought us such delights as the 1816 Year Without A Summer).

Here’s how Watts Up With That reports the bad news:

A missing jet stream, fading spots, and slower activity near the poles say that our Sun is heading for a rest period even as it is acting up for the first time in years, according to scientists at the National Solar Observatory (NSO) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).

As the current sunspot cycle, Cycle 24, begins to ramp up toward maximum, independent studies of the solar interior, visible surface, and the corona indicate that the next 11-year solar sunspot cycle, Cycle 25, will be greatly reduced or may not happen at all…..

….“This is highly unusual and unexpected,” Dr. Frank Hill, associate director of the NSO’s Solar Synoptic Network, said of the results. “But the fact that three completely different views of the Sun point in the same direction is a powerful indicator that the sunspot cycle may be going into hibernation.”

Oh dear. Or is it “Oh dear?”. Could there yet be a glimmer of hope and joy amid this black, treacly splurge of impending climate doom?

Of course there could, and here are just a few reasons why we should welcome the arrival of the imminent Ice Age.

1. Well I’ve never ice-skated on the Thames. Have you? Also, I’d be quite interested to hear what that “expert” has to say: the one at Alan Howard’s Downing College climate conference who blithely assured us that 17th frost fairs had NOTHING to do with the Little Ice Age. (It was all because the Thames flowed in a much more turgid way back then, apparently….)

2. People will no longer merely be mildly irritated at the way their landscape has been disfigured by bat-chomping eco-crucifixes for rent-seeking toffs (aka wind farms) in the name of saving us from “global warming.” They will be incandescent. Lynch-mob incandescent.

3. As the starving polar bears march southward on the new sheet ice now extending from the North Pole to Gibraltar, desperate citizens will be forced to make tough decisions about which sacrificial victim should be fed next to the ravening beasts so that they leave the rest of us alone. Happily I have a suggestion. His name is Richard Kemp and – apparently – he is Vice Chairman of the Local Government Association. And among his taxpayer-funded functions – again, apparently – is to give quotes to newspapers telling us how grateful and happy we should be that our bins will now be emptied less often.

He said: “Weekly rubbish collection is dead and finished. I’m delighted reason has prevailed. It’s not what most local people want, it’s not what most local councils want and it’s certainly not what the advisers want. What local people want is a system that helps maximise recycling and helps to promote healthy living.”

Feed, my hungry ursine brothers! Feed!

4. Never in our lifetimes will we have to read another tendentious story about how daffodils are coming up three months earlier than usual/lambs are being born in December instead of spring/wildebeeste could soon be migrating across Salisbury Plain as a result of “global warming.”

5. The 10-foot maneating Oceanic Whitetips which have been drawn to Cornwall’s waters by the Concept Formerly Known As Global Warming will now be replaced by 30 foot maneating Greenland sharks. Which will kind of serve the Cornish right for being such impassioned early adopters of wind farms.

6. New edicts will be issued by world leaders including President Ryan of the US, Prime Minister Farage of Great Britain and Aussie premier Plimer, scrapping High Speed Rail, abandoning all renewable energy schemes (apart from, maybe, hydroelectric) and making the ownership of 4 x 4s or similar gas-guzzling vehicles compulsory by 2015. Stringent punishments to be introduced for those whose carbon footprint falls below a certain agreed minimum level.

7. Monbiot the Musical (libretto: James Delingpole; music: James MacMillan) – a light-hearted celebration of one of the late 20th century’s great comic figures – opens simultaneously on Broadway and in the West End to enormous acclaim.

8. Woolly mammoth steaks are said to be surprisingly delicious. They taste like chicken, apparently.

9. Britain now stands a reasonable chance of cleaning up in the medals at the 2022 Winter Olympics. As, unfortunately, do Jamaica, Bora Bora, Egypt and, of course, the 2022 Olympics’ host nation, Dubai.

10. The Prince of Wales, Al Gore, Rajendra Pachauri, James Hansen, Paul Ehrlich, David Cameron, Leonardo Di Caprio, Ed Begley Jr, Sir P Nurse of the Royal Society and Britain’s second most famous celebrity mathemetician Simon Singh will be among the many former Warmists who put their names to a grovelling apology published in all the world’s newspapers explaining how incredibly bad and stupid they feel for all the economic damage they have inflicted, all the careers ruined, all the unnecessary fear promoted as a result of their misguided promotion of the “Man-Made Global Warming” myth. Yeah, right. Hell will freeze over before that happens. But wait: what are all those spike-tailed, horned, red figures doing gliding on blades across the surface of the Styx?

AIPAC Pushes Hard for War With Iran

By Grant Smith

Former AIPAC staffer Keith Weissman, indicted in 2005 under the Espionage Act alongside colleague Steven J. Rosen and Defense Department employee Col. Lawrence Franklin, is desperately worried. In a lengthy, rambling monologue delivered to independent reporter Robert Dreyfuss, Weissman breaks a long silence to declare he’s “concerned that if a confrontation between the United States, Israel, and Iran leads to war, it will be a disaster—one that Weissman fears will be blamed on the American Jews.” It is telling, but unsurprising, that Weissman—through misrepresentations and false dichotomy—exhibits little concern for the broader potential consequence of war. Fortunately, his tired arguments are in a final lap toward oblivion.

AIPAC, in the business of advancing Israeli government policies in the United States ever since its founder left the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1951, has long portrayed itself as the sole distillery of Jewish policy needs to politicians eager to tap the Israel lobby’s seemingly limitless barrels of campaign donations. But AIPAC’s brand has recently sprung a leak as growing numbers of youthful, creative, and noisy organizations challenge its tired claims of representation and even legitimacy. Weissman’s actual concern is that AIPAC and its creaky constellation of affiliates will be blamed if the United States is successfully goaded or tripwired into an unnecessary war with Iran. Accountability has always been anathema for an organization operating more like a foreign intelligence agency than a tax-exempt social-welfare organization.

AIPAC has long brushed its footprints away from trapping pits into which it has successfully lured American taxpayers. The Los Angeles Times has lauded its “donor secrecy,” while Fortune called AIPAC “calculatedly quiet.” One anonymous AIPAC official even confided to The National Journal that “there is no question that we exert a policy impact, but working behind the scenes and taking care not to leave fingerprints, that impact is not always traceable to us.” According to the interview:

[Support for regime change] was the personal opinion of many people in AIPAC, but it never uttered the words “regime change.” And I think my efforts were part of the reason why they never did. … How would it look anyway? This is what makes it so stupid! The American Jewish community choosing the next government of Iran? Helping to change the next government of Iran? How can that government have any legitimacy? It’s completely ridiculous. And I think the arguments that I raised against it convinced AIPAC, no matter what they personally thought, they realized that what I was saying was right.

Weissman’s overblown claims that he was a lone progressive hero fending off the Israel lobby’s push for regime change from AIPAC’s Iran desk must be evaluated against the actual record. Dreyfuss notes that Weissman was indicted under the Espionage Act over AIPAC’s covert attempts to influence Iran policy, but he writes, “Perhaps the full story of the Rosen-Weissman case, Franklin’s involvement, and what role was played by AIPAC and by Israel will never be known.” Fortunately for readers, enough is now publicly known to discount Weissman’s version, thanks to documents filed in Superior Court during a defamation suit last year.

According to court documents, Rosen and Weissman were both on a key phone call passing U.S. government classified information and spin to Washington Post reporter Glenn Kessler in 2004. Rosen colorfully told Kessler that based on that information Iran was undeniably engaged in “total war” against the United States. Though AIPAC’s version of U.S. Iran assessments wasn’t true at the time, and isn’t true now, AIPAC’s motive for advancing it was clear—to trigger U.S. military operations against Iran by stirring up American outrage through the establishment press. Weissman said nothing to deter Kessler from propagating the false threat.

Then, as now, Rosen and Weissman’s operational concern was that they not suffer any consequences for shoveling tainted classified information—and that AIPAC not be implicated in the deed. Rosen told Kessler (with Weissman still on the line) that he was concerned about “not getting into trouble” [.pdf], meaning, as court documents reveal, “Rosen and Weissman could get in trouble because the information is classified.” Rosen later reflected that FBI wiretaps of the “total war” phone call to the Washington Post made them look “very sinister” and “portrayed him as a secret agent rather than a lobbyist.” It didn’t help that Rosen later fled to meet with Israeli embassy officials after the FBI told him to get a lawyer. The historical record is very clear that the Rosen and Weissman tag team was conscientiously setting tripwires for regime change.

Dreyfuss chronicles Weissman’s self-serving evaluation of the Israel lobby along a left-right spectrum, with FBI crackdowns on its neoconservative wing as driving the 2005 AIPAC espionage indictments. “So what does Weissman think was going on? He believes that U.S. law enforcement officials, including the FBI, and CIA officials were so angry over the role of neoconservatives in backing the war in Iraq that they launched an investigation that sought to link Wolfowitz, Feith, and other Jewish Pentagon officials to Israeli intelligence, AIPAC, and a panoply of neocons at the American Enterprise Institute, the Hudson Institute, and other think tanks in Washington.”

Weissman’s self-portrayal is that of a progressive hero reining in AIPAC as its liaison to Palestinian and progressive groups while trundling around in a car with a “Free Palestine” bumper sticker. But AIPAC’s skillful use of Weissman—who readily admits that his greatest attachment to AIPAC was a string of generous paychecks—to access progressive and Palestinian groups is really no mystery. The lobby has always monitored even its weakest opposition closely, all the better to achieve an unopposed string of stunning successes for Israel, at great cost to America.

But the only frame more absurd than AIPAC’s claim to represent “the American Jewish community” is analyzing the Israel lobby from a “right-left” perspective. While AIPAC delights in creating an ongoing Democratic/Republican race for candidates to trot out their “pro-Israel” credentials, American taxpayers and voters are always the losers. Founder Isaiah L. Kenen gloated about roping The Nation Magazine Associates into his earliest Israel propaganda campaigns. There’s been even more noise of late as various progressive pundits and policy posers rush to carve out new positions in front of growing crowds of Americans outraged about the Israel lobby—now that it’s been fully flushed out in the open by Mearsheimer and Walt. But many progressive policy barkers continue to flog their skeptical acolytes with expired brands of snake oil—that everything of importance is really just a big left-right battle for influence over Israel and Mideast policy.

It’s not and never has been.

The overarching problem is the Israel lobby’s subversion of American governance through election fraud, the evasion of tax regulations and laws regulating foreign lobbies, and the systematized, ongoing infiltration of operatives into key government posts to advance the interests of a foreign state. Unfortunately for AIPAC, the Americans gathering to challenge it cross party lines. Whether they wear American flag pins on their suit lapels or Birkenstocks over wool socks is of ever declining significance. Weissman and his fellow travelers can try to outrun opponents by pulling an old horse’s head from right to left. Weissman clearly wants to tell his side of the story. But Weissman and Rosen will only reemerge as legitimate jockeys astride America’s policy circuits when they again register as AIPAC’s agents of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Venus Project : Beyond Politics Poverty and War

The Venus Project is an organization that proposes a feasible plan of action for social change, one that works towards a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. It outlines an alternative to strive toward where human rights are no longer paper proclamations but a way of life.

We operate out of a 21.5-acre Research Center located in Venus, Florida. More.

The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. There are many people today who are concerned with the serious problems that face our modern society: unemployment, violent crime, replacement of humans by technology, over-population and a decline in the Earth's ecosystems.

As you will see, The Venus Project is dedicated to confronting all of these problems by actively engaging in the research, development, and application of workable solutions. Through the use of innovative approaches to social awareness, educational incentives, and the consistent application of the best that science and technology can offer directly to the social system, The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology, and nature will be able to coexist in a long-term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium.

Jacque Fresco interviewed by Russia Today.

Videos for The Venus Project

Jacque Fresco on ZDAY 2010

Roxanne Meadows on ZDAY 2010 (part 1)

Roxanne Meadows on ZDAY 2010 (part 2)

Jacque Fresco NZ Television Interview

London Lecture Part 1

London Lecture Part 2

Designing the Future (From Zday 2009)

What is The Venus Project?

The Venus Project on the Discovery Channel

The Venus Project on Fox News 7 (2009) - MORE

Future by Design trailer by William Gazecki

Partial Larry King Interview

Videos from Douglas Mallette

Awakening (part 1)

Awakening (part 2)

Awakening (part 3)

Awakening (part 4)

Our Technical Reality (part 1)

Our Technical Reality (part 2)

Our Technical Reality (part 3)

Our Technical Reality (part 4)

Our Technical Reality (part 5)

Our Technical Reality (part 6)

Want to help with subtitles or translations?

Contact: Global Linguistic Team

The Venus Project is asking for donations to do a major motion picture depicting life in a resource-based economy. The film is designed to reach the general public throughout the world to introduce an exciting sustainable new social direction depicting a vision of what our future can be if we intelligently apply science and technology with environmental and human concern--a future where war, poverty and hunger could be but a distant memory.

Click here to donate.

New Initiatives

(Venus, Florida – May 19th, 2011) Over the past two and a half years, The Venus Project has been honored to have the support and tireless dedication of countless individuals who have been working with the realization that a peaceful, sustainable, and equitable future for the global population is possible. With the continued support and assistance of volunteers on a local, national, and global level, the lifelong work of Jacque Fresco and the direction he introduced to the world will continue to grow and gain momentum.

The Venus Project would like to thank The Zeitgeist Movement for its valuable contributions in regards to raising awareness of the work of Jacque Fresco. At this time The Venus Project feels it is important to integrate the activism under the aegis of The Venus Project in order to work on specific projects directly related to its aims and direction. Therefore the two organizations are now moving forward autonomously.

The Venus Project will be engaging in several media outreach initiatives as well as upcoming lectures and conferences. The Venus Project’s organizational structures for all global projects and activism teams are now being implemented, and are now under it’s own direction. The activism teams will be open to any and all volunteers, while the project teams will be open to qualified applicants. We welcome your participation.

Check here for information and dates to attend The Venus Project Tours in Venus, Florida.

1. Jacque Fresco Lecture Series 2010-2011 Series 1

Click Here

2. Jacque Fresco Lecture Series 2010-2011 Series 2

Click Here

Go here to download for your use.


Positive TV

Bonding Xprerience magazine



Greek newspaper Adesmeytos Typos

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I read the Koran every day, says former prime minister Tony Blair who claims it keeps him 'faith-literate'

By Ian Drury

He was notoriously reluctant to discuss religion while Prime Minister, with his chief spin doctor Alastair Campbell famously commenting: ‘We don’t do God.’

But since leaving Downing Street in 2007, Tony Blair has become increasingly open about the importance of religion.

Mr Blair, who converted to Catholicism months after leaving Number 10, has now spoken of how he reads the Koran every day.

Reading the Islamic religion’s holy book - considered by Muslims to be the exact words of God - ensured he remained ‘faith-literate’, the former Labour leader said.

In an interview with the Observer magazine, published yesterday he said: ‘To be faith-literate is crucial in a globalised world, I believe.

‘I read the Qur’an [Koran] every day. Partly to understand some of the things happening in the world, but mainly just because it is immensely instructive.’

Mr Blair believes that a knowledge of the faith informs his current role as Middle East envoy for the Quartet of the United Nations, United States, European Union and Russia.

The former PM’s work, which has cost British taxpayers more than £2million, aims to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mr Blair has previously praised the Muslim faith as ‘beautiful’ and said the Prophet Mohammed had been ‘an enormously civilizing force’.

In 2006 he said the Koran was a ‘reforming book, it is inclusive. It extols science and knowledge and abhors superstition. It is practical and way ahead of its time in attitudes to marriage, women and governance’.

But Mr Blair has also faced the devastation wreaked by violent jihadists who interpret the Koran as a call to arms.

Mr Blair said reading the Islamic religion's holy book - considered by Muslims to be the exact words of God - ensured he remained 'faith-literate'

Mr Blair said reading the Islamic religion's holy book - considered by Muslims to be the exact words of God - ensured he remained 'faith-literate'

He was Prime Minister when the July 7 suicide bombers attacked London in 2005, murdering 52 innocent people.

Not only does reading the Koran support his peace envoy role, it also gives him something in common with sister-in-law Lauren Booth.

Journalist Miss Booth - Cherie Blair’s half sister - raised eyebrows after announcing last October that she had converted to Islam after what she described as a ‘holy experience’ during a visit to a shrine in Iran.

Mr Blair also used the Observer interview to dismiss claims he was on a Christian ‘crusade’ when taking Britain into the highly divisive war in Iraq.

His former constituency agent John Burton said two years ago that Mr Blair ‘believed strongly at the time, that intervention in Kosovo, Sierra Leone – Iraq too – was all part of the Christian battle; good should triumph over evil, making lives better.’

But the ex-Premier said: ‘People still ask me if military decisions in Iraq or Afghanistan were based on some kind of divine instruction. It’s rubbish.
‘Of course not. Just as I couldn’t go into a corner and pray to ask God what the minimum wage should be.’

Israel Created Hamas to Avoid Peace

Israel created Hamas as an excuse to wage war on the Palestinians. For example, on May 18, a Hamas MP said all Israelis must be annihilated. This is a perfect excuse for Zionists and their supporters to forestall the peace process.This report suggests the Hamas MP could easily work for Israel.

by David Livingstone

(abridged by

The Israelis created Hamas. But before we explore why, let’s be clear that Israel does not want peace. They want all of Palestine, and their belligerent settlement practices confirm that.

But the Israelis are taking advantage of the world’s ignorance of the realities in Palestine, and posturing as being willing to talk “peace”, only to actually stall that very peace process, so as not to interrupt the further colonization of Palestine.

So anything that can be offered as an excuse, will be. The most convenient ploy, presented with the sycophantic assistance of the media, is that of “terrorism”.

But the masses are naive, and fail to suspect the Machiavellian extremes that certain leaders will resort to. This includes creating a false enemy, in this case, Hamas, whereby the right-wing leadership of the Israelis can point the finger to some “enemy” to blame for supposedly stalling the process.


The West’s sponsorship of Islamic terrorism is nothing new. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1924, the British and Americans filled the vacuum by providing their own versions of “Islamic” leaders. This started with the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood through a grant from the British. Under British sponsorship, the Brotherhood today represents a powerful force in the Islamic world, and is behind almost every act of terror in the name of Islam.

More correctly, the Brotherhood has been a tool shared by numerous Western intelligence agencies, starting with the Nazis, followed by the CIA, but also the Russians, French, Germans and Israelis.

Since the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, the Muslim Brotherhood has been used to rally naive Muslims under the banner of Islam. Ever since, the Americans and others have been able to manage the Brotherhood like a rabid dog on a leash to keep the atheist Communist threat at bay.

With the collapse of the Cold War however, the Brotherhood has been used as the bogey man which the Americans can chase into the Middle East and Central Asia, starting with Iraq and Afghanistan.

Israel’s long-standing relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood was instrumental in the founding of an offshoot organization, Hamas.

According to Robert Dreyfuss, author of “Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam”:

“And beginning in 1967 through the late 1980s, Israel helped the Muslim Brotherhood establish itself in the occupied territories. It assisted Ahmed Yassin, the leader of the Brotherhood, in creating Hamas, betting that its Islamist character would weaken the PLO.”

According to Charles Freeman, former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, “Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet [Isreali domestic intelligence agency], which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO.”

One aspect of that strategy was the creation of the Village Leagues, over which Yassin and the Brotherhood exercised much influence. Israel trained about 200 members of the Leagues and recruited many paid informers.

New York Times Reporter David Shipler cites the Israeli military governor of Gaza as boasting that Israel expressly financed the fundamentalists against the PLO:

“Politically speaking, Islamic fundamentalists were sometimes regarded as useful to Israel, because they had conflicts with the secular supporters of the PLO. Violence between the two groups erupted occasionally on West Bank university campuses. Israeli military governor of the Gaza Strip, Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, once told me how he had financed the Islamic movement as a counterweight to the PLO and the Communists. ‘The Israeli Government gave me a budget and the military government gives to the mosques,’ he said.”

As Dreyfuss notes, “during the 1980s, the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza and the West Bank did not support resistance to the Israeli occupation. Most of its energy went to fighting the PLO, especially its more left-wing factions, on university campuses.”

After the Palestinian uprising of 1987, the PLO accused Hamas and Yassin of acting “with the direct support of reactionary Arab regimes… in collusion with the Israeli occupation.”

Yasser Arafat complained to an Italian newspaper: “Hamas is a creation of Israel, which at the time of Prime Minister Shamir, gave them money and more than 700 institutions, among them schools, universities and mosques.” Arafat also maintained that Israeli prime minister Rabin admitted to him in the presence of Hosni Mubarak that Israel had supported Hamas.

Essentially, as analyst Ray Hannania pointed out, in “Sharon’s Terror Child”, published in Counterpunch, “undermining the peace process has always been the real target of Hamas and has played into the political ambitions of Likud. Every time Israeli and Palestinian negotiators appeared ready to take a major step forward achieving peace, an act of Hamas terrorism has scuttled the peace process and pushed the two sides apart.”

In “Hamas and the Transformation of Political Islam in Palestine”, for Current History, Sara Roy wrote:

“Some analysts maintain that while Hamas leaders are being targeted, Israel is simultaneously pursuing its old strategy of promoting Hamas over the secular nationalist factions as a way of ensuring the ultimate demise of the [Palestinian Authority], and as an effort to extinguish Palestinian nationalism once and for all.”


The Muslim Brotherhood, and its many manifestations like Al Qaeda and bin Laden, serve as an ever-present and manufactured “terrorist” threat, used constantly as a pretext to justify repressive measures at home and expanded imperialistic objectives abroad.

Because, despite all the rhetoric about the threat of “political Islam”, unbeknownst to the general public, the manipulation of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the world is still a mainstay of American foreign policy.

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Bilderberger bomb threat text?

While doing some searching on something entirely different today, I stumbled across an image statement that appeared to be a bomb threat text directed at the Bilderberg gathering this weekend (venue shown at right). My browser froze from another application just when I was about to make note of the url. I couldn't get the Prnt Scrn function to work either.

I thought that after rebooting it would be easy to get back to it, but with some distractions that came up in the mean time, and not remembering the exact search term combination I used (the freeze apparently effected the url/search cache function), I can't seem to find it now. In trying to remember what the search terms were, which is difficult since it was totally unrelated. I was looking for something along the lines of a quote I put on our fridge for our kids: "We all make mistakes. It's important to admit those, say 'I'm sorry', and learn from them, so we can move past them." There is so much stuff out now about Bilderberger and bombs that those keywords aren't much help.

Infowars reported today that a road to the Bilderberger meeting was temporarily shut down due to a bomb scare. I presume that if this was an actual threat, the authorities have already been informed of it by now, and they have been taking preventative measures; or perhaps they've ruled it as a hoax. There's not enough corroboration for me to dare bring it to their attention.

I thought you who like to be on the cutting edge of alternative news might be interested to know "the rest of the story", as Paul Harvey would say.

Here is my recollection of what I read in the formatted text image blurb, reconstructing it from memory (paraphrasing, ~90% estimated accuracy of essence):

With help from inside sources, using some of your own advanced technology, we have been able to situate a very powerful bomb within vicinity [inside or outside?] of the Suvretta House hotel in St. Moritz, Switzerland, where your Bilderberger meeting is being held. If you disband the meeting and go home, it won't go off. If you proceed, there is no telling when it might go off. Don't try and find it, because if you tamper with its enclosure, it will detonate. It might not destroy the entire complex, but it should clear out enough of you to make the world a safer place for freedom. (We call upon you to cease your activities of fomenting wars, destroying economies, spreading fear among the populace, decimating populations through rigged vaccines, making the population docile through food and water additives, clamping down on free speech, and other totalitarian and psychopathic agendas, etc…) -- White Dragon Society

Something along those lines. Maybe someone was just messing around, and the statement I read was not an actual threat. But there was a bomb scare today. I wonder if these two things are related, and the above text is what spurred it. Kurt Nimmo of Infowars speculates that the bomb threat was fabricated as a ruse to block access to the alternative press (the mainstream press [controlled by the Bilderbergers] is nowhere to be found for this super-high-level meeting where the black op agenda is discussed) documenting who is arriving at that event. Perhaps there was something to the threat after all?

I sent a message to Benjamin Fulford of the White Dragon Society for his comment and am waiting to hear back from him (pictured at right next to David Rockefeller, one of the key conspirators of the Bilderbergers he interviewed in Tokyo). I'm guessing it is probably just a hoax by someone else. It certainly would make for an interesting movie plot. (See his response below)

While I am also anti-Bilderberger and pro-freedom, I am not for violence. I think we should resolve our problems through peaceful means as much as possible; and while we will have fragments of freedom, we should do everything in our power to instill change through peaceful means. The Bilderbergers can be brought before a Nuremberg type trial in due time.

I do think that Alex Jones' call for a mass protest at their location in Switzerland is a great idea, and to call for the mainstream press to cover this otherwise secretive event, in which nefarious plans are made for mankind, against the better good of free humanity. Here's his video appeal:

Shortly after sending my email to Fulford, he responded:

You can rest assured that letter has nothing to do with me or any of my associates. Anyway the Bilderbergers are meeting in the Keminski hotel not the Suvretta Hotel as far as I know. If our group were to take action against the Bilderbergers, it would take the form of arrests and trials, not terrorism. Attached FYI is an article about the problems the financial system has.

We are focused on creating a new International Economic Planning Agency to help end poverty, stop environmental destruction and oversee a transition to the new energy and other technologies.

We have set up a White Dragon Foundation and are now soliciting donations.

If you have technical information about new energy technologies you wish to put out into the world, I will make sure wealthy investors get a look at it. Also, if you or your colleagues encounter any sort of illegal harassment or intimidation, we can help.

And a couple of hours later added:

It is called the White Dragon Foundation and has been officially registered as a non-profit organization with the Japanese government. We are hoping some of the legitimate owners of the world's assets (not the Bilderberger usurpers) will be able to use it as a vehicle to invest their money for the good of the planet. I will be lobbying the various industrialists and tycoons I met when working as a journalist on behalf of the foundation.

The White Dragon Society is an informal group who act like a volunteer emergency fire department in times of crisis. We are facing such a crisis situation now.

We are waiting for the bank account to be opened in the name of the foundation. I went on Wednesday to open the account and they told me it would take 3-4 days. However, if people wish to help, please send money via Western Union to Neil Keenan, Plovdiv4000, Bulgaria. He will bring legitimate ID. He is under physical and financial attack because he has prepared the lawsuit that will be the trigger mechanism for the arrest of the Bilderberger Nazis. He desperately needs money because they have frozen his assets. They have offered him astronomical bribes but he is refusing despite the financial pressure he is under.
